Game Day ***Cowboys vs Bears 2nd half thread***

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I want Dallas to run the clock out so we can say the Bears scored every possession.
I'll help everyone. Romo isn't the issue. Garrett is a large issue who was begetted by Jerry who begetted Kiffin. It's a stupid plan that gets us mid round picks and mediocre. As I said the Texans at 2-11 are better set than us with a new coach, a #1 pick and talent returning
I guess there won't be any threads this week about how Romo is clutch.....I guess they'll have to wait for another week, or maybe next year since it's December...
Miles Austin! Ha wow. Enjoy your last season in Dallas. Man he sucks

Wonder how he will be remembered, as a flash in the pan? Doesn't really fit since he produced at an exceptional level at points for four seasons. Probably as a guy that had his career destroyed by injuries.
The big question for me is whether JG will open his presser with, "How's it going guys?" or will he shake it up a bit?
That Seattle Bandwagon is looking pretty good right now. Stud Corner, young good QB a coach players want to play for a team with attitude. Only 3 players on the Cowboys worth a damn Dez Tyron and Fred. Rest are complete garbage and can take their "process" and shove it. Paying for the NFL Sunday ticket for 18 years flying to games taking time off work spending thousands of dollars on merchandise for what? To watch a team who is Lazy? Gives up? Has no backbone? Crappy schemes? An overrated stat padding QB 2 corners that would be 3rd and 4th corners on other teams? A RB who doesn't like contact? 1 LB who is always hurt another who just flat out sucks and a bum safety in Heath that they for some reason refuse to bench?? Let's give them all raises and talk about the "process". Embarrassment

May not agree with all points but props for the passion.
I know you've been a supporter of Garrett. How are you feeling about this "process" ?

You blame this on Garrett? What is he supposed to do?

This is Jerry @&$!'b Jones in all his hillbilly glory.
Look at the bright side, Romo had a 108 passer rating and, we ran for 200 yards. :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) cough
One of the worst defenses I've ever seen. I thought the 89 team was worse but this one is worse.
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