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The same as a fart/belch does but you don't do that in public. (or shouldn't) Farts/Belches cause no harm. They don't all smell bad and if they do they never killed anyone. No One is at risk. They are not considered bad but many times necessary to relieve gas But still with all that said, you don't do it. Why? Because they are disrespectful. People are supposed to have manners. And cursing goes hand in hand with bad manners and being disrespectful.

I mean this is another discussion entirely, but I'd discuss it if you really want to.
Never had a problem with someone burping, I do think it's kind of silly that people get offended over farts/belches to be honest. It'd be rude to burp loudly when someone is speaking, or in a situation where quite is needed, but no more than yelling out "WA WAAAA".
Farts don't all smell bad and they never killed anyone. I agree! And have no problem with people farting, even if the smell is unpleasant. I think it's silly the way our society treats farts. However, "Unpleasant smell" is at least an acceptable and logical point in favor of not farting in public. There's room for discussion here behind "I was just taught not to do it".

People keep saying Cursing is bad manners/disrespectful, but yet again, there is no "why".
There are thousands of things that used to be considered bad manners/disrespectful that no longer are. My argument is that curse words, in our future, should be on the same list of things that are no longer considered bad manners or disrespectful.
You answered your own question. You have no problem with farting and burping but do recognize there are times you don't do it. That is all I am saying. Sometimes words come out. But they should not in front of kids or in situations where some may be offended. Using your logic it would be quite ok for your 3 year old to talk to his playmate and tell them He F bomb loves to play games with him. I am sure the playmates mom would find that so cute.
So, when to you cuss, or do you ever cuss?

I do cuss. In fact, I have to be very mindful of it because like many of you, my background lends itself towards that as well. I just try to be mindful of these things. I was raised to show respect towards these things and I try not to dismiss that.

Now, that's not to say that I am better or anything of the kind. I am not, I just try to adhere to certain things. However, I did stay in a Holiday Inn last night so..............
I pick and choose based on logic and reason, not what I value as important. Again, in this entire thread, not one logical argument made in favor of bad words. It's pretty much just been "cause I was taught that". Worth having.. same thing. This thread has demonstrated NO WORTH to words being bad.

This is not true. I think that we have all accepted the fact that we are governed by Society in these matters. If you disagree with that, then there is no argument between each of our positions. You are outside of Society and I elect to conform to society in this matter. However, if you agree with that, then the question becomes, has society reached a point where they no longer care about cursing and bad language? I don't think society has come anywhere close to that. The proof you ask for is not germane to the subject if Society is the litmus.
He is absolutelu right. Not in this thread or anywhere in my 36 years has a rational reason been given. It is always because that's what society says (which is probably not true and the one of the worst ways to judge the worth of something), because it's vulgar (with no rationale for how it is vulgar or how they differ from other words with the same meaning), or some other nonsense that all comes down to, "Just cause!"

You either choose to live within Societies boundaries or you choose to live outside of them. This is not a give me proof kind of thing. Society does not require proof because it will move on with or without you, based on it's own considerations.

As example, a guy holds a sign in Time Square that says "The End is coming!" Well, you know what, the end is coming and Scientifically, we know this. However, the end may be a very long time from now. Society looks at this person and it decides that he is probably a bit off, all the while, his statement is essentially correct.

You choose to be a part of Society or you choose to be outside of it. Either way, Society will decide it's own direction and it does not require proof from you or I or anybody in many cases.
I sure do think less of her now.

My point exactly. You see, this commercial is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. That girl clearly doesn't know or understand Jack. At one point in that video, she is questioning here level of hot. She says something to the effect of, I'm the hottest girl in you psych class hot but am I beer commercial hot? Well, clearly she is out to lunch. Anybody who has ever drank beer in their entire lives knows and understands that it doesn't matter how hot you are or are not. It only matters how much beer is required and how much you have consumed, in order to bring a person to the level of Beer Commercial Hot.

These are the kinds of things that make it hard me to put much credibility in commercials such as this.

You either choose to live within Societies boundaries or you choose to live outside of them. This is not a give me proof kind of thing. Society does not require proof because it will move on with or without you, based on it's own considerations.

As example, a guy holds a sign in Time Square that says "The End is coming!" Well, you know what, the end is coming and Scientifically, we know this. However, the end may be a very long time from now. Society looks at this person and it decides that he is probably a bit off, all the while, his statement is essentially correct.

You choose to be a part of Society or you choose to be outside of it. Either way, Society will decide it's own direction and it does not require proof from you or I or anybody in many cases.

So, you decide what is right and wrong based on what society tells you? You have no capacity to think for yourself?
So, you decide what is right and wrong based on what society tells you? You have no capacity to think for yourself?

I guess I don't understand. It has been explained, in detail, that it is not I or you who decides. It is a collective, designated as "Society" who decides. Obviously, you can decide for yourself what you wish to do but in so far as this proof you demand, that is not something that is relevant because it is not one individual who decides. There is no database for society where you can just query info.

I get the feeling you are trying to skirt the issue here.
I guess I don't understand. It has been explained, in detail, that it is not I or you who decides. It is a collective, designated as "Society" who decides. Obviously, you can decide for yourself what you wish to do but in so far as this proof you demand, that is not something that is relevant because it is not one individual who decides. There is no database for society where you can just query info.

I get the feeling you are trying to skirt the issue here.

And I think you are and have been skirting the issue.

There is no clear evidence what society has "decided." I don't think they have decided anything, except if you go by their actions, and considering that almost everyone does (and has for a very long time) indeed "curse" then it would seem society doesn't really have a problem with these words. But the stigma society has supposedly cast on these words comes merely from fact that people were told the words were bad at some point growing up, not because of logic and reason. Society today, yesterday, 100 years ago never got together and decided anything, it's always just been, "just because." Society definitely doesn't decide things for me. Do you think Just Bieber is cool because society says so? And even if it was determined that society actually did decide that it was bad, does that mean it should have? Wouldn't you actually like some logic and reason and a WHY for what society decides?
seriously???/ apparently some people need some help-

I agree, people who get upset over a word in and of itself, and not the meaning of what is being said, really need to re-examine what is important.
And I think you are and have been skirting the issue.

There is no clear evidence what society has "decided." I don't think they have decided anything, except if you go by their actions, and considering that almost everyone does (and has for a very long time) indeed "curse" then it would seem society doesn't really have a problem with these words. But the stigma society has supposedly cast on these words comes merely from fact that people were told the words were bad at some point growing up, not because of logic and reason. Society today, yesterday, 100 years ago never got together and decided anything, it's always just been, "just because." Society definitely doesn't decide things for me. Do you think Just Bieber is cool because society says so? And even if it was determined that society actually did decide that it was bad, does that mean it should have? Wouldn't you actually like some logic and reason and a WHY for what society decides?

Again, I think you are wrong here. Society has indicated that they do not like cursing or foul language. I don't even think that's in question. How old are you, out of curiosity? Regardless of how Society has come to these conclusions, there is no doubt that they have, indeed, come to these conclusions. If you choose to go against Societies view on this, that's OK but you can't make claim that most people agree with you. Society has often been wrong about things but they've been right a lot more times then they have been wrong. The WHY it is better is because Society is made up of many and is contingent upon a shared and agreed upon view of any given subject. The many will normally come to a conclusion that is for the good of most in society. That's a very good, very reasonable, very logical reason for WHY.

You said earlier that there is no clear evidence. Why do you say this?

According to the article below, fully 74% of women say that they are bothered by foul language or cursing, while 60% of all mean say the same. That, to me, would seem to be proof that Society does not agree with you. That, to me, is pretty clear evidence.

More to the point, Society has very definite ideas about swearing. As has been indicated throughout this thead, people seem to believe that what you do in your own home is your business but what you do in public is another matter. That, to me, is reasonable.

Now, what evidence can you provide to support your position?
My point exactly. You see, this commercial is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. That girl clearly doesn't know or understand Jack. At one point in that video, she is questioning here level of hot. She says something to the effect of, I'm the hottest girl in you psych class hot but am I beer commercial hot? Well, clearly she is out to lunch. Anybody who has ever drank beer in their entire lives knows and understands that it doesn't matter how hot you are or are not. It only matters how much beer is required and how much you have consumed, in order to bring a person to the level of Beer Commercial Hot.

These are the kinds of things that make it hard me to put much credibility in commercials such as this.


lol that was good!
Again, I think you are wrong here. Society has indicated that they do not like cursing or foul language. I don't even think that's in question. How old are you, out of curiosity? Regardless of how Society has come to these conclusions, there is no doubt that they have, indeed, come to these conclusions. If you choose to go against Societies view on this, that's OK but you can't make claim that most people agree with you. Society has often been wrong about things but they've been right a lot more times then they have been wrong. The WHY it is better is because Society is made up of many and is contingent upon a shared and agreed upon view of any given subject. The many will normally come to a conclusion that is for the good of most in society. That's a very good, very reasonable, very logical reason for WHY.

You said earlier that there is no clear evidence. Why do you say this?

According to the article below, fully 74% of women say that they are bothered by foul language or cursing, while 60% of all mean say the same. That, to me, would seem to be proof that Society does not agree with you. That, to me, is pretty clear evidence.

More to the point, Society has very definite ideas about swearing. As has been indicated throughout this thead, people seem to believe that what you do in your own home is your business but what you do in public is another matter. That, to me, is reasonable.

Now, what evidence can you provide to support your position?

Again, you skirt the issue...there is no reason for why in there at all. Because you believe the many usually come to the right decision (based on?) that is the why for them deciding one way or the other? That is not a why at all.
Again, you skirt the issue...there is no reason for why in there at all. Because you believe the many usually come to the right decision (based on?) that is the why for them deciding one way or the other? That is not a why at all.

I don't understand what you are talking about here.

Based on History. Man Kind is still alive and we live in a Nation that enjoys the best life style in the history of mankind. This would seem to lend itself to the conclusion that Society, for the most part, has gotten it right, more times then not.

I am waiting to see your proof of the contrary. Also, how old are you, in general terms?
See, that's the misconception. Society is changing it, as you see more and more people cussing without seeing it as a big deal. Society does and has changed its' views on many things. We are shifting to a much more tolerant society. Tolerant of beliefs, sexual preference, drugs, human rights. I can live with the young kids dropping an F bom as long as they embrace ALL human beings as being equal. Unfortunately there are many out there, while they don't cuss, they still have not shifted to that level of tolerance.

I will be the first to day that I haven't shifted to that level of tolerance. My beliefs and views on certain issues are not going to change due to society changing. If I think something is wrong, I will stay with my beliefs no matter how many people disagree with me. There is nothing in this world that can convince me that dropping the F-bomb around children has any positive impact. It simply should not happen.
Many words have more than one use, and can be used and conveyed with different contexts. F word in and of itself doesn't mean anything negative.

This isn't an argument. You provide no reason why said words are not decent, again.

The concept of acting and speaking appropriately in certain situations is fine. I was never arguing against that. I've even said there are certainly situations where I will refrain from cursing as to not offend anyone, but this has nothing to do with the discussion. The discussion is "should" these words offend people, not "Do" these words offend people.

Once upon a time sexual harassment was no big deal. It is now. Logical points were made against sexual harassment. Now it's not socially acceptable behavior. But maybe we shoulda just told chicks "Meh, that's just how it is, deal toots" while staring at her boobs.

Sure, but the F word being added doesn't change the inappropriateness of what was said. You could exchange the F word for the word Bang and it wouldn't be any less appropriate. Again, none of your arguments have anything to do with why bad words should be bad. All you are repeating is "I was taught they are bad and I don't think they are good, and people shouldn't say them because of that!"

"It's just how it is" again, is not an argument that would be accepted in any debate. Bad words are bad words and recognized as such because we are told such starting at a young age. The discussion is WHY SHOULD THEY BE CONSIDERED BAD, not whether or not they are considered bad. Yes, they are considered bad, no one is arguing against this. This discussion is about trying to find a logical reason WHY, beyond "cause I was taught that", which is what your "Pardon my French" by old timers example means. The old timers were taught that language is bad. They think they are doing something bad an apologize, nothing wrong with this, but it again has nothing to do with the discussion.

"It's just the way it is" can be applied to anything good or bad. Slavery was "just the way it is", Gay's not being able to get married is "Just the way it is", Weed being illegal was "just the way it is". Yet all these things change/progress via discussion, not by shrugging and saying "Meh that's just how it is, deal with it".

Even if I agree with some of the bold, it's all opinion without a logical argument behind it, But again, that's not what this thread is for. It's like saying "Bad words are bad, and here are other things that are bad to prove it." Ok.

Could we discuss why the words should be considered bad, and what harmful effects they have? I'm trying to discuss why, when everyone knows them, and most of them have no inherent negative meaning without context.

Context should mean everything, context is what should cause discomfort, and context is what should be considered bad/good/socially acceptable.

It's why certain "bad" words can be said on TV. They are bleeped if used in certain context, and not bleeped if used in others.

My argument is anyone who gets offended by me calling my female dog a B****, or referencing my A**, or taking a Sh**, is being silly and needs to stop. However, if I call your wife a B****, call you an A******, or call you a piece of S***, it's perfectly reasonable to take offense.

You havent provided anything logical to refute what I already posted. You refer to "logical arguments" yet havent used it yourself.

This is not a complex issue even tho you try to make it out to be. Nor is it some progressive evolving issue. Some things are right some things are wrong. Some things are good some things are bad. Its just how things are. Its not a matter of being logical or illogical, its simply how things are. There is absolutely nothing wrong with recognizing or accepting the fact that some things are just the way they are because its how it is.

I cant give you a logical reason for why God made the sky blue, or grass green. Its simply the way it is. And because there is no logical explanation for it doesnt in any way change it.

If I use your reasoning then I can argue that even tho my dad told me stealing was wrong if I can convince myself that no logical explanation to my satisfaction has been given for why stealing is wrong then its okay for me to steal even if others think its wrong. Who cares if its always been that way? Give me some logic to show why its wrong.

Just because my dad may have told me adultery is wrong if Im not satisfied with the logic for saying its wrong then is it okay to nail another woman if Im married?

Who decided that a foot should be called a foot? Or a hand a hand? Or an eye an eye? Or, why is a bank called a bank? Where is the logic in those words being used for those things? Can I just decide because Im not satisfied with the "logic" used in how those names/words came to be applied to those things that I can just decide to use them differently than the intended meaning or change the meaning? And then when others around me wonder WTH is wrong with me I just say they shouldnt be offended or have an issue with my word usage? Once again words have meaning and that meaning is conveyed when the word is spoken. Its not a matter of logic. Its a matter of what the word means. And even tho you may not want to accept it words have meanings and those meanings are there whether its logical or not which means its just the way things are. And things are the way they for a reason. And if you have a problem with things simply being the way they are its just a fact of life and the problem is not with the things but with you.

There are a lot of things in this world that are just the way it is. Its not a good thing nor a bad thing. Its just how it is. The sky is blue. Its the way it is. Grass is green. Its the way it is. Bad words are bad words. Its just the way it is. Its not a matter of logic. Its a matter of a specific word having a specific meaning. And contrary to what you say, curse words are curse words no matter the context.
I mean this is another discussion entirely, but I'd discuss it if you really want to.
Never had a problem with someone burping, I do think it's kind of silly that people get offended over farts/belches to be honest. It'd be rude to burp loudly when someone is speaking, or in a situation where quite is needed, but no more than yelling out "WA WAAAA".
Farts don't all smell bad and they never killed anyone. I agree! And have no problem with people farting, even if the smell is unpleasant. I think it's silly the way our society treats farts. However, "Unpleasant smell" is at least an acceptable and logical point in favor of not farting in public. There's room for discussion here behind "I was just taught not to do it".

People keep saying Cursing is bad manners/disrespectful, but yet again, there is no "why".
There are thousands of things that used to be considered bad manners/disrespectful that no longer are. My argument is that curse words, in our future, should be on the same list of things that are no longer considered bad manners or disrespectful.

This world would be a much better place if many of those things that used to be considered bad was still thought if as being that way. Our society has lost manners and respect for others. The expression "the ME generation" certainly has merit. Common courtesy is becoming a thing if the past. Many people are selfish and thinks the world revolves around them and they have little consideration for others.
Great discussion and I've really enjoyed it but it appears as if we can't seem to leave religion out of it.

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