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I agree, and what do you suppose the actions of a person who would say to a society that it is OK for people to speak with vulgarity, on a regular basis, in front of children or elderly, all the while, knowing that it is offensive to those people or the parents of those children?

I'm fairly certain that you will not find an acceptable answer to the question above in the Book of James.
Good little read on swear words.

I'm not sure I quite understand your question. I guess if Jesus, back in the day, dropped an F bom, then I guess probably a lot of folks wouldn't think its that big of a deal. So I guess it depends on who it is that's saying its ok. And to define what really is vulgar, as that definition has changed a lot over the last few thousand years.
Good little read on swear words.

I'm not sure I quite understand your question. I guess if Jesus, back in the day, dropped an F bom, then I guess probably a lot of folks wouldn't think its that big of a deal. So I guess it depends on who it is that's saying its ok. And to define what really is vulgar, as that definition has changed a lot over the last few thousand years.

I think that your attempt to draw correlation between religion and vulgarity is wrong thinking. This is not a "What would Jesus do" moment. This is about society and what they believe to be acceptable. In theory, even if society used more profanity in that past, it should have little to know bearing on what might be acceptable today. In theory, society should be evolving. In the past, many, many things that are completely unacceptable today were acceptable then. It is today's ideology that drives acceptable behaviors. So, in short, I do agree with your statements on what is defines as vulgar and who it is that is saying it or more to the point, what society thinks of the practice.
Lets get off religion right here, right now. This is starting to go down a path that will carry it outside of the rules of this forum. It's a good discussion and I do not want to see it closed.

No more religion please.
I think that your attempt to draw correlation between religion and vulgarity is wrong thinking. This is not a "What would Jesus do" moment. This is about society and what they believe to be acceptable. In theory, even if society used more profanity in that past, it should have little to know bearing on what might be acceptable today. In theory, society should be evolving. In the past, many, many things that are completely unacceptable today were acceptable then. It is today's ideology that drives acceptable behaviors. So, in short, I do agree with your statements on what is defines as vulgar and who it is that is saying it or more to the point, what society thinks of the practice.

It had nothing to do with religion and any implied correlation. I just grabbed the most famous name that came to mind, and one with followers.
It had nothing to do with religion and any implied correlation. I just grabbed the most famous name that came to mind, and one with followers.

That is a sobering statement indeed. Do you realize that 2000 years from now, based on this context, this same discussion might be had using Justin Bieber?
I'm doubting that rarely if ever would an F-bomb be the deciding factor in someone getting a job that they might not have gotten otherwise. Where one could hurt your chances. That was my point.

What does it matter if it happens rarely? If it does happen, it happens even if it is only once in a blue moon. It would be different if you could absolutely say 100% of the time cussing prevents a persons getting a job or a making a friend or whatever. That just isn't the case. Anything is possible.

And by "poorly chosen word" I did mean a cuss word, so I wasn't changing the hypothetical.

It still doesn't matter to me if someone I don't know doesn't want to be my friend because they heard me utter a cuss word. I am better off. I have no reason to feel shame or regret over someones decision not to be my friend over a "misplaced cuss word". And that situation is completely different from offending or insulting a true friend by cussing.

I'm sure you feel similar if someone chose not to be your friend because they happened to read this thread and didn't agree with your stance on cussing. Or they read another post by you and didn't agree with your stance between the 3-4 and 4-3 defense. Would you lose sleep if you found out you lost a "potential friend" to something like that?

I'm not promoting that we just all go wild and cuss all the time. I'm not telling anyone to change how they view cussing or their personal use of cuss words. If that works for you good. Go for it. I'm not going to change how, when and why I cuss and I won't worry over what might happen if someone overhears me saying a cuss word.
That is a sobering statement indeed. Do you realize that 2000 years from now, based on this context, this same discussion might be had using Justin Bieber?

Let's just hope that the petition to have him deported back to Canada goes through. We can then blame the Canadians for the down fall of society.
What does it matter if it happens rarely? If it does happen, it happens even if it is only once in a blue moon. It would be different if you could absolutely say 100% of the time cussing prevents a persons getting a job or a making a friend or whatever. That just isn't the case. Anything is possible.

It still doesn't matter to me if someone I don't know doesn't want to be my friend because they heard me utter a cuss word. I am better off. I have no reason to feel shame or regret over someones decision not to be my friend over a "misplaced cuss word". And that situation is completely different from offending or insulting a true friend by cussing.

I'm sure you feel similar if someone chose not to be your friend because they happened to read this thread and didn't agree with your stance on cussing. Or they read another post by you and didn't agree with your stance between the 3-4 and 4-3 defense. Would you lose sleep if you found out you lost a "potential friend" to something like that?

I'm not promoting that we just all go wild and cuss all the time. I'm not telling anyone to change how they view cussing or their personal use of cuss words. If that works for you good. Go for it. I'm not going to change how, when and why I cuss and I won't worry over what might happen if someone overhears me saying a cuss word.

Some people are just better than a person that uses a cuss word here or there. Don't you know that your are a despicable person if you say a damn cuss word? smh
Like I said earlier, you can use a cuss word in different situations whether it be humor, excitement, surprise (yeah, like the ****ing snake I just used) and many other instances, however, cussing just to cuss and get vulgar is where the line should be drawn.

I cannot recall where I heard about this, but there is a restaurant where their theme is cussing and all their customers know it, and they are pretty damn successful. The goody two shoes might no go there, but lots of people do. How about, "Hello, how the **** can I help you today?"

I think that might be ***** Last Resort. :)
Society is evolving. You just think that swearing indicates some sort of lesser attribute. That a word, the f word, is somehow evil. The words change from generation to generation. Bloody and bugger were two of the most obscene words there were. Not so much anymore. Just as the f word will probably be replaced by some other word in a couple hundred years. Or perhaps it has already been replaced. Frak to the frakity frak.

Swearing stands for many things. Swearing when you mash your finger with a hammer. Swearing with your friends. Swearing at someone when you're angry. Swearing just because you know it'll get a rise out of someone. It's the pinnacle of grammatic exclamation. Its used to gain attention or release tension.

But I do agree that someone that is dropping the f bom every other word totally looses that effect of exclamation and eventually starts to just be ridiculous. But we all know that kids don't need just to swear to be ridiculous.

Bottom line is, it's been part of virtually every culture since the Roman Empire. Most people have done it or do it. And most people are respectful of what it means when they do. Some people aren't, but then again, some people aren't respectful of many things.
I wonder how much famous, well respected people cussed in the past. We can read some well written, eloquent letters from George Washington, Ben Franklin or Thomas Jefferson, but I wonder what their everyday speech was like. And how did that compare to the so called "average" person of the time.
I don't have an issue with the restaurant and I doubt goodie two shoes do either. When in Rome blah blah blah. That was not the purpose of this thread. It is not about intellect or how much status you have. It is all about the lack of respect some people have for others and not caring whether kids or women with those kids are around. People would never talk like that back 30 years ago when stranger adults or kids were around because there was respect. Now there are no boundaries. Unfortunately!!! What will it be like in another 30 years. I don't see it getting better. How far will the boundaries be expanded then.
I wonder how much famous, well respected people cussed in the past. We can read some well written, eloquent letters from George Washington, Ben Franklin or Thomas Jefferson, but I wonder what their everyday speech was like. And how did that compare to the so called "average" person of the time.

From what I have heard, Richard Nixon used filthy language and so did Lyndon Johnston. lol
I don't have an issue with the restaurant and I doubt goodie two shoes do either. When in Rome blah blah blah. That was not the purpose of this thread. It is not about intellect or how much status you have. It is all about the lack of respect some people have for others and not caring whether kids or women with those kids are around. People would never talk like that back 30 years ago when stranger adults or kids were around because there was respect. Now there are no boundaries. Unfortunately!!! What will it be like in another 30 years. I don't see it getting better. How far will the boundaries be expanded then.

You want an answer to this? Go to youtube and search "parents teaching their kids to cuss". It will blow your mind!
I wonder how much famous, well respected people cussed in the past. We can read some well written, eloquent letters from George Washington, Ben Franklin or Thomas Jefferson, but I wonder what their everyday speech was like. And how did that compare to the so called "average" person of the time.

Whether they cursed or not would not be an issue to me. Whether they did it front of women and young children would be. And I would pretty much bet the house payment they did not do that. And I doubt kids then had the audacity to curse in front of them.
Society is evolving. You just think that swearing indicates some sort of lesser attribute. That a word, the f word, is somehow evil. The words change from generation to generation. Bloody and bugger were two of the most obscene words there were. Not so much anymore. Just as the f word will probably be replaced by some other word in a couple hundred years. Or perhaps it has already been replaced. Frak to the frakity frak.

Swearing stands for many things. Swearing when you mash your finger with a hammer. Swearing with your friends. Swearing at someone when you're angry. Swearing just because you know it'll get a rise out of someone. It's the pinnacle of grammatic exclamation. Its used to gain attention or release tension.

But I do agree that someone that is dropping the f bom every other word totally looses that effect of exclamation and eventually starts to just be ridiculous. But we all know that kids don't need just to swear to be ridiculous.

Bottom line is, it's been part of virtually every culture since the Roman Empire. Most people have done it or do it. And most people are respectful of what it means when they do. Some people aren't, but then again, some people aren't respectful of many things.

The idea of Evil being attached to a thing is not how I think. And actually, I agree with a lot of this post. The one point I would make is that while I do agree that in a few hundred years, the meaning of the specific word in question might well change, my responsibility and the responsibility of society as a whole, is in the here and now. I am a believer in personal responsibility. I guess this is how I view things, in many ways.

Because of this, I see cursing in this light.

  • When I curse in front of children, I am doing them a dis-service because I am responsible for leading them to a poor path. If they find it on their own, down the line, then that is a different matter. However, if I teach them, then that is on me.

  • When I curse in front of children, I am doing their parents a dis-service because I am possibly going against what they believe and want for their children. It is not my place to undo what they would teach their children and make their task more difficult. If they do this on their own, down the line, then that is a different matter. However, If I teach them, then that is on me.

  • When I curse in front of people who feel uncomfortable with that kind of language, then it is a poor statement on me and how I value humanity. I do not wish to offend people intentionally. it occurs to me that if/when I do this, it is an easy thing to simply take peoples feelings into consideration. It is more of a statement on myself and what I would like to be as a person, more so then anything I suppose.

  • When I curse in front of the Elderly, I feel as if it is a clear sign of disrespect. Again, it is a statement upon who I am as a person. I don't want to be that person who has no regard for elders. It says more about a society if they are considerate of these things, IMO, then it does if they are more interested in expanding the boundries of being more accepting of foul language. I understand that people should learn to go beyond the word and take away the power certain words have but I don't believe that this is a green light to simply ignore the fact that it is offensive to some and that is is hurtful for some. That takes away any semblance of value from the entire concept.

For me, this is kinda of how I see it.
The idea of Evil being attached to a thing is not how I think. And actually, I agree with a lot of this post. The one point I would make is that while I do agree that in a few hundred years, the meaning of the specific word in question might well change, my responsibility and the responsibility of society as a whole, is in the here and now. I am a believer in personal responsibility. I guess this is how I view things, in many ways.

Because of this, I see cursing in this light.

  • When I curse in front of children, I am doing them a dis-service because I am responsible for leading them to a poor path. If they find it on their own, down the line, then that is a different matter. However, if I teach them, then that is on me.

  • When I curse in front of children, I am doing their parents a dis-service because I am possibly going against what they believe and want for their children. It is not my place to undo what they would teach their children and make their task more difficult. If they do this on their own, down the line, then that is a different matter. However, If I teach them, then that is on me.

  • When I curse in front of people who feel uncomfortable with that kind of language, then it is a poor statement on me and how I value humanity. I do not wish to offend people intentionally. it occurs to me that if/when I do this, it is an easy thing to simply take peoples feelings into consideration. It is more of a statement on myself and what I would like to be as a person, more so then anything I suppose.

  • When I curse in front of the Elderly, I feel as if it is a clear sign of disrespect. Again, it is a statement upon who I am as a person. I don't want to be that person who has no regard for elders. It says more about a society if they are considerate of these things, IMO, then it does if they are more interested in expanding the boundries of being more accepting of foul language. I understand that people should learn to go beyond the word and take away the power certain words have but I don't believe that this is a green light to simply ignore the fact that it is offensive to some and that is is hurtful for some. That takes away any semblance of value from the entire concept.

For me, this is kinda of how I see it.

So, when to you cuss, or do you ever cuss?
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