Cowboys Vs Giants ***GAME THREAD*** 2nd Half

M'Kevon;2492452 said:
Why run to Procter's side? He got pushed back 2 yards. :bang2:

If there is a wrong decision to make, it seems Garrett has it cornered. :bang2: :bang2: :bang2:
And to all you people blaming TO for not getting the first down, you people do realize he doesn't actually have that little yellow line out on the field to shoe him where the first down is, right? You do realize it's only the people watching on TV that see that line, right?

Seriously, he was trying to make a play. I'm sure if he'd KNOWN the first down marker was right there, he would have got it instead of trying to make a play.

There's lots to complain about regarding TO, that wasn't one of them.
mikeygaga11;2492407 said:
good job TO slip before the first down

PBJTime;2492408 said:
Owens could have fell forward for the first.

Da Hammer;2492405 said:
damn he had the first had he not slipped...

Rampage;2492406 said:
damn Owens get the 1st!

DaBoys4Life;2492404 said:
damn TO get the first....

zeroburrito;2492403 said:
omg owens...he had the first down.

Seriously guys, i doubt he meant to slip.

You all have slipped before and I HIGHLY doubt you meant to do it..
Boysboy;2492460 said:
Wow...WOW! Owens SLIPPED, and you guys are throwing him under the bus?!?:mad:

he slipped trying to run back to get more yards when he easily had the first. he didn't just slip for no reason.
Da Hammer;2492467 said:
so the o-line deserves no blame for that 3rd down BS??? get the heck out of here!

we never should have been in that situation in the first place.
Boysboy;2492460 said:
Wow...WOW! Owens SLIPPED, and you guys are throwing him under the bus?!?:mad:
All he had to do was go forward. He slipped because he got cute and tried to cut back. get the first down first.
Boysboy;2492460 said:
Wow...WOW! Owens SLIPPED, and you guys are throwing him under the bus?!?:mad:

He was avoding contact. Yes throw him some where.
royw3141;2492455 said:

ok folks lets blame owens because he slipped after trying to make a play he definately didnt slide on purpose come on folks it was a slip!
JakeCamp12;2492457 said:
Why are we running behind Proctor on 3rd and 1 and not Bigg?????

No kidding. We'd gained all of 10 or so yards all night on the ground and we choose to run behind...


That was just straight-up stupid.
1st and 10 shotgun -

Manning pointing out the blitzers, quick screen, here he goes 14 yards.
royw3141;2492481 said:
ok folks lets blame owens because he slipped after trying to make a play he definately didnt slide on purpose come on folks it was a slip!

ok way too many yards on that first play