Game Day ***Cowboys vs 49ers 1st Half game thread***

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I'm actually fine with that throw. It was a stupid throw, but down 21-3 you need to have a few stupid throws go your way to luck yourself into a comeback.

(I willingly accept any flaming I get for this post)
So the narrative went from Romo has to throw TD's to bail out the defense to now the defense has to put up points to bail this sucker out
What is Romo doing out there? I know he's not beyond interceptions, but these past few years I thought he had moved beyond these rookie kind of decisions where he is throwing into double/triple coverage.

It would be one thing if the defense was making amazing plays, but Romo's just making terrible reads/decisions. Pretty disappointing.
We need to come to terms with the reality that this is probably the last year Tony Romo is starting QB of the Dallas Cowboys.
I'm all for that.

They never should have given him a contract extension. Bad back at 34 yrs of age. High risk decision but that's the way Jerry rolls.
Poor play design from that last replay Witten turning inside freed the DB up completely
This is all I keep seeing in my head..

It was time to move on from Romo after the Washington pick 2 years ago.

This team is stagnant. Not going anywhere. Romo is done.
I'm actually fine with that throw. It was a stupid throw, but down 21-3 you need to have a few stupid throws go your way to luck yourself into a comeback.

(I willingly accept any flaming I get for this post)

or you could try to sustain a solid drive and get this game to 21-10 at halftime.
Is anyone still defending this guy????

Yes! It's ONE bad game! You guys are freaking out over nothing. Thankfully this happened against SF and not a worse team. He'll be fine.
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