Dak and the elephant in the room

The Buccaners are 3 and 4 and your proclaimed GOAT lost to the 2 and 5 Panthers. My point is we won this game and will continue winning because it is not all about 1 player.
How did Dak kill drives? Not his fault they couldn't convert third and shorts on the ground.
I thought about starting a thread on this because I honestly don’t know.

With Dak in there, the Cowboys have a lot of run plays the defense sniffs out for -1, 0, or 1 yard.

With Rush in there, there were a lot fewer nothing/negative runs it seemed like.

I don’t know how much control a QB has at the line up scrimmage if he can run a play To a different side if he sees the defense loaded up one way. It feels like Dak has trouble diagnosis the defensive when he’s not in shotgun. Rush obviously isn’t as good overall but he seemed to be aligning them better.

^ no idea if that’s a thing. Amateur observation.
He's a Romo with slower release, slower ability to process defenses, and absolutely must have top tier talent around him to succeed (see Zeke 2016, Amari 2018.5 - 2021).
Don’t. Just don’t put him on Romo’s level, because he never will be. Romo was a student of the game that rarely had a good OL and NEVER had a defense like Dak does this year. Romo will always be better than Dakota Rayne.
Cooper Rush throws for 200 yards and 1 TD: "He should totally be starting over Dak".

Dak Prescott throws for 200 yards and 1 TD: "See, told you Rush should be starting over Dak".

Cooper Rush throws for 200 yards and 1 TD. We need a better QB, he's a backup at best, this team will go nowhere with those stats!
Stats Prescott throws for 200 yards and 1 TD. Stats played really good, our QB1 is BACK!!!!! Haters are crying!
Again I ask, where's yours?
Do you claim that every quarterback that throws three interceptions lacks IQ?
Maybe you should study the game and ask yourself what really happened last week.
Rush played well, considering the bad calls, penalties, and being placed in a situation where he had to try and make something happen.
You really should study the game more before you post.
Wait Dak sucked today but Rush played well last week? And I need to study the game? You must be doped up let’s debate after you sober up you high right now.
He’s coming off injury. Surgery even. This ain’t him he’s shown you what he is.

Its the same him we saw before we traded for Cooper when he didn't need a number 1 (according to him), Honestly. It is what it is, he is not nearly as bad as some make him out to be, but he is not as good as other seem to want to make him either. I will give him being rusty after being out (for a few games while he gets his feet back), but you have to admit the slow starts are not something new, it is a long trending pattern at this point. Not all on him of course, but he has steered the ship for them. We can win with him for sure, but everything around him needs to be strong.

You are correct, he has shown us what he is, both the good and they bad.
Let’s get this out of the way first:

1. I’m pro Dak
2. He is better than Rush
3. I’m not suggesting Rush should start over Dak
4. I hope we win a super bowl with Dak.

Having said that it’s time that people started being realistic about our QB situation:

1. Dak starts off horribly slow.
2. Dak killed several drives today that were totally ON DAK.
3. He’s not a top 10 QB.
4. He struggled with the 32nd ranked defense.
5. Something is wrong with Dak in terms of seeing/processing the field.
6. Dak’s accuracy is very suspect. I’d say Dak is in the bottom 1/3 of the league in that category.
7. Dak doesn’t elevate the team. Dak doesn’t elevate the team.
8. The WRs are getting plenty open, Dak just doesn’t see them.
9. If they don’t run Dak 3-4 times per game —Dak is going to have a much harder time winning. He needs that threat to keep defenses more honest.
10. The only way Dak wins a SB is if the team Carrie’s him. He is nothing more than a middling bus driver right now.
11. I would love to see Dak develop and become the next Tom Brady, but I don’t think Dak has the football IQ to get it done.
12. Dak has the physical traits but he doesn’t have the mind to get it done as of right now.
13. I like Dak and I like Zeke as a Cowboys fan, but those two together are a handicap to overcome.
Outstanding post !
Any true Cowboy fan wants Dak to succeed, but his limitations are too obvious to continue to ignore.
He has regressed to an average QB and we can't afford that at 40 Million a year.
We have a real problem on our hands, boys and girls.
Dak is slightly better then Trent Dilfer. Nothing more, nothing less. If our defense can continue to play lights out we have a chance to be pretty good. Sadly LVE isn't Ray Lewis.
Its the same him we saw before we traded for Cooper when he didn't need a number 1 (according to him), Honestly. It is what it is, he is not nearly as bad as some make him out to be, but he is not as good as other seem to want to make him either. I will give him the rusty after being out for a few games, but you have to admit the slow starts are not something new, it is a long trending pattern at this point. Not all on him of course, but he has steered the ship for them.

You are correct, he has shown us what he is, both the good and they bad.
I mean he needs good receiver play. Just like Aaron Rodgers and Josh Allen….
Outstanding post !
Any true Cowboy fan wants Dak to succeed, but his limitations are too obvious to continue to ignore.
He has regressed to an average QB and we can't afford that at 40 Million a year.
We have a real problem on our hands, boys and girls.
Judging this game today is just silly. I get we are in a rush to say he sucks but even this is low for even his biggest hater.
One makes 40 million…..it’s not hard

I'm not paying it so I don't care. This was a weak performance by Dak, no doubt. But it would also be considered a strong performance by Rush.

That's the difference. Money is already spent. Going for the great-value brand on money already spent at this point is stupid. You can't get that money back. May as go with the higher ceiling.
Find me a player, former player, coach or GM that says Dak is below average quarterback. If you do, I'll suspend my CZ account for a year. If you can't, then suspend YOUR account for a year....

Do we have a deal???
Lol. Not sure anyone on here has GM, former player or coach on speed dial. If so please pm me a number or make a sensible way for those that’s differ in opinion to win.

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