DaBonez is coming abroad! Introduction post

Aaah I get it, it's another case of Z usurpation, no idea how that started, or why it's considered "cool".
Basically Z is just a backwards S, with it's seductive curves flattened out.
Also the assertion in the thread title that "DaBonez is coming abroad", got Me thinking about fun times in warm climes.
If you are drunk, inappropriate and a little creative the thread title could be that of a porn. Imagination required.
Imagine that.
Come on y'all! Give DaBonez a break. He has provided us with five pages of PJG goodness. We need more good folks like him making new threads. The meaning of life can be found in these threads or at least hotly contested debates.

Also, there was some flooding in Texas. Anyone heard from Coach today? Here's hoping he and Otis are safe.
Come on y'all! Give DaBonez a break. He has provided us with five pages of PJG goodness. We need more good folks like him making new threads. The meaning of life can be found in these threads or at least hotly contested debates.

Also, there was some flooding in Texas. Anyone heard from Coach today? Here's hoping he and Otis are safe.
We're good, not our part of Texas but don't worry about Otis, he said he'll use me as a raft if there is flooding.
DaBonez is still alive? I checked the other day and found 8 new people joined the forums and they all look like ksk. I think they're afraid to start a thread now. We'll just wear this one out until they get braver.
When KsK walks out out of his barn with his farm animals close behind, it.s basically his version of Match.com

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