Game Day ***Cowboys vs Bears 2nd half thread***

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Hey guys has the game started yet? I haven't seen any Cowboys football played tonight but I thought it was an 8:40 kickoff. Let me know when the game starts!

Yeah I'm looking for their heart, must have left it back in Texas!!!!!
Dude, Bears QB threw at least 3 passes that should have been picked. Tony overthrew one pass to Dez, how in the world can you place any blame on Romo? EVERY QB misses a play, no QB could do better with this Cowboy team.

Lol Seriously?
We need to cut Orton as well.. Giving that fat contract to a backup was beyond dumb. Cut him and draft a backup or sign another cheap FA.
I think if he had a perfect defense, perfect oline, perfect WRs, he could. But I don't believe he ever will win one. And we need to look for our qb of the future. As well as our next coach. Jerry better stop gruden in the lobby tonight and have a talk with him

Jerry needs to hire no one. Let someone who knows what there doing do that.
It's easy to point fingers at the defense because they were godawful, but at the same time we knew they would be godawful going into this game. What we also knew was that we'd need a solid running game to win this one, and we got it, yet refused to use it. Why didn't we just stick to the run??

That's a legitimate question asked in a reasonable way. The answer is they should have kept running with the occasional pass when you sucked them up to the LOS looking for it.
In what league?

Almost the entire NFL averages 21 points per week. Literally....25 teams are currently averaging at least 21 points per week.

We are about to get another trash TD, the offense is awesome....hush!
Do you think fans would ever stop going to games? Look how bad Cleveland has been for so many years, and their stadium is still selling out.

The sad part is that Dallas is well on its way to becoming the Browns...
I like how AUstin makes NO ATTEMPT to fight and/or comeback for that ball, yet looks at the ref for a flag. You have to actually make an effort to get a call, moron.
I hate to be one of these downer guys, but best thing for Dallas would be to lose out, get beat bad by WSH and PHI. B/c "being in it" in Week 17 will only encourage Jerry to keep doing what he's doing.

That's realism I've been willing to deal with for years now. It seemed like Jerry sobered up a little (literally and figuratively) when the team gave up against GB.

But now that he is so convinced he's a great GM that he goes to the media with that illusion of grandeur I can see that nothing outside of his passing will change anything for this team.

Atleast we might have a few years of Stephens sanity before the cycle repeats.
That Seattle Bandwagon is looking pretty good right now. Stud Corner, young good QB a coach players want to play for a team with attitude. Only 3 players on the Cowboys worth a damn Dez Tyron and Fred. Rest are complete garbage and can take their "process" and shove it. Paying for the NFL Sunday ticket for 18 years flying to games taking time off work spending thousands of dollars on merchandise for what? To watch a team who is Lazy? Gives up? Has no backbone? Crappy schemes? An overrated stat padding QB 2 corners that would be 3rd and 4th corners on other teams? A RB who doesn't like contact? 1 LB who is always hurt another who just flat out sucks and a bum safety in Heath that they for some reason refuse to bench?? Let's give them all raises and talk about the "process". Embarrassment
holy cow...miles austin DID make the trip. I thought maybe his plane was grounded like Boysfan4ever was.
So this is Garrett's 2nd blowout on national TV.............Wade got blown out once and was many blowouts does Opie get before folks realize he belongs coaching Division 3 Western Omaha?
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