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So bizarre, brother.

This is the undercurrent of CZ. It’s latched on to the displaced that just arrived, too.

Going through their posts in the Member’s Zone shows how big a deal this is.

That’s fine, I get it.

But don’t let this lead a small faction into some beef with a thread that was real. And a new one that proved it.

And Idgit, you will always be the truth. :)

Back in the day, we didn’t have these fancy ‘likes,’ and we had to guess at our popularity by the quality of posters who replied to us. Risen and I were buds in those days, until the like button tore us apart. Sigh.
The crazy thing is, I like Garrett as a coach, but I’ve actually got a fair list of stuff I don’t like about him or that he’s botched. It’s just there’s so much misguided criticism of him and the team, and that stuff’s like catnip to me.
I know, brother. I know that you stand behind the convictions of your posts.

I respect it, I love it! I don’t agree, but you so damned rad-ly back your position up. Never back down.
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