Cowboys Vs Panthers ***Official Game Thread***

Maybe the Boys are getting a little PO right now and are ready to play football
See Barber isn't the only one that can run it in from that distance.....they just kept giving it to Barber in these situations.


Come on Zimmer......get youe act together
C'mon...! If you ain't got faith in this team, get the heck out of this thread...

This is win or bust territory...

That was a crucial 7 points btw...
Nice run, JJ!

Come on guys. Get after it like it means something to you.
Naruto said:
Thank god they blocked out this game in Houston so I don't have to watch it. I don't want to ruin my Christmas weekend.

It's the only thin being blocked ;)
Thanks BP for not letting Bledsoe become a sitting duck, and rolling him out to make a big play. How hard was that BP? That's called an adjustment. That's what great coaches do, when they have a break down in a certain area, they figure another road to take.
Bigdog24 said:
Maybe the Boys are getting a little PO right now and are ready to play football
was thinking the same thing, you can only take so much crap
koolaid said:
im aware of the o-line situation, actually i think julius is playing just fine - i think its us fans that set too high expectations
I think our expectations for him were fine.....his own expectations were high for himself.

I don't think anybody.....including the team itself, expected the o-line to be this bad.
Also TD Atlanta, nice stretch there for the Cowboys. The Giants and Falcons both scoring against team we need to lose
*puzzled look* did we just score a TD in the 1st Quarter.

its a sign

Go Boys!
Tucker had a nice run block on the TD (at least according to the radio announcers). Gotta give the guy credit where it's due.
Nice KO by Cundiff....what happened to him? His leg just get stronger? :)

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