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The idea of Evil being attached to a thing is not how I think. And actually, I agree with a lot of this post. The one point I would make is that while I do agree that in a few hundred years, the meaning of the specific word in question might well change, my responsibility and the responsibility of society as a whole, is in the here and now. I am a believer in personal responsibility. I guess this is how I view things, in many ways.

Because of this, I see cursing in this light.

  • When I curse in front of children, I am doing them a dis-service because I am responsible for leading them to a poor path. If they find it on their own, down the line, then that is a different matter. However, if I teach them, then that is on me.

  • When I curse in front of children, I am doing their parents a dis-service because I am possibly going against what they believe and want for their children. It is not my place to undo what they would teach their children and make their task more difficult. If they do this on their own, down the line, then that is a different matter. However, If I teach them, then that is on me.

  • When I curse in front of people who feel uncomfortable with that kind of language, then it is a poor statement on me and how I value humanity. I do not wish to offend people intentionally. it occurs to me that if/when I do this, it is an easy thing to simply take peoples feelings into consideration. It is more of a statement on myself and what I would like to be as a person, more so then anything I suppose.

  • When I curse in front of the Elderly, I feel as if it is a clear sign of disrespect. Again, it is a statement upon who I am as a person. I don't want to be that person who has no regard for elders. It says more about a society if they are considerate of these things, IMO, then it does if they are more interested in expanding the boundries of being more accepting of foul language. I understand that people should learn to go beyond the word and take away the power certain words have but I don't believe that this is a green light to simply ignore the fact that it is offensive to some and that is is hurtful for some. That takes away any semblance of value from the entire concept.

For me, this is kinda of how I see it.

So what if we as a society simply decide that there are no cuss words? Just don't acknowledge the known words as cuss words. Just treat them as words. Is that hard to do?

What if the newer generations come up with brand new words that they use as cuss words, but they don't let you in on their little secret. "Hey, I gotta take a doobley." "Shanks that, just doobley wherever" Would that offend you? Would that be offensive to women and children?

What happens is that when you deem something to be taboo it stimulates a part of your brain:

"Pinker, an experimental psychologist says hearing taboo words activates evolutionary ancient parts of the brain associated with negative emotion.

This “evolutionary ancient” part refers to the amygdala, an almond-shaped organ buried in each side of your brain that helps invest memories with emotion.

This almond-shaped mass of nuclei also responds with negative vibes to angry faces or threatening behaviour, such as a hairless, wildly gesticulating ape threatening to kick your *** when you inadvertently cut its queue.

Swear words, hence, can force an unwanted, emotionally charged or negative thought on listeners because the amygdala gets titillated.

The physiological response is even measurable. Recipients of a jolt to the amygdala will experience a wave of sweat over the skin. They will also be more alert to any threats."

They key is to control and eliminate the concept of those things which you see as taboo.
This is a quote I'm fond of.

It's pretty popular since it's tagged to about ten different people and nobody is sure of the author (although the version I quote will probably be tagged to one of them.)

It sums up my thoughts of cursing often

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.
And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
What we think, we become.
This is a quote I'm fond of.

It's pretty popular since it's tagged to about ten different people and nobody is sure of the author (although the version I quote will probably be tagged to one of them.)

It sums up my thoughts of cursing often

I don't have an issue with the restaurant and I doubt goodie two shoes do either. When in Rome blah blah blah. That was not the purpose of this thread. It is not about intellect or how much status you have. It is all about the lack of respect some people have for others and not caring whether kids or women with those kids are around. People would never talk like that back 30 years ago when stranger adults or kids were around because there was respect. Now there are no boundaries. Unfortunately!!! What will it be like in another 30 years. I don't see it getting better. How far will the boundaries be expanded then.

Maybe people have more respect for those women and children and don't consider them so fragile and weak that they have to be protected from the terrible words that do no harm at all.
So what if we as a society simply decide that there are no cuss words? Just don't acknowledge the known words as cuss words. Just treat them as words. Is that hard to do?

What if the newer generations come up with brand new words that they use as cuss words, but they don't let you in on their little secret. "Hey, I gotta take a doobley." "Shanks that, just doobley wherever" Would that offend you? Would that be offensive to women and children?

What happens is that when you deem something to be taboo it stimulates a part of your brain:

"Pinker, an experimental psychologist says hearing taboo words activates evolutionary ancient parts of the brain associated with negative emotion.

This “evolutionary ancient” part refers to the amygdala, an almond-shaped organ buried in each side of your brain that helps invest memories with emotion.

This almond-shaped mass of nuclei also responds with negative vibes to angry faces or threatening behaviour, such as a hairless, wildly gesticulating ape threatening to kick your *** when you inadvertently cut its queue.

Swear words, hence, can force an unwanted, emotionally charged or negative thought on listeners because the amygdala gets titillated.

The physiological response is even measurable. Recipients of a jolt to the amygdala will experience a wave of sweat over the skin. They will also be more alert to any threats."

They key is to control and eliminate the concept of those things which you see as taboo.

Never thought I'd see a Steven Pinker reference on a Dallas Cowboys forum. I'm a computational linguist but I got my academic career started off in theoretical linguistics and the semantic-syntax interface and we studied a lot of Pinker. Very good books and interesting ideas about the transitivity of verbs.
Maybe people have more respect for those women and children and don't consider them so fragile and weak that they have to be protected from the terrible words that do no harm at all.

sounds more like their own justification for acting disrespectful. anyone can justify anything they do no matter how misguided their reasoning.
This is all I need to know, ... what a shame that your Dad or Grandfather did not earn your respect.

Or that you weren't wise enough to give it.

Why does disagreeing with your relatives mean you don't respect them? My grandfather didn't like black people. Should I just accept that too?

Were you also not taught to respect other peoples opinions, wishes and to be sensitive to other people and what might be offensive to them?

Seems to me like you are picking and choosing what is important and what is not important.

Nothing worth having comes or goes magically but that doesn't mean it's not worth the effort.

I pick and choose based on logic and reason, not what I value as important. Again, in this entire thread, not one logical argument made in favor of bad words. It's pretty much just been "cause I was taught that". Worth having.. same thing. This thread has demonstrated NO WORTH to words being bad.

And I have heard some people say that if they feel the urge to fart they do it regardless where they are, that they refuse to go to a restaurant that does not allow smoking because the restaurant is discriminating against them, or that if women don't want sexual comments made to them they need to stay inside or not dress the way they do. Again, it is about respect. Cursing in the wrong situation is disrespectful, crass, and rude.

These are all really straw man arguments.

Don't misunderstand. I'm not advocating that we need to go out and curse in front of people all the time. OF COURSE you should avoid doing things that cause discomfort to people. As I said previously, there are plenty of people I won't curse around, out of respect. That doesn't mean that them feeling disrespected isn't stupid and an issue we can't simply evolve on.

As I said, curse words are NEVER going to go away so long as there are curse words. And there is still not one single argument on this 8 page thread that has any logical reason why they should not be said. Every single one of them is "because I was taught that" and "I don't FEEL like they should be said, because reasons".

Curse words are used because they can sensationalize things, BECAUSE they are "Curse" words. Children use them BECAUSE they are taboo. Take away the stigma, they are used less across the board. Maybe not immediately, but over time certainly. Then they would just become words you hear at times, like any other word, and no ones panties would have sand in them over their use.
And there is still not one single argument on this 8 page thread that has any logical reason why they should not be said.

Only in your narrow minded view on it because you dont want to accept what has been posted.

I can tell you for 1000 days in a row the sky is blue and you can say for 1000 days in a row I haven t given any logical explanation to prove it is blue and that still doesnt justify your view. Because you choose to ignore the obvious doesnt mean the obvious doesnt exist.
Only in your narrow minded view on it because you dont want to accept what has been posted.

I can tell you for 1000 days in a row the sky is blue and you can say for 1000 days in a row I haven t given any logical explanation to prove it is blue and that still doesnt justify your view. Because you choose to ignore the obvious doesnt mean the obvious doesnt exist.

He is absolutelu right. Not in this thread or anywhere in my 36 years has a rational reason been given. It is always because that's what society says (which is probably not true and the one of the worst ways to judge the worth of something), because it's vulgar (with no rationale for how it is vulgar or how they differ from other words with the same meaning), or some other nonsense that all comes down to, "Just cause!"
Only in your narrow minded view on it because you dont want to accept what has been posted.

I can tell you for 1000 days in a row the sky is blue and you can say for 1000 days in a row I haven t given any logical explanation to prove it is blue and that still doesnt justify your view. Because you choose to ignore the obvious doesnt mean the obvious doesnt exist.

I mean you say this, but again, provide no argument for the case. Elaborate.

What harm do the words cause?
Who is at risk?
Why are the words considered bad?
What exactly makes them bad? Your dad's dad's opinion?

I'm am honestly trying to have some dialogue here. I'm not trying to be a jerk but "Because someone told me so" isn't a logical argument in any form of debate. Everyone keeps saying it's about respect, but again, they give NO ARGUMENT for why those words in and of themselves are disrespectful.
I mean you say this, but again, provide no argument for the case. Elaborate.

What harm do the words cause?
Who is at risk?
Why are the words considered bad?
What exactly makes them bad? Your dad's dad's opinion?

I'm am honestly trying to have some dialogue here. I'm not trying to be a jerk but "Because someone told me so" isn't a logical argument in any form of debate. Everyone keeps saying it's about respect, but again, they give NO ARGUMENT for why those words in and of themselves are disrespectful.

Its really quite simple.

Words have meaning. When a word is spoken that meaning is conveyed. Words fall into different categories because of what is conveyed when that word is used.

There is also this thing called decency. There is also this concept of acting and speaking appropriately in certain situations.

So for example, when the family is gathered around the table for Thanksgiving and grandpa and grandma are there with some other family members I dont tell everyone at the table that last night I had the wife bent over the dining room table F****** the **** out of her. By most civilized standards of decency that would be inappropriate. Partly because of the content and for the choice of words.

Bad words are bad words because they are recognized to be such. Its just how it is. Its why you hear some old timers say "Pardon my French" or something similar. They're acknowledging that what they are saying is viewed by many/most to be "bad" but they are choosing to use the word/words to make a certain point.

Now just because our standards of decency in society have declined in general does not mean that its any more right to use bad words at inappropriate times. It simply means we have not done a good enough job setting a good example for younger people. Nor have we done a good enough job of teaching the difference between right and wrong. This is evident in so many areas.

We have seen a real decline in society in:
-Consideration for others - just in how we treat others out in public
-Regard for how our actions and words affect others around us
-Customer Service
-General character of individuals
-Work Ethic
-Regard for others personal property

The list could go on.

The reason my dad, and his dad told me things is because they understood those things and how we as people in a society living together should treat one another and act. Not simply because they heard it from their dad. Parents pass things along to their children and its the responsibility of the parent to train up and teach their children how to be decent people. Just because many parents havent done a good job doesnt mean the standard for decency has changed. Just because some brainwashed college prof encourages college kids to question everything they learned from their parents doesnt mean its a good thing. Decency will always be decency and indecency will always be indecency.

It all comes down to how you want to live and how you want to be viewed by others. Decency is always respected and admired. Indecency is only lauded by the indecent.
Its really quite simple.

Words have meaning. When a word is spoken that meaning is conveyed. Words fall into different categories because of what is conveyed when that word is used.

There is also this thing called decency. There is also this concept of acting and speaking appropriately in certain situations.

So for example, when the family is gathered around the table for Thanksgiving and grandpa and grandma are there with some other family members I dont tell everyone at the table that last night I had the wife bent over the dining room table F****** the **** out of her. By most civilized standards of decency that would be inappropriate. Partly because of the content and for the choice of words.

Bad words are bad words because they are recognized to be such. Its just how it is. Its why you hear some old timers say "Pardon my French" or something similar. They're acknowledging that what they are saying is viewed by many/most to be "bad" but they are choosing to use the word/words to make a certain point.

Now just because our standards of decency in society have declined in general does not mean that its any more right to use bad words at inappropriate times. It simply means we have not done a good enough job setting a good example for younger people. Nor have we done a good enough job of teaching the difference between right and wrong. This is evident in so many areas.

We have seen a real decline in society in:
-Consideration for others - just in how we treat others out in public
-Regard for how our actions and words affect others around us
-Customer Service
-General character of individuals
-Work Ethic
-Regard for others personal property

The list could go on.

The reason my dad, and his dad told me things is because they understood those things and how we as people in a society living together should treat one another and act. Not simply because they heard it from their dad. Parents pass things along to their children and its the responsibility of the parent to train up and teach their children how to be decent people. Just because many parents havent done a good job doesnt mean the standard for decency has changed. Just because some brainwashed college prof encourages college kids to question everything they learned from their parents doesnt mean its a good thing. Decency will always be decency and indecency will always be indecency.

It all comes down to how you want to live and how you want to be viewed by others. Decency is always respected and admired. Indecency is only lauded by the indecent.

Can I "like" this more than once?
It would sure be interesting to see the age variation between the pretty definite sides of this argument. Just saying.

We have seen a real decline in society in:
-Consideration for others - just in how we treat others out in public
-Regard for how our actions and words affect others around us
-Customer Service
-General character of individuals
-Work Ethic
-Regard for others personal property


No, we haven't. Get a time machine and go back to the 1800s and tell me how much better those things were.
I mean you say this, but again, provide no argument for the case. Elaborate.

What harm do the words cause?
Who is at risk?
Why are the words considered bad?
What exactly makes them bad? Your dad's dad's opinion?

I'm am honestly trying to have some dialogue here. I'm not trying to be a jerk but "Because someone told me so" isn't a logical argument in any form of debate. Everyone keeps saying it's about respect, but again, they give NO ARGUMENT for why those words in and of themselves are disrespectful.

The same as a fart/belch does but you don't do that in public. (or shouldn't) Farts/Belches cause no harm. They don't all smell bad and if they do they never killed anyone. No One is at risk. They are not considered bad but many times necessary to relieve gas But still with all that said, you don't do it. Why? Because they are disrespectful. People are supposed to have manners. And cursing goes hand in hand with bad manners and being disrespectful.
No, we haven't. Get a time machine and go back to the 1800s and tell me how much better those things were.

Showing a woman's ankle in Victorian times was an outrage. Just the nature of it, in time our standards will change.
Its really quite simple.

Words have meaning. When a word is spoken that meaning is conveyed. Words fall into different categories because of what is conveyed when that word is used.

Many words have more than one use, and can be used and conveyed with different contexts. F word in and of itself doesn't mean anything negative.

There is also this thing called decency. There is also this concept of acting and speaking appropriately in certain situations.

This isn't an argument. You provide no reason why said words are not decent, again.

The concept of acting and speaking appropriately in certain situations is fine. I was never arguing against that. I've even said there are certainly situations where I will refrain from cursing as to not offend anyone, but this has nothing to do with the discussion. The discussion is "should" these words offend people, not "Do" these words offend people.

Once upon a time sexual harassment was no big deal. It is now. Logical points were made against sexual harassment. Now it's not socially acceptable behavior. But maybe we shoulda just told chicks "Meh, that's just how it is, deal toots" while staring at her boobs.

So for example, when the family is gathered around the table for Thanksgiving and grandpa and grandma are there with some other family members I dont tell everyone at the table that last night I had the wife bent over the dining room table F****** the **** out of her. By most civilized standards of decency that would be inappropriate. Partly because of the content and for the choice of words.

Sure, but the F word being added doesn't change the inappropriateness of what was said. You could exchange the F word for the word Bang and it wouldn't be any less appropriate. Again, none of your arguments have anything to do with why bad words should be bad. All you are repeating is "I was taught they are bad and I don't think they are good, and people shouldn't say them because of that!"

Bad words are bad words because they are recognized to be such. Its just how it is. Its why you hear some old timers say "Pardon my French" or something similar. They're acknowledging that what they are saying is viewed by many/most to be "bad" but they are choosing to use the word/words to make a certain point.

"It's just how it is" again, is not an argument that would be accepted in any debate. Bad words are bad words and recognized as such because we are told such starting at a young age. The discussion is WHY SHOULD THEY BE CONSIDERED BAD, not whether or not they are considered bad. Yes, they are considered bad, no one is arguing against this. This discussion is about trying to find a logical reason WHY, beyond "cause I was taught that", which is what your "Pardon my French" by old timers example means. The old timers were taught that language is bad. They think they are doing something bad an apologize, nothing wrong with this, but it again has nothing to do with the discussion.

"It's just the way it is" can be applied to anything good or bad. Slavery was "just the way it is", Gay's not being able to get married is "Just the way it is", Weed being illegal was "just the way it is". Yet all these things change/progress via discussion, not by shrugging and saying "Meh that's just how it is, deal with it".

Now just because our standards of decency in society have declined in general does not mean that its any more right to use bad words at inappropriate times. It simply means we have not done a good enough job setting a good example for younger people. Nor have we done a good enough job of teaching the difference between right and wrong. This is evident in so many areas.
We have seen a real decline in society in:
-Consideration for others - just in how we treat others out in public
-Regard for how our actions and words affect others around us
-Customer Service
-General character of individuals
-Work Ethic
-Regard for others personal property

The list could go on.

The reason my dad, and his dad told me things is because they understood those things and how we as people in a society living together should treat one another and act. Not simply because they heard it from their dad. Parents pass things along to their children and its the responsibility of the parent to train up and teach their children how to be decent people. Just because many parents havent done a good job doesnt mean the standard for decency has changed. Just because some brainwashed college prof encourages college kids to question everything they learned from their parents doesnt mean its a good thing. Decency will always be decency and indecency will always be indecency.

It all comes down to how you want to live and how you want to be viewed by others. Decency is always respected and admired. Indecency is only lauded by the indecent.

Even if I agree with some of the bold, it's all opinion without a logical argument behind it, But again, that's not what this thread is for. It's like saying "Bad words are bad, and here are other things that are bad to prove it." Ok.

Could we discuss why the words should be considered bad, and what harmful effects they have? I'm trying to discuss why, when everyone knows them, and most of them have no inherent negative meaning without context.

Context should mean everything, context is what should cause discomfort, and context is what should be considered bad/good/socially acceptable.

It's why certain "bad" words can be said on TV. They are bleeped if used in certain context, and not bleeped if used in others.

My argument is anyone who gets offended by me calling my female dog a B****, or referencing my A**, or taking a Sh**, is being silly and needs to stop. However, if I call your wife a B****, call you an A******, or call you a piece of S***, it's perfectly reasonable to take offense.
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