No government has the option of running a digital currency. They do not even run their own currencies.
Imagine starting a new country. You need money for infrastructure and money to get the country started. The central banks comes and offers to loan you money. You borrow 10 billion dollars with interest. You print 10 billion dollars. 10 years later, the interest is 10 billion dollars on the 10 billion dollars you borrowed. The total money owed to the banks is 20 billion dollars. The country only has the 10 billion dollars that they printed, and there is no way to pay the debt of 20 billion dollars. This is a debt based currency. Gold backed currency would be, I have 10 billion printed dollars based on 10 billion dollars worth of gold in reserve.
If we liquidated every business, all the personal wealth and possessions, and all the land in the United States, we could not pay of the debt owed to the central bank. All the money being spent by the government is made up. They have no money, they produce nothing..
Crypto is made up. It is worth what the seller sells it for and what the buyer buys it for.
All debt based currencies fail. Governments don't have anything to lose, they do not produce anything. The people will lose. The talk of a great reset, is to reset the control to another system from the current one that is failing. There is also a quote by the group talking of the great reset that says "you will own nothing and be happy". Everyones debt will be wiped out and people will be happy about it, but they will own nothing, and a new system will be put into place. Or something along those lines. If you take the debt in the U.S., and divide it by everyone man, woman, and child, that is the debt each person owes.
This is my understanding