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Agree with all except the last paragraph.

If another curse word was never uttered, .. the world, any book, any movie, any music, etc. would be the worse for it.

We would get along just fine.

If you ever watched a military movie with any actions after WWII and you don't hear the soldiers cussing...It is not very realistic.

Military vocabulary and civilian can be very different.

I think when some people leave the military it takes them some time to adjust back to using that type of language as much.

There was a great scene that illustrated that point in the movie Hamburger Hill how a soldier is telling someone how is he going to act when he gets home and gives an example of being at the dinner table with his mom and saying pass the blanking potatoes and the ham blanking a great.

I remember a few years ago there was a short made for TV military miniseries about some soldiers in Afghanistan and since it was made for TV none of the soldiers ever cursed and it was so bizarre because it was in no way realistic of how soldiers talk among each other.
If you ever watched a military movie with any actions after WWII and you don't hear the soldiers cussing...It is not very realistic.

Military vocabulary and civilian can be very different.

I think when some people leave the military it takes them some time to adjust back to using that type of language as much.

There was a great scene that illustrated that point in the movie Hamburger Hill how a soldier is telling someone how is he going to act when he gets home and gives an example of being at the dinner table with his mom and saying pass the blanking potatoes and the ham blanking a great.

I remember a few years ago there was a short made for TV military miniseries about some soldiers in Afghanistan and since it was made for TV none of the soldiers ever cursed and it was so bizarre because it was in no way realistic of how soldiers talk among each other.

I remember the scene in "Hamburger Hill". It's one of my favorite war flicks. I have friends who were in the "101st" in that battle. If you've ever heard the peculiar sound a mortar round impacting makes, that's the exact sound in that movie.
Military vocabulary and civilian can be very different.


Never would I ever pretend to know what it is like in the military, or in combat.

Nor would I ever question how each soldier chooses to handle it, how they choose to carry himself/herself, or the language they choose.
I just don't get it. Curse words are part of the vocabulary now just like the, and, but, and are.

And why shouldn't they be? They are just words like any other, there is no reason for them to be taboo.
I really didn't mean that there is a "direct correlation" between intelligence and cursing, although I do think there is with vocabulary.
But it does play into it.

Gemini Dolly gave a perfect example of what I am talking about.

And those that say "there is a time and place for it", or that they "watch the company that they are in", .. do understand the stigma that comes from cursing, they just ignore it sometimes.

Cursing used as adjectives is ridiculous, .. like the "there is a ****ing snake" example above. Think about it, .. what did you truly just say?

My grandson is 3 now but back when he was in his 2's, if he started to fuss he would just cry a little, and my son would say, "use your words, use your words, tell me what you want."

That's what I feel like saying when I hear people using curse words as adjectives, and things like that instead of the real words they mean. LOL

Get a dictionary or a thesaurus.

When I look at myself, I would much rather be thought of as one that never uses words like that, instead of having people look at me and know me as one that uses vulgar language. I have more respect for myself as a non-cusser than I would have for myself as a cusser.

But that's just me.

What exactly makes it vulgar? Because someone told you so when you were a kid?
What exactly makes it vulgar? Because someone told you so when you were a kid?

Yes, .. and someone before them, and someone before them, and before them, etc. There is a reason for that.

A lot if not most of them are words for things like certain parts of the body, or certain things that we do privately, that just don't need mentioned or talked about out in public.

This didn't just become an issue 10 years ago or anything.

Everybody has the choice to use those words or not to, ... I choose not to. Do as you wish.
What exactly makes it vulgar? Because someone told you so when you were a kid?

What exactly makes it acceptable? If it is offensive to somebody, should it not be considered as such? I've been told that in the past. What do you think?
What exactly makes it acceptable? If it is offensive to somebody, should it not be considered as such? I've been told that in the past. What do you think?

Anything can be offensive, and if we follow that reasoning, then we shouldn't say anything because someone may get offended.

Personally, I have very little respect for people that get offended over much of anything that isn't a direct attack on someone.
Anything can be offensive, and if we follow that reasoning, then we shouldn't say anything because someone may get offended.

Personally, I have very little respect for people that get offended over much of anything that isn't a direct attack on someone.

What would you consider to be a direct attack?
Yes, .. and someone before them, and someone before them, and before them, etc. There is a reason for that.

A lot if not most of them are words for things like certain parts of the body, or certain things that we do privately, that just don't need mentioned or talked about out in public.

This didn't just become an issue 10 years ago or anything.

Everybody has the choice to use those words or not to, ... I choose not to. Do as you wish.

What is the reason? People say there is, but I've never heard one even coming close to a good one by any rational measure. There are other words for the same things that are considered fine. Just because something has been, doesn't mean it's not irrational or stupid.
If I called you an idiot, I could certainly understand if you were offended (Assuming I wasn't joking around).

That doesn't really answer the question though. That is one specific term but that doesn't really explain what would go into making up your definition of a personal attack.
Ah, a good old fashioned paradox lol

To an extent, I suppose. The discussion seems to revolve around the idea that certain words are no longer held in poor regard. That over time, views on such terms or language have changed. I don't know that this is the case. It seems to me that younger people often believe this to be true but is it?

I liken it to the drinking age when I was young. When I was 18, I was in favor of reducing the age limit to 18 and believed that it's time had come. Obviously, I was wrong and not just in the believe that it's time had come. Now that I am older, I am no longer in favor of changing that age limitation. In fact, far from it.
so basically, there are some that have no problem with dropping f bombs when there are kids (younger than 12) around just because they don;t find the word "vulgar". And if they were asked to take their language elsewhere because it did offend those people that are trying to raise their kids without that being a regular part of their vocabulary, then the person spewing the f bombs would be the one offended and have the right to drop a few more f bombs on the ones that don't want to hear it. I think that is about the way I see it and the way it is pretty much it goes. Absolutely no respect for anyone else. And no I don't feel those that drop f bombs around my grandkids deserves any respect.
Yes, .. and someone before them, and someone before them, and before them, etc. There is a reason for that.

A lot if not most of them are words for things like certain parts of the body, or certain things that we do privately, that just don't need mentioned or talked about out in public.

This didn't just become an issue 10 years ago or anything.

Everybody has the choice to use those words or not to, ... I choose not to. Do as you wish.

Yeah, not to be THAT guy to pull out ridiculous comparisons, but the same argument used to be made by people who didn't want to stop owning slaves, or now about whatever gay rights. "Cause my dad and dad's dad" blah blah. We need to grow up as a culture. Remove the "Bad/Vulgar" title from them, and over the years they'd be used less. Taboos are attractive to children. Most children who curse do so because it's something "Wicked" They can get away with. If it was just some word like any other it wouldn't be an issue. There is nothing magic about those words that draws people to them other than the Taboo label.
Yeah, not to be THAT guy to pull out ridiculous comparisons, but the same argument used to be made by people who didn't want to stop owning slaves, or now about whatever gay rights. "Cause my dad and dad's dad" blah blah. We need to grow up as a culture. Remove the "Bad/Vulgar" title from them, and over the years they'd be used less. Taboos are attractive to children. Most children who curse do so because it's something "Wicked" They can get away with. If it was just some word like any other it wouldn't be an issue. There is nothing magic about those words that draws people to them other than the Taboo label.

And people who are offended by the words just need to what? I don't really agree with much of your post here, only because some of those words do actually represent certain things and it's not a matter of just arbitrarily attaching some kind of stigmatic meaning to them. There is basis behind them.

The argument about people who owned slaves is, IMO, not a valid comparison. Not only were they forced to comply to the fact that owning slaves offended a certain segment of people who were, more then likely different then the slave owner, that was also like 150 years ago. We should really be maturing, IMO or, to use your own words, grow up. We should not be ignoring the obvious discomfort that kind of language produces in certain segments of our society but rather, we should be holding people to a hire standard of behavior and not simply tolerating. We should be forcing our own society to be more tolerant and respectful of other peoples feelings.
so basically, there are some that have no problem with dropping f bombs when there are kids (younger than 12) around just because they don;t find the word "vulgar". And if they were asked to take their language elsewhere because it did offend those people that are trying to raise their kids without that being a regular part of their vocabulary, then the person spewing the f bombs would be the one offended and have the right to drop a few more f bombs on the ones that don't want to hear it. I think that is about the way I see it and the way it is pretty much it goes. Absolutely no respect for anyone else. And no I don't feel those that drop f bombs around my grandkids deserves any respect.

If I saw someone in a Packers jersey and for whatever lame reason, I decided it offended me, or it was vulgar, and I asked them to take it off or leave, you'd be okay with that? And I'm not talking about at my house, I'm talking about anywhere out in public. Should the Packer fan respect that I don't want to be offended by his jersey and don't want my kids seeing it or thinking it's something okay to wear?

Speaking for me personally though, I do my best not to use those words around people who I either know are bothered by it or if I'm not sure if they may be. I do it as a courtesy, but that doesn't change the fact that I think it's stupid and downright silly that someone gets bothered by a word, especially if they are okay with other words with the same meaning. Poop or ****, it's the same thing. If there is anything to get upset about, it's the context in which words may be used, not the words themselves.
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