Game Day ***Cowboys vs Bears 2nd half thread***

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I love Sean Lee, but I think he needs to get the nickname Sissy until he plays 1 whole season.
Never understood why they bring injured people back so quickly. Make sure the guy is at minimum 98%.
Here's the deal: I have a life. I have interests and hobbies beyond football. Yet, I put many of them on hold for Cowboys football. They're the only team I care that much about. My world doesn't stop for any other team. Only the Cowboys. But there's just no joy in it anymore.

You're lucky. I put mine on hold for the Hokies and Orioles too.
Sorry, but I can't stand guys who are talented enough to get on the field but not talented enough to make a damn play when it's there to be made!
So much for the coaches making an adjustment that would turn it around
I'ma point after 30 years where I'm about to quit rooting for this weak minded no talent quitting team. Over it gonna watch a movie

Im with you. Being a fan of this sorry excuse for a team Is just getting too aggravating in my old age.
Sean Lee hurt.

well....the defense couldnt stop the Bears WITH Lee. So I dont see the difference for this game. Sean Lee is dangerously close to earning the "injury prone" tag.
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