Criteria for liking a post

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LMAO...... Any excuse is better than none I guess.....

Reminds me of a joke I once heard.....

A man and woman gets married and make it to their honeymoon suite.
The man takes off his pants and throws them at his new wife and says, Try these on baby."
She pulls them up and they fall to her feet, she pulls them up and like before they fall to her feet and she replies, " These don't fit me."
He says, "That's right baby because I am the man. I wear the pants in this relationship."
She nods then takes off her panties and throws them at the man saying "try these on Attila."
He gets them to about his knees and he is pulling and grunting and finally yells out "I can't get into these!"
She replies, "And you never will with that kind of attitude."
Well, I couldn't keep the junk buckled Down was the first indicator I'd fished out a pair from the wrong side of the dresser drawero_O

And I have tried that Joe Namath panty hose thing when I was about 13 or 14 one cold winter out rabbit hunting with a pair of those that came in a plastic egg from one of my sisters( I think I had to give her money or buy her a pair) anyway, I didn't seem to notice any added warmth benefit and concluded Namath was just " that away",,,:lmao2:
Well, I couldn't keep the junk buckled Down was the first indicator I'd fished out a pair from the wrong side of the dresser drawero_O

And I have tried that Joe Namath panty hose thing when I was about 13 or 14 one cold winter out rabbit hunting with a pair of those that came in a plastic egg from one of my sisters( I think I had to give her money or buy her a pair) anyway, I didn't seem to notice any added warmth benefit and concluded Namath was just " that away",,,:lmao2:

Why is it I can see Melon playing the role of Billy Zane in the first Sniper movie?

Reminds me of Gucci flauge

I know, I know. There's just something fun about tormenting the rag-tag refugees that I can't get past.

When I say I don't really like a guy, I don't actually mean it. Except for @YosemiteSam, and nobody likes him.
I assumed as much...about the not actually meaning it part, not the Yosemite Sam part...After all, it wouldn't be right to have a mod going around talking that way about people until he knows them well enough to dislike them.
I've been a member here for quite a while now. Since 2011 if I'm not mistaken.
I have never given a post a like because I associate likes with Facebook. I've been the beneficiary of many likes and I need to start returning the love.
What factors do you look for when you like a post?
Do like me: whatever tickles your fancy.
Although... I used to be known for "Like Bombing" entire pages of threads until certain Mods, that shall remain nameless, "discouraged" said maneuver.

But "Like Bombing" would get stale threads going again!!!
I had reasons...
Lmao,,,,,this might not work for you Jed,,, but when in doubt ,I quickly scan the posters user handle for the first
Letter (or nearest one) to the four points of the compass,then I glance at the 4 shrunken human heads I have suspend from the ceiling in the 4 corresponding points of direction,,,for instance, Jed,
You are of the northern shrunken head & since it's currently facing away from me,,,,you don't get one,,,,o_O

I still remember our first encounter...
I'm glad we came to a mutual reconciliation, my good friend.

I was fresh out of... well I had been here before and then rejoining the world and then there was You.
I was still in my previous mode and things got sideways pretty fast and now...

You my homie, Homie.
You need to chart it. Find out which stances and points you're making are getting the most likes and make more of those types of posts. Lose the stances that don't produce likes. Keep track of where the likes come from so you're not sending likes to someone who doesn't give back.

Posting breaking news is a good likes generator and really takes the worry out of whether it's good or bad for the Cowboys. Will this new CB they just signed work out? Don't care. I got 20 likes out of it. It's worked for me.
You guys are thinking way too much into this. A Like is nothing. It’s nothing. It’s a way to deposit a “read receipt” a “I read your post, good stuff” a “I don’t agree, but compelling argument” a “damned awesome guttural post, cheers” a “I want more of what this guy is having” a “that’s my pal, I’ll Like his post, **** off” a “who cares what I Like... oh, you do, person-who-scans-the-post-to-see-whom-Likes-it,-weirdo.

The first Beer Thread got fronted off

@Nightman (I’ve made more elloquent posts on the matter, but here’s my most recent cut n paste):

It's called the Beer Thread Rule. Kinda like all those Dallas Cowboys rules. Ergo, this makes us the Dallas Cowboys of CZ, @Reality :star:

But yeah, GJ, our first thread was declared a ploy and trick and fake and scheme and dupe etc etc etc. It was shut down, publicly flogged, it's members were made to feel guilty (also, in public)... aaaaaaaaand the next day we open this one and now there's 21k posts.

Those people that poopoo'd our first bar, that said this would be buried pages deep in the anus of the OT Zone before the 2017-18 season started, that we won't use it if we don't get Likes, etc., well they've never retracted that bulljyve they spewed, and they spewed it publicly. Made us feel like punks, like we did something wrong. When they were the ones that were petty, naive, reactionary etc etc etc. They were the ones that were wrong. On many levels. That Bar would have over 35k posts and dwarf over anything this site has ever posted.

I'm incredibly upset as I recall all of that. The snide, low-key jabs I would get from certain people in PMs, the overreaction of the site, the spectacle. No apology. Nothing.

We went through quite a bit in that old thread, lots of big moments, for several members, were shared, as the moments/events/happenings unfolded. And for it to be treated the way it was. How special that thread was.

I'm really damned heated.

Not a single sentence in this post of mine is false. It's vague because I must be, but everything is true. And for anyone to deny ANY aspect or point or observation in this post would be a slap to the old thread, its users, the new thread, and its users.

Time for a drink. And time to chill out.

EDIT -- the Beer Thread Rule also encompasses several other threads, and is also invoked once a thread is deemed a farming ploy used by it's otherwise good intentioned posters. Another explanation given to CZ users, directly from the site, is touched on below.

I'm sure DougSmith1973, who has been a member since 2004, has 10,000 posts, but only 78 Likes (Like system is a relatively new feature of the site; many older posters never saw a Like), married, with three screaming kids, is on page 12 of an OT thread discussing his favorite hobby: remote control helicopters. He could care less about Likes, and you'd be hard pressed to find more than one or two posters intentionally trying to grab Likes. Hell, people do it on the Main Board. I don't see any glaring discrepancies between the two Zones. Of course, we're told this starting and stopping of Likes, usually occurring mid/late thread, is done to even the playing field for those that don't post in the OT Zone. Rob Peter to pay Paul and all of that.

What am I saying? Someone here knows. I need to eat. Bye


So that was a post I made. It isn’t as detailed as it should be. I’m not even going to re-read it, as I’m too lazy, this sober.

Get off your horses (not directed at you, anymore, Nightman), and read between the lines. The Beer Thread (the first one, and the larger second one) wasn’t here to upset the status quo. Just a thread where a bunch of people — friends outside of the Zone — congregated.

No fishing “phishing”, no frills, no secret society.
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You guys are thinking way too much into this. A Like is nothing. It’s nothing. It’s a way to deposit a “read receipt” a “I read your post, good stuff” a “I don’t agree, but compelling argument” a “damned awesome guttural post, cheers” a “I want more of what this guy is having” a “that’s my pal, I’ll Like his post, **** off” a “who cares what I Like... oh, you do, person-who-scans-the-post-to-see-whom-Likes-it,-weirdo.

The first Beer Thread got fronted off

@Nightman (I’ve made more elloquent posts on the matter, but here’s my most recent cut n paste):

It's called the Beer Thread Rule. Kinda like all those Dallas Cowboys rules. Ergo, this makes us the Dallas Cowboys of CZ, @Reality :star:

But yeah, GJ, our first thread was declared a ploy and trick and fake and scheme and dupe etc etc etc. It was shut down, publicly flogged, it's members were made to feel guilty (also, in public)... aaaaaaaaand the next day we open this one and now there's 21k posts.

Those people that poopoo'd our first bar, that said this would be buried pages deep in the anus of the OT Zone before the 2017-18 season started, that we won't use it if we don't get Likes, etc., well they've never retracted that bulljyve they spewed, and they spewed it publicly. Made us feel like punks, like we did something wrong. When they were the ones that were petty, naive, reactionary etc etc etc. They were the ones that were wrong. On many levels. That Bar would have over 35k likes and dwarf over anything this site has ever posted.

I'm incredibly upset as I recall all of that. The snide, low-key jabs I would get from certain people in PMs, the overreaction of the site, the spectacle. No apology. Nothing.

We went through quite a bit in that old thread, lots of big moments, for several members, were shared, as the moments/events/happenings unfolded. And for it to be treated the way it was. How special that thread was.

I'm really damned heated.

Not a single sentence in this post of mine is false. It's vague because I must be, but everything is true. And for anyone to deny ANY aspect or point or observation in this post would be a slap to the old thread, its users, the new thread, and its users.

Time for a drink. And time to chill out.

EDIT -- the Beer Thread Rule also encompasses several other threads, and is also invoked once a thread is deemed a farming ploy used by it's otherwise good intentioned posters. Another explanation given to CZ users, directly from the site, is touched on below.

I'm sure DougSmith1973, who has been a member since 2004, has 10,000 posts, but only 78 Likes (Like system is a relatively new feature of the site; many older posters never saw a Like), married, with three screaming kids, is on page 12 of an OT thread discussing his favorite hobby: remote control helicopters. He could care less about Likes, and you'd be hard pressed to find more than one or two posters intentionally trying to grab Likes. Hell, people do it on the Main Board. I don't see any glaring discrepancies between the two Zones. Of course, we're told this starting and stopping of Likes, usually occurring mid/late thread, is done to even the playing field for those that don't post in the OT Zone. Rob Peter to pay Paul and all of that.

What am I saying? Someone here knows. I need to eat. Bye


So that’s was a post I made. It isn’t as detailed as it should be. I’m not even going to re-read it, as I’m too lazy, this sober. Get off your horses (not directed at you, anymore, Nightman), and read between the lines. The Beer Thread (the first one, and the larger second one) wasn’t here to upset the status quo. Just a thread with a bunch of people — friends outside of the Zone — congregated.

No fishing “phishing”, no frills, no secret society.
I don't even have to read it i take @Trouty word as gold.
/like x10k
I’m so sick and tired of people blaming the first beer thread.

Ask Reality how many times I told him to delete it.

You guys parade that thread around as some threat to your ridiculous Like complex

Get over it.
Delete my first beer thread, and the second, and this guy is still over 50k Likes, while under 15k posts.

And to the “group of people Liking each other’s posts” wah wah wah. Shuddup and be ashamed you’ve sulked over nonsense.

Nightman, again, this isn’t at you. You know I adore your posts, even through our own muck
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