This is my take. NFL Qbs get asked lots of questions. Many of them stupid ones.
My head shaker in all of this is how incredibly tone deaf Dak's response to the question is, and how exposed he is to media manipulation of his response.
The statements he made. What is this based on? He and CeeDee's incredible work in the GB playoff game.
A better response would have been to reaffirm his personal challenge and desire to be the best QB he could be. "Montana and other QBs before him have set the bar high and everyday I work to be able to reach these high bars of performance."
You can tell people what you are working towards with humility and be clear.
He put his foot in his mouth making the quote, "I feel like we can be better than all of them."

Let's start with being better in front of the microphone. His new contract is going to result in extra mics and tape recorders being pushed in front of his face.
Todd France should spend a few sheckles on a refresher course in media training for his client.