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People who are offended by the words.. need to ignore it. Just like we teach our kids to ignore people who poke fun at them. There is nothing mature or immature about those words. They are words. There is not one single word on the planet that invokes any sort of discomfort in me on it's own, it is absolutely mind boggling that people go and get offended where none is intended. If there were no such thing as "bad" words, then people couldn't say "Bad" words.

There should be a drastic difference between hearing the word F (should not cause discomfort in a human being) and having someone tell you to go F yourself. One is intended to offend, one is not. And you can certainly offend someone WITHOUT using curse words. Shouldn't that be what people get upset over? I don't believe in going around intentionally offending people. Why would we do that to one another? But to CREATE an offense where none is intended is a ridiculous concept to live by. It's perfectly acceptable to not associate with someone you don't like, for whatever reason, ignore them and move on.

And there has still not been any logical reason in this thread as to why the words are bad or should not be said. Or how they can hurt anything.

The point of the slave comment only pertained to "cause my dad's dad's dad" etc comment, not the actual comparison of cursing vs owning slaves. I don't give a crap what my dad or dad's dad thinks. I can think for myself. It's discomforting when I feel I have to control the way I speak because people create arbitrary things to get offended or "Discomforted" over. Having words be "Bad" in the sense that people shouldn't use them is like trying to outlaw sex or drugs. Never going to work, never has, never will. The problem goes away when the stigma of the words do. People just need to let it go. As I said earlier, people wouldn't be nearly as drawn to said words (especially children) if they weren't "Bad". They'd just be ordinary words. It would take a while, but eventually those words wouldn't be nearly as common.

Part of maturity is emotional control. No kind of language should cause discomfort in a person, unless discomfort is the intent behind it. Creating arbitrary rules with absolutely no logic behind them isn't a "Higher standard", it's just arbitrary. Tolerance and respect can be used on BOTH Sides of this argument, so I won't really get into that. I certainly believe we should be tolerant and respectful. I try not to curse around people it offends, but that doesn't mean I don't think it's idiotic that it offends them. I just feel like rules need logic and good reason behind them. Once you start letting arbitrary crap take over, people just keep adding more arbitrary crap. There USED to be a basis behind them being bad, we've progressed beyond that in our society. They are now just every day words you practically hear anywhere you go. Kids, adults, TV, music, it's all over and it's not going to just magically go away.

The cursing thing is ridiculous on so many levels.

How can you teach a kid not to curse all the while substituting the "bad" words with a "good" word that is intended to mean the same thing and expect that kid not to see right through that charade and develop an attitude of indifference and skepticism?

An argument could be made that the increase in "cursing" as part of the regular dialog of today's youth in many cases is a sign of intelligence and of increased capacity for critical thinking.

But what the frak do I know...
This is an extreme example. Society doesn't frown on Packer's Jerseys. Well, maybe a very small segment in Chicago but other then that, not so much. Offensive Language is different. I think it's important to keep the discussion in the proper context. In this country, you have rights and those rights extend to the point where you are infringing upon other peoples rights. That is how I view this.

And there is no right not to be offended. And the example is to point at the principle of the matter. If there is no reasoning behind the offense, as there wouldn't be for a Packers jersey (which personally, I do find more offensive than an f- bomb), then it's a silly offense, and shouldn't really be respected at all.
On a related topic, I brought up should the Commanders change their name?

It was at a non-football forum, but it got out of hand because one poster has this "gift?" of taking offence for other people, even if they might not take offence.

All I was trying to find out is what do most Native Americans think? This entire controversy is blurred by everybody else speaking for them. Just get a current consensus from Native Americans and act accordingly.
I get the whole "don't cuss in front of some people because of respect for others" thing. And I think that is cool.

And I sort of understand the "pick and choose where you cuss" thing, .. because that was me at one time.

But the reason I choose not to use cuss words is so I can respect .. myself.

How can I respect others if I don't respect myself first?

Society has labeled certain words as offensive, .. whether we like it or not, whether we understand why or not, and whether we agree with it or not. That is the way it is. We aren't changing it.

If I would not use certain words in front of my mother, my pastor, or my grandson for example, ... why would I ever use those words at all?

If I can control when I say them and when I don't, ... I will choose to just not use them at all.
And there is no right not to be offended. And the example is to point at the principle of the matter. If there is no reasoning behind the offense, as there wouldn't be for a Packers jersey (which personally, I do find more offensive than an f- bomb), then it's a silly offense, and shouldn't really be respected at all.

According to who? What do you mean by "And there is no right not to be offended?"

It astounds me how people can simply feel as if they have the right to be offensive and the rest of the world just has to put up with it or "Get Over It." Why should a person have to get over it while another person enjoy the right to be offensive?
I get the whole "don't cuss in front of some people because of respect for others" thing. And I think that is cool.

And I sort of understand the "pick and choose where you cuss" thing, .. because that was me at one time.

But the reason I choose not to use cuss words is so I can respect .. myself.

How can I respect others if I don't respect myself first?

Society has labeled certain words as offensive, .. whether we like it or not, whether we understand why or not, and whether we agree with it or not. That is the way it is. We aren't changing it.

If I would not use certain words in front of my mother, my pastor, or my grandson for example, ... why would I ever use those words at all?

If I can control when I say them and when I don't, ... I will choose to just not use them at all.

That works for you. I can respect myself whether I use cuss words or not. I don't think less of myself because I may use an expletive. For me, my use of language does not relate to my self worth or respect. And I don't use cuss words that often, but it doesn't bother me to use them at times.
According to who? What do you mean by "And there is no right not to be offended?"

It astounds me how people can simply feel as if they have the right to be offensive and the rest of the world just has to put up with it or "Get Over It." Why should a person have to get over it while another person enjoy the right to be offensive?

According to logic and reason.

And what do you mean, what do I mean? Nobody has a right not not be offended in life. It's going to happen, it's a fact of life, if someone can't handle that, they have some growing up to do. Anything can be offensive to people, especially with so many people actively searching for it. Why should someone's over sensitive feelings trump someone's freedom to express themselves as they see fit?

People get offended at way too much nonsense in this world. It's silly to let so many harmless and insignificant things bother you. I feel sorry for people who are offended easily, it must be hard worrying so much about what others do.
Society has labeled certain words as offensive, .. whether we like it or not, whether we understand why or not, and whether we agree with it or not. That is the way it is. We aren't changing it.

See, that's the misconception. Society is changing it, as you see more and more people cussing without seeing it as a big deal. Society does and has changed its' views on many things. We are shifting to a much more tolerant society. Tolerant of beliefs, sexual preference, drugs, human rights. I can live with the young kids dropping an F bom as long as they embrace ALL human beings as being equal. Unfortunately there are many out there, while they don't cuss, they still have not shifted to that level of tolerance.
There are certain words that cannot be broadcast on network TV or Radio or else fines of thousands of dollars will be assessed. So Apparently, those words are offensive to a majority of the public or it would be not an issue. If the majority of our society finds those words offensive, who has the right to decide they will use those words in front of women, children, who by extension would most probably be the most offended. No respect, it is all about them.
According to logic and reason.

And what do you mean, what do I mean? Nobody has a right not not be offended in life. It's going to happen, it's a fact of life, if someone can't handle that, they have some growing up to do. Anything can be offensive to people, especially with so many people actively searching for it. Why should someone's over sensitive feelings trump someone's freedom to express themselves as they see fit?

People get offended at way too much nonsense in this world. It's silly to let so many harmless and insignificant things bother you. I feel sorry for people who are offended easily, it must be hard worrying so much about what others do.

You motherhugger, you stole exactly what I was going to fraking say. B hole.
That works for you. I can respect myself whether I use cuss words or not. I don't think less of myself because I may use an expletive. For me, my use of language does not relate to my self worth or respect. And I don't use cuss words that often, but it doesn't bother me to use them at times.

That's fine, .. but your words define you.

Not just your words, but mine and everyone else too.

Nobody knows what we are thinking, .. only what we say.

People are watching, people are listening, .. even when we aren't aware that they are.

A misplaced "slang curse word" could cost you a job opportunity, a friend, a promotion, a blessing, .. we never know.

Not cursing will never cost me a thing.
See, that's the misconception. Society is changing it, as you see more and more people cussing without seeing it as a big deal. Society does and has changed its' views on many things. We are shifting to a much more tolerant society. Tolerant of beliefs, sexual preference, drugs, human rights. I can live with the young kids dropping an F bom as long as they embrace ALL human beings as being equal. Unfortunately there are many out there, while they don't cuss, they still have not shifted to that level of tolerance.

Are you certain of this? Are there any statistics that prove that society, by and large, do not find cussing as offensive? If that is not the case, then I think you have to conclude that society is becoming much more intolerant. The concerns and opinions, the actual rights of the majority would then be ignored and that, in and of itself, suggest more intolerance.
There are certain words that cannot be broadcast on network TV or Radio or else fines of thousands of dollars will be assessed. So Apparently, those words are offensive to a majority of the public or it would be not an issue. If the majority of our society finds those words offensive, who has the right to decide they will use those words in front of women, children, who by extension would most probably be the most offended. No respect, it is all about them.

The government sets its rules for the lowest common denominator, not the majority or best options.
As an aside, regardless of this thread, language in this forum is not open to debate. There are specific rules and they will not be swayed. Please be careful not to step over that line.

Thank you,
The government sets its rules for the lowest common denominator, not the majority or best options.

The Government doesn't set the rules for what can be said on TV, lowest common denominator or not.
That's a rather unfortunate point of view. I've always believed that your actions define you. By your reasoning, a mute man has no definition.

The language you use are part of a persons actions. There are many ways in which to communicate, other then verbally. Your point here is inaccurate.
The language you use are part of a persons actions. There are many ways in which to communicate, other then verbally. Your point here is inaccurate.

No, doing something is an action. Saying you are going to do something is procrastination. Or, in the case of politics, a bold face lie.
That's a rather unfortunate point of view. I've always believed that your actions define you. By your reasoning, a mute man has no definition.

Are you just trying to be silly?

A mute man has no words so how could words define him? He will be seen and defined in other ways.

But for those of us that do use words, ... what we say will always reflect what is in our hearts, and others will hear you and know who and what you are.

Like I said, nobody knows what is in your heart or what you are thinking, .. they do hear what you say though, ... good and bad.

My point in saying this is really only addressing swearing, which is what this thread is about.

But it applies to more overall.
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