Criteria for liking a post

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I’m so sick and tired of people blaming the first beer thread.

Ask Reality how many times I told him to delete it.

You guys parade that thread around as some threat to your ridiculous Like complex

Get over it.
Delete my first beer thread, and the second, and this guy is still over 50k Likes, while under 15k posts.

And to the “group of people Liking each other’s posts” wah wah wah. Shuddup and be ashamed you’ve sulked over nonsense.

Nightman, again, this isn’t at you. You know I adore your posts, even through our own muck

trouty, talk about inferiority complex - no fair, they like each other too much

I know myself, Dave, and Amy can scew the Likes of CZ in one swoop.

Some of the very same people decrying the CZ Like system have benefited mightily from just the three of us. Melonfeud, too.

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, especially to that one Zone supporter in here eschewing “friends Liking posts” Bigeasywhatever

Some of us just don’t care, want folks to be heard and validated. No easier way than clicking an easy arse Like
Well, I couldn't keep the junk buckled Down was the first indicator I'd fished out a pair from the wrong side of the dresser drawero_O

And I have tried that Joe Namath panty hose thing when I was about 13 or 14 one cold winter out rabbit hunting with a pair of those that came in a plastic egg from one of my sisters( I think I had to give her money or buy her a pair) anyway, I didn't seem to notice any added warmth benefit and concluded Namath was just " that away",,,:lmao2:
Broadway Joe :yourock::yourock::yourock:
As most have said, I give a 'Like' for a post that I agree with or because someone took the time to validate their claim whether I agree with it or not. Unfortunately, there are people here who give 'Likes' for posts made by their 'crew' no matter if they agree with what was posted or not. I've seen numerous posts, that are beyond stupid, get more 'Likes' than posts made by people who took some serious time researching stats, linking articles, etc.. That is why 'Likes' will never mean much here.
You. It’s you I’m referring to. Wah wah?
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