Culture, discipline and accountability


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I feel like these three things are the Crux of our problems with our team and why we are not making it further in the playoffs.

I like Mike McCarthy as a coach I think he's done a good job but I think for us to get further we are going to have to fix these three problems and I don't think he is strong enough to do it.

Right at this moment is a very unique time in football history where there is a virtual dream team of Hall of Fame coaches looking for jobs.

In short I think Mike McCarthy can get us to the playoffs consistently but Bill belichick might be able to get us to an NFC championship game because of his attention to our three main problems.

I believe until we fix these problems we never know how much talent we really have on the team and that talent can never reach its potential.

After weighing the pros and cons I just believe we might really kick ourselves if we don't take advantage of a proven super bowl winners knowledge of team building while we have this unique opportunity.

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I think for Mike Vrable would also bring the same type of discipline and accountability in a much younger guy.
But it just seems like a no-brainer if you're having trouble in the playoffs why not get a guy who's been there and one more super bowls than anyone else if he's available


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Yep with belichick running the team that would be interesting to watch him in hard knocks but I don't think he would do it he's too secretive


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It would sure be interesting to watch belichick just blow the whole thing up get a whole bunch of draft picks let him build the team keep Jerry out of it which I believe kind of like parcels Jerry would have more restraint and respect because of his record in the playoffs and super bowl to let him do what he thought was best.


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After all these cupcake coaches you kind of have to wonder if a guy with the stones of belichick would be able to change this culture he has the resume a resume that no one else can come close to producing Jerry has to respect that he has no choice if he were to hire him but to respect that resume.

But mark my Belichick check would make it uncomfortable for Jerry and I don't know if he's ready for that


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There needs to be a standard set within the organization that results matter. They held on too long with Garrett and now they have held on too long with MM. if there ever was a game that deemed a coach be terminated this was it.

The players see this and as a result a culture will settle in that excellence is really not expected. All his discussion of holding people accountable is laughable.


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I feel like these three things are the Crux of our problems with our team and why we are not making it further in the playoffs.

I like Mike McCarthy as a coach I think he's done a good job but I think for us to get further we are going to have to fix these three problems and I don't think he is strong enough to do it.

Right at this moment is a very unique time in football history where there is a virtual dream team of Hall of Fame coaches looking for jobs.

In short I think Mike McCarthy can get us to the playoffs consistently but Bill belichick might be able to get us to an NFC championship game because of his attention to our three main problems.

I believe until we fix these problems we never know how much talent we really have on the team and that talent can never reach its potential.

After weighing the pros and cons I just believe we might really kick ourselves if we don't take advantage of a proven super bowl winners knowledge of team building while we have this unique opportunity.

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I would like to see what bill could do here, but sadly jerry isnt interested, not just bill but any of those other guys.
Makes me wonder about that sleepover now lol.

I would have been all in again if he hired BB, but now will just be casual sort of fan.
Mike is a bozo, he has said several times he knows how to win championships, and he doesnt have a clue, just lucked into one 14 years ago
with a young aaron rodgers and vg team.

mike will never fix those problems last season he said he would fix the penalties, did he do that ?? lol
He doesnt know how !!
Nothing is going to change with cowboys, stephen A the one thing he said I thought was good, like 2 years ago, is no matter how good the cowboys
look, in playoffs they will find a way to lose, blow it somehow.
This stems from jerry, and the culture he creates.

I think BB could maybe change all that but maybe not.
Dallas players are not all divas, but the main stars are, and it is hard to get these overpaid pampered stars to work hard, play hard always, and have a strong desire to win.
Mostly cowboys players ( like others in nfl today) they care most about self glorification and $$$$ , spend that money and live like kings that wear goofy clothes etc.
They dont care about winning a SB unless it comes easy, to them it is the cherry on top of the cake, and they are plenty satisfied with just the cake.


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After the past 3 years and even though the lost Garret era it's become painfully obvious that there is no discipline or accountability in whatever culture surrounds the franchise. I mean just looking at how they have said many times they are going to address the penalty thing and yet always seem to be in at least the top 10 if not top 5 in the league year after year. Maybe because they are given too many texting breaks and not enough coaching to learn snap counts to change. I think it's just wishful thinking to expect anything to change at this point


Beyond tired of Jerry
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I feel like these three things are the Crux of our problems with our team and why we are not making it further in the playoffs.

I like Mike McCarthy as a coach I think he's done a good job but I think for us to get further we are going to have to fix these three problems and I don't think he is strong enough to do it.

Right at this moment is a very unique time in football history where there is a virtual dream team of Hall of Fame coaches looking for jobs.

In short I think Mike McCarthy can get us to the playoffs consistently but Bill belichick might be able to get us to an NFC championship game because of his attention to our three main problems.

I believe until we fix these problems we never know how much talent we really have on the team and that talent can never reach its potential.

After weighing the pros and cons I just believe we might really kick ourselves if we don't take advantage of a proven super bowl winners knowledge of team building while we have this unique opportunity.

Your thoughts
Wade Phillips, JG, Big Mike - Jerry doesn't hire coaches strong enough to change any of those things. Jerry sets the culture, and players know if they're in good with him then they don't have to worry about what the coach thinks.

There have been two exceptions: Jimmy and Parcells. Jimmy was in charge, got the credit, and Jerry couldn't stand it. Parcells was brought in to appease voters for Jerry's new stadium referendum. Things returned to how Jerry likes them when the Tuna left.


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I feel like these three things are the Crux of our problems with our team and why we are not making it further in the playoffs.

I like Mike McCarthy as a coach I think he's done a good job but I think for us to get further we are going to have to fix these three problems and I don't think he is strong enough to do it.

Right at this moment is a very unique time in football history where there is a virtual dream team of Hall of Fame coaches looking for jobs.

In short I think Mike McCarthy can get us to the playoffs consistently but Bill belichick might be able to get us to an NFC championship game because of his attention to our three main problems.

I believe until we fix these problems we never know how much talent we really have on the team and that talent can never reach its potential.

After weighing the pros and cons I just believe we might really kick ourselves if we don't take advantage of a proven super bowl winners knowledge of team building while we have this unique opportunity.

Your thoughts
Last time we had all 3,the tuna was the coach.


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Players know that win, lose, or draw, the checks wont bounce and they will be treated like royalty. And it is even better for Jerry's faves.


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What Jerry is forgetting is that winning another Super Bowl would increase Dallas shine even more that all the extra Jerry tries to do for attention……it’s better for the team OVERALL if the team won…..but Jerry is too focused on himself that he doesn’t see the opportunity to get a coach who has what we need (discipline, preparation, drive and motivation, hard nosed mentality) to win a SB and fulfill BOTH Jerry’s goals of winning and attention. They didn’t get mega popular in th 90s because of him, but because of the players, Jimmy, and how they won…..let the coach coach.


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Three other things that would help are:

Big, fast and physical RB
Run stuffing, pocket collapsing DT
Big and nasty sideline to sideline LB

Imagine how different the 2023 Cowboys would have looked with those 3 players on the field.


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Three other things that would help are:

Big, fast and physical RB
Run stuffing, pocket collapsing DT
Big and nasty sideline to sideline LB

Imagine how different the 2023 Cowboys would have looked with those 3 players on the field.
I'm 100% on board with all that wanted Jerry to make Derrick Henry an offer he couldn't refuse been talking about getting a run stuffing pocket collapsing defensive tackle with ksk since the old forum as a matter of fact since dontari Poe was a rookie.

But I don't think any of it will work unless you got a coach that can put it all together and still the discipline get rid of these penalties and I think we have a unique situation here where this guy has been in nine super bowls and one six of them it's not just a coincidence or luck the guy knows how to build a team and get it to the big game just thinking if we don't take advantage of this opportunity will kick ourselves later