Daily reminder that this league is rigged!

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Let’s all admit the NFL is corrupt. The only opinions that would matter to the league are the opinions of people who are not fans, but people the league would like to be fans. If you’re an NFL fan, and you recognize the evidence the league is corrupt, and you remain a fan, it means you don’t care about the corruption. Why should the NFL care? We’re all going to remain fans, we’re all going to continue to buy Pepsi, Budweiser, and Ford pick up trucks. The point is, it apparently doesn’t matter. However the NFL manages its affairs, it is a wildly successful pro sports league.
Everything you say here is true.. What saves the NFL is that this country is absolutely in love with football. So they can pretty much do us however they want with impunity. But at some point it will come to a head. Somebody will squeal.. somebody will get caught with their hand in the proverbial cookie jar. It's just a matter of time. I just hope I'm around to see it. And I hope this forum is here so all the people who have been denying the corruption for decades can eat a crap ton of crow about it. We remain fans because we're conditioned to. And despite it's flaws and corruption, NFL football is still wildly entertaining. The same way movies are.. We know nothing we see on the screen is real, yet we enjoy it just the same. What I do think we're already seeing is a growing emotional detachment from the outcomes among many fans. That manifests itself in a number of ways. For me it's no longer watching every game that they put on. With my streaming service I have access to every game.. At times I have had as many 6 screens going at once. Two games on each monitor on my desktop. I have not done that at all this season. I've also missed a number of Thursday night and Sunday night games due to disinterest. Same with the Monday night games not involving the Cowboys. And I don't think I'm alone in that. I would wager there's a couple million others out there doing kinda the same thing. I used to watch 12 games a week.. Now I'm down to two or three. I might eventually even get down to one..


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I guarantee 100% no holding calls against Parsons in tonights game against Detroit. Any takers?


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I guarantee 100% no holding calls against Parsons in tonights game against Detroit. Any takers?
That's a sucker bet if I ever saw one. Everybody knows they aint gonna call holding if it stops one of our guys from making a play.


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Everything you say here is true.. What saves the NFL is that this country is absolutely in love with football. So they can pretty much do us however they want with impunity. But at some point it will come to a head. Somebody will squeal.. somebody will get caught with their hand in the proverbial cookie jar. It's just a matter of time. I just hope I'm around to see it. And I hope this forum is here so all the people who have been denying the corruption for decades can eat a crap ton of crow about it. We remain fans because we're conditioned to. And despite it's flaws and corruption, NFL football is still wildly entertaining. The same way movies are.. We know nothing we see on the screen is real, yet we enjoy it just the same. What I do think we're already seeing is a growing emotional detachment from the outcomes among many fans. That manifests itself in a number of ways. For me it's no longer watching every game that they put on. With my streaming service I have access to every game.. At times I have had as many 6 screens going at once. Two games on each monitor on my desktop. I have not done that at all this season. I've also missed a number of Thursday night and Sunday night games due to disinterest. Same with the Monday night games not involving the Cowboys. And I don't think I'm alone in that. I would wager there's a couple million others out there doing kinda the same thing. I used to watch 12 games a week.. Now I'm down to two or three. I might eventually even get down to one..
Whatever the NFL is doing it’s been tremendously successful. Gambling will continue to grow the brand. Fantasy has grown interest in all the games from people who don’t even have a favorite team. The league is going to continue as is. We remain fans because we like following the NFL. And you’ve paid for the streaming service. It doesn’t really matter if you watch lots of games or just a few.


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Whatever the NFL is doing it’s been tremendously successful. Gambling will continue to grow the brand. Fantasy has grown interest in all the games from people who don’t even have a favorite team. The league is going to continue as is. We remain fans because we like following the NFL. And you’ve paid for the streaming service. It doesn’t really matter if you watch lots of games or just a few.
Actually it does.. Now that I live in DFW I don't need a streaming service to watch the Cowboys. If the rest of the league becomes of no interest to me I cancel my subscription. Then again if I do that then I might not get Reacher, Dr. Who and a bunch of cool stuff on demand. But Reacher is on Prime (which I have) and Dr. Who has been bought by Disney (which I also have) so I might not need the streaming service at all if I don't care to watch any of the other teams. Also the gambling marriage is relatively new. Yes we know there has been action on games forever but it has not been that long that it's all been out in the open like it is now. I can't predict how that plays out going forward.. I mean a lot of sports fans are also degenerate gamblers so it may work out just fine.


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Dude...I fully understand "burden of proof".

The problem is you have ZERO credit in what constitutes proof. "pointing to A bad call"?" How about a dozen? How about ZERO calls for several games?

You made the claim that Dallas isn't an exception to these no calls.

So prove it.

Do what you demand of other people.

So you expect a GUILTY person to freely admit their guilt? What in the entire _____.
I have provided plenty of proof over the last week or so. The kind of stuff none of the Holier than Thou Jerks have been able to show counter examples of other teams such as THREE recent seasons of getting jobbed on the holding calls.


Devil's Advocate
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I don't remember who said it but the NFL isn't about sports. It's entertainment and gambling.


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I understand. You think the league does no wrong and the refs are saints. You choose to live in ignorance. I choose reality. I’m not crazy nor are the people who agree with me in this thread. We have the ability to think with an objective mind.
They are in the minority now. Even the media and Cowboys haters are saying it openly that the Cowboys don't get fair treatment from the officiating. There is only so much evidence before reasonable people start calling it out.

You just have stubborn holdouts who will never admit it because they don't like me, and it would be far too hurtful for their egos to admit after all the insulting comments they have made my way that I'm right.


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Let’s all admit the NFL is corrupt. The only opinions that would matter to the league are the opinions of people who are not fans, but people the league would like to be fans. If you’re an NFL fan, and you recognize the evidence the league is corrupt, and you remain a fan, it means you don’t care about the corruption. Why should the NFL care? We’re all going to remain fans, we’re all going to continue to buy Pepsi, Budweiser, and Ford pick up trucks. The point is, it apparently doesn’t matter. However the NFL manages its affairs, it is a wildly successful pro sports league.
We all know wrestling is fake, and yet millions still watch it. The NFL could admit tomorrow that it is totally fake and millions would still watch it.


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Plenty of video of Parsons getting held and no call. You got any video of Zach Martin holding and the refs not calling it? Don’t think so.
He also has no counter the the 2017 8 game streak that Dallas went with no holding calls against their opponent, or the 2018 325 passing plays and 9 week drought of no holding calls against Cowboys opponents, nor the current 2023 Parsons streak.

Their only play is to try and lump pre-snap penalties in with the subjective penalties to try and wash everything out. Nobody is complaining that the refs screw us on the pre-snap stuff. That is just their red herring to distract. It's the subjective calls and non-calls where the COwboys are getting screwed year after year.


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Actually it does.. Now that I live in DFW I don't need a streaming service to watch the Cowboys. If the rest of the league becomes of no interest to me I cancel my subscription. Then again if I do that then I might not get Reacher, Dr. Who and a bunch of cool stuff on demand. But Reacher is on Prime (which I have) and Dr. Who has been bought by Disney (which I also have) so I might not need the streaming service at all if I don't care to watch any of the other teams. Also the gambling marriage is relatively new. Yes we know there has been action on games forever but it has not been that long that it's all been out in the open like it is now. I can't predict how that plays out going forward.. I mean a lot of sports fans are also degenerate gamblers so it may work out just fine.
Gambling is more popular than football. So football rides on gambling’s coattails. I have a niece who has never been to a football game, at any level. And has no interest in doing so, unless her three young sons play someday, I imagine. Yet, she can name all 32 NFL teams because she enjoys being in the family fantasy league. The NFL knows exactly what it’s trying to do. And you’re not going to cancel any streaming service or stop watching. Watching NFL football has moved beyond being a pastime. It’s embedded in our culture. No need to mention the proliferation of forums like this one. Face it. We’re addicted to NFL football. There are worse vices.
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