I don't know if Dak has trust and his wide receivers are not, but Dak has a voice. Most star/big money athlete do. Things soured with Cooper and he was traded, don't think that happens if Dak was opposed to it. In the draft Tolbert was his guy, Tolbert was drafted. Dak supposedly had chemistry with Houston, Houston was active.
Everyone knew the health status of Gallup and Washington. If Dak was unhappy with his wide-outs why not force the issue and get your GM to make a move. What we heard was Dak wanted input and the organization was going to listen to him. As far as play calling shouldn't Dak have a word in that also.
Hard to believe that a star quarterback has no input in play calls, hell why not change the play or call your own play, go off script, call the play you think will work, he's the franchise quarterback. I'm not going to make any excuses for him or Kellen they were horrible. We had horrible management of personnel, horrible game planning and horrible execution. Damn, this is such a bad place to be after 1 week.