Twitter: Cowboys working to re-sign Kearse


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Find it always funny when fans say sign or resign a guy but don't overpay. Overpay, really, how much is overpay. The player/agent negotiate with the Team/Stephen and either come to an agreement or not. The player wants X and the team wants Y but usually settle somewhere in the middle. I wonder if a working guy negotiating a salary from a company would say hey I'm not worth that much and I don't want you to overpay me. Yeah, that will never ever happen.

Player deem their worth and a team has the option to pay it or not. If the FO/Coaches believe he will be a key to the defensive or offensive then the player if he knows it will have leverage. A lot of player sign a contract and do much better than the salary they are getting, do you think the team will reward them with a higher salary the next year and rework their contract. Dream on. Contracts are fluid in that the team decides when a player is no longer useful and they release him and he goes elsewhere. Remember when DWare was making to much money and Dallas deemed they would be better off without him, how did that work out FOR HIM.

Not any fan knows if a guy is overpaid or not. We only see what we see on the field. Most of the time we don't know if he is dealing with a minor injury or some sickness or just doesn't give a crap, we just want the greatest results. Same goes for those wonderful draft picks we make every year as you really don't know if the kid you draft is really worth it or did they just work out like crazy to get drafted or drafted higher and really they could care less about winning football only there for the money. Same goes for those high priced free agents. Overpay is just a gamble ever time.


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Better not over pay
He’s played well for only 1 year in this scheme only
His market is limited and Wilson can give us pretty similar results much cheaper

If Wilson gives us "similar results" he'll be in the tub by Game 5 .... again. As I schooled your likes leader bro, Kearse has been playing well since he was inserted as a full time starter which goes back beyond his 1 year with us in our scheme. He was used mostly as a special teamer in Minnesota and when Detroit put him in full time he did well which got our attention in the first place. He's key for this defense so you do your best to get it done instead of being histrionic about spending money. Can't have Dollar Tree value at every position. We got that for a year. Talent costs.


Well-Known Member
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Find it always funny when fans say sign or resign a guy but don't overpay. Overpay, really, how much is overpay. The player/agent negotiate with the Team/Stephen and either come to an agreement or not. The player wants X and the team wants Y but usually settle somewhere in the middle. I wonder if a working guy negotiating a salary from a company would say hey I'm not worth that much and I don't want you to overpay me. Yeah, that will never ever happen.

Player deem their worth and a team has the option to pay it or not. If the FO/Coaches believe he will be a key to the defensive or offensive then the player if he knows it will have leverage. A lot of player sign a contract and do much better than the salary they are getting, do you think the team will reward them with a higher salary the next year and rework their contract. Dream on. Contracts are fluid in that the team decides when a player is no longer useful and they release him and he goes elsewhere. Remember when DWare was making to much money and Dallas deemed they would be better off without him, how did that work out FOR HIM.

Not any fan knows if a guy is overpaid or not. We only see what we see on the field. Most of the time we don't know if he is dealing with a minor injury or some sickness or just doesn't give a crap, we just want the greatest results. Same goes for those wonderful draft picks we make every year as you really don't know if the kid you draft is really worth it or did they just work out like crazy to get drafted or drafted higher and really they could care less about winning football only there for the money. Same goes for those high priced free agents. Overpay is just a gamble ever time.

Some people just don't like seeing players getting paid, period. With Kearse, some want to say that we got a steal for a year and then send him on his way so as to not have to see him rake it in commensurate to his performance.