Dak’s Inaccurate Myth is just that, a Myth


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I wouldn't even say Dak had accuracy problems.. What he had was footwork problems.. Sometimes his footwork would get knocked off kilter and the ball would miss by a mile. Those instances have become less and less frequent as his career has gone on. He did have more of them after the calf injury last year.. but that makes sense, because the calf on his plant foot became untrustworthy. So he did a lot more all arm throwing down the stretch.. That's not who he is.. He needs his hips aligned, his shoulder to rotate properly.. all of it. He can't just slang it like Rodgers or Mahomes.. Nor does he have to compact delivery like Brady.. Who cares? He puts the ball on the money with basically same frequency that they do. The numbers are there.. Folks can look them up for themselves and need to get over not liking the way his delivery looks or whatever BS reasons they have for thinking he's a bad thrower of the ball. Like the OP said.. that's 100% a myth.

I agree that much of Dak's problem is footwork, but whether or not your footwork is the correctable source of the problem, if the ball doesn't go where you're trying to throw it, I say you have an accuracy problem.

Some recent game it looked like his footwork went to crap, but this last game it was excellent.


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Seems to me your data is garbage here..

According to pro-football-reference Dak's % of on target throws this season is 76.9

A random sampling of "better" quarterbacks

Mahomes - 76.2%
Rodgers - 80.6
Burrow - 77.3
Herbert - 75.3
Allen - 72.1
Brady - 79.4

Oh and Cooper Rush? 67.1 %

Clearly your source is watching a different game..

Any questions?

Class dismissed.

Clearly you haven't been to any classes...too busy on Dak's nuts
According to the simple equation that even a 5 year old could understand, his updated numbers now have him at number 32 all while going up against some terrible defenses, except for Tampa....did you get off his nuts to watch the game?


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Seems to me your data is garbage here..

According to pro-football-reference Dak's % of on target throws this season is 76.9

A random sampling of "better" quarterbacks

Mahomes - 76.2%
Rodgers - 80.6
Burrow - 77.3
Herbert - 75.3
Allen - 72.1
Brady - 79.4

Oh and Cooper Rush? 67.1 %

Clearly your source is watching a different game..

Any questions?

Class dismissed.
it the eye test I tell you. its the eye test.


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IT’S A TEAM GAME!!!! You can’t blame the QB if the other team runs for over 200 yards! Wake the hell up!!
It is a team game and if your QB goes 3 and out it means the defense goes back out on the field after just coming off. Quit blaming everyone but Dak. He played a part in the game your calling a team game.


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I am not going to argue. but lets not compare in a vaccum to meet a fans expectations. what's the league record for teams winning when they rush over a 100 yards. and what's the record when they don't? and couple of rushing scores, vs. scores. what's the difference?
and you look at final stats, without watching the game and observing what happens....

he played well from get go. of the first 14 plays, it was 7 passes, 7 runs. and then we punched it in from 1 yard run (took two tried). that was end of 1 aurater. only up 10-3
second quarter, 14 passes 12 runs.

seems to me that passing game was good part of the game plan. kept it close to 50/50 as we should. scored twice and score was 23-3.

so yeah, your observation ain't so good.

but given you have an agenda to drive, no matter what he does, you will credit somebody else. when things go bad you will blame Dak. with you, he is in what we call a lose lose situation...no matter what he does, he will never get any credit. did I miss anything?
I actually think Dak is a decent middle of the pack QB but what gets me is the ignorant people comparing him to the elite QBs. He gets the most from his limited talent but it's also the team around him that has enabled him to be who he is. Is that good enough for this team to win a SB. No!!! He is too inconsistent and doesn't have the physical talent. But hey he is an absolute success he has made generations of money and become an NFL QB. Today's game is all about marketing and getting paid. Dak is a champion at those two things.


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I actually think Dak is a decent middle of the pack QB but what gets me is the ignorant people comparing him to the elite QBs. He gets the most from his limited talent but it's also the team around him that has enabled him to be who he is. Is that good enough for this team to win a SB. No!!! He is too inconsistent and doesn't have the physical talent. But hey he is an absolute success he has made generations of money and become an NFL QB. Today's game is all about marketing and getting paid. Dak is a champion at those two things.
its a mistake to compare him to elite QBs. I think some of them don't know enough (some haters don't know enough, several are totally clueless). but some dak supporters use the elite comparisons to point that no QB is perfect. even the elites....the Elite QBs make more plays and are more consistent. that's why they are elite and Dak is not elite. and as a result every team who doesn't have an elite QB has to build a team to support their QB and find a way to get to the big dance....

you need less talent when you have elite QBs, but even they can't do without talent around them, they just are good on how to maximize it.

I think we can win with him, but as you said, I said, many others said, the team has to play their part. will run defense hold up? will OL play at a high level, will running game continue to work, will McCarthy and Moore not have any more brain farrts.

teams have got there and won with less. Foles, Grapolo, Grossman, Hasselback, Flacco, several others. if having an elite QB was the only way to win it, there would be 3, 4 teams that would win superbowl year in year out for a decade and then the next group of elite would take their turns. simply doesn't work that way.

and the last statement you made about money...a passive aggressive comment. totally unncessary. that's why many dak haters lose credibility. that's where you lose your credibility. it makes you come across as TMZ more than a football fan.... if that's what you enjoy being TMZ, then more power to you.


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Your comment on Mahomes is drives. Great example Dak look lost in the TB game he looked like he missed all of preseason. When Dak gets into a funk it takes a long time for him to get out of it. It is quarters and sometimes games.

It's rarely a full game.. The thing I always come back to is that when he is in a funk there are ways to get him out of it. Namely call some designed runs. Or let him hand off.. Or call some rollouts and give him some easy reads and throws. The last thing you want to do with a QB who is having issues is have him stand in the pocket and stare into the coverage. Moore has to get better at managing Dak's "slumps" and if he doesn't do it then Dak has to realize it and do it himself. Audible to a zone read or a rollout on your own..


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I agree that much of Dak's problem is footwork, but whether or not your footwork is the correctable source of the problem, if the ball doesn't go where you're trying to throw it, I say you have an accuracy problem.

Some recent game it looked like his footwork went to crap, but this last game it was excellent.

It's only a problem if it's a frequent occurrence. Which by the numbers it isn't. His percentage of on target throws is higher than Herbert and Mahomes.. slightly behind Rodgers, Brady and Burrow and WAY higher than Allen. If Dak has an accuracy problem that what does that say about these other guys?


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completion percentage is not the only measure of accuracy, but its an indicator and an important indicator. just because it doesn't fit your narrative, you can't dismiss it.

glad we agree on WRs having to make plays. with that said, completion percentage and YAC combined are a better indicator (there is more) and we were 8th last year in YAC, 11th in 2019 (dismissing 2020 as I didn't do the break down).

and whose eye test? yours. do we rely on a biased eye test? or someone who has played the game at NFL level and knows more than anyone on this board?

so my apologies for not trusting your eye test (and nor mine).

Who suggested completion percentage should be dismissed? I merely suggested it shouldn't be used as the sole basis, as the OP is trying to do...7 years in. Making my sample conversation 100% accurate. After all this time, people are still just going - "but muh completion percentage!"

Curious about the YAC stats, where did you get them from? What is the basis? Total YAC? Per completion? Per attempt?

Bias is an issue, but some actual visual examination is a must for any proper analysis.


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Who suggested completion percentage should be dismissed? I merely suggested it shouldn't be used as the sole basis, as the OP is trying to do...7 years in. Making my sample conversation 100% accurate. After all this time, people are still just going - "but muh completion percentage!"

Curious about the YAC stats, where did you get them from? What is the basis? Total YAC? Per completion? Per attempt?

Bias is an issue, but some actual visual examination is a must for any proper analysis.

One thing about the yards after the catch argument.. People harped on that incessantly before 2020 .. Then in 2020 the Cowboys were leading the NFL in yards after the catch through 8 weeks of that season.. Why do I mention 8 weeks instead of 5? Because through 5 weeks they had built up such a huge lead that even after two games of absolute suckage from Dalton they were STILL leading the NFL in yards after the catch heading into week 8. Yet some people have continued to cling to that same tired tripe that Dak is not accurate and doesn't lead receivers yadda yadda yadda. It's among the most tiresome of all the lame arguments they come up with (and that's saying a lot) because it's so freakin easy to disprove.


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. . . A video came out early in Dak’s career where he was competing with some former QB (can’t remember his name) in a friendly game of throwing the football at targets and the former QB beat him out. After seeing that, the yahoos have been constantly harping on how inaccurate Dak is. Yet Dak’s current career completion rate is 66.7%. Brady’s is 64.2%. Aaron Rogers is 65.4. Patrick Mahomes is 66.1. Josh Allens is 62.1

Now I’m not saying Dak is better than any of those QB’s. He’s not. But he’s close and he’s not inaccurate like so many of the deniers here say he is. It’s just not true.
Jason Garrett


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Who suggested completion percentage should be dismissed? I merely suggested it shouldn't be used as the sole basis, as the OP is trying to do...7 years in. Making my sample conversation 100% accurate. After all this time, people are still just going - "but muh completion percentage!"

Curious about the YAC stats, where did you get them from? What is the basis? Total YAC? Per completion? Per attempt?

Bias is an issue, but some actual visual examination is a must for any proper analysis.
and in my response I agreed. but there are many of you who dismiss it and argue for the eye test. I clearly said, no single stat ever will tell the whole story, you take several and you get a better picture.

and much like you complaining about "completion percentage", there are dak detractors who totally dismiss "completion percentage"...argument goes both ways. you have to ignore the extremes.

google the YAC, there are some stats several sites keep..... ...YAC is not per completion or per attempt. makes no sense. but its overall and some maybe the WRs, or the player. that goes for everyone, but its an over all indicator. which normalizes. the argument I have heard from a lot of dak detractors is that its 100% cowboys WRs getting the YAC on their own. never Dak...so there is that eye test.


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I agree that much of Dak's problem is footwork, but whether or not your footwork is the correctable source of the problem, if the ball doesn't go where you're trying to throw it, I say you have an accuracy problem.

Some recent game it looked like his footwork went to crap, but this last game it was excellent.
QB throws in NFL start with the feet and foot work. if they don't fix that, then they will have accuracy issues. a lot of former and current NFL QBs point to footwork (Aikman, etc.) Dak had footwork issues earlier in his career. that's why he used to take a lot of sacks (WHHATT?). he didn't trust his throws, to make the early or tight window throws, so he used to hold on to the ball a lot longer than he should have and took unncessary sacks, because he was waiting for WR to have a lot of separation. he didn't trust himself. Kitna worked with him a lot, just on his foot placement and his accuracy improved greatly. he started to trust his arm, throw with more anticipation...even now, if you watch his bad games, it goes straight to his basic footwork fundamanetals. I saw a lot of that after his injury last year. not sure if it was related, but his mechancis up and down were great prior and post, he was all over the place. and he got frustrated a lot with himself.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Seems to me your data is garbage here..

According to pro-football-reference Dak's % of on target throws this season is 76.9

A random sampling of "better" quarterbacks

Mahomes - 76.2%
Rodgers - 80.6
Burrow - 77.3
Herbert - 75.3
Allen - 72.1
Brady - 79.4

Oh and Cooper Rush? 67.1 %

Clearly your source is watching a different game..

Any questions?

Class dismissed.

Well, you better keep Dak after class, he could use some tutoring.


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Your comment on Mahomes is drives. Great example Dak look lost in the TB game he looked like he missed all of preseason. When Dak gets into a funk it takes a long time for him to get out of it. It is quarters and sometimes games.
Pat Mahomes QB rating last week was 144. He has 3 GAMES of 85 or less.
ALL QBs are impacted by situations outside their play and have highs and lows.
Even the very best.

Thats why you average all that stuff out and grade accordingly.
Dak was injured week 1 behind a makeshift OL.
He's been improving weekly since returning.
And right now he has a better QBR and QB rating then Aaron Rodgers, the defending League MVP.