That Seattle Bandwagon is looking pretty good right now. Stud Corner, young good QB a coach players want to play for a team with attitude. Only 3 players on the Cowboys worth a damn Dez Tyron and Fred. Rest are complete garbage and can take their "process" and shove it. Paying for the NFL Sunday ticket for 18 years flying to games taking time off work spending thousands of dollars on merchandise for what? To watch a team who is Lazy? Gives up? Has no backbone? Crappy schemes? An overrated stat padding QB 2 corners that would be 3rd and 4th corners on other teams? A RB who doesn't like contact? 1 LB who is always hurt another who just flat out sucks and a bum safety in Heath that they for some reason refuse to bench?? Let's give them all raises and talk about the "process". Embarrassment