Twitter: Dak expected to get his own Jordan line


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Geniuses? We are talking about Jones right? . . . Dak is finally gonna make them look like geniuses?

Keep dreaming

In 2016 they were blind squirrels that found a nut (A capable backup for their All Pro Starter)

Then they were just completely Nuts when the kept Dak as the starter . . then they showed themselves to be the morons they are the way they handled the Dak contract

So, you're hoping that when his career is done they don't look like geniuses? Got it. I'm hoping differently than you.


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Daks contract with Jordan is signed. It's a done deal. You Dak haters also swear Aikman was the best thing since sliced bread. He had a defense and a great running game to help him. He didn't do it on his own, but carry on.
If Aikman played for Houston, San Fran or the Dolphins He would have lit it up. . . Because Aikman never had to air it out doesn't mean He would have been incapable. . why do you try to desecrate him. . Aikman was a prototypical QB He would have flourished in any system


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So, you're hoping that when his career is done they don't look like geniuses? Got it. I'm hoping differently than you.
Not hoping . . . call it an educated guess. . . and dont imply this plays against my Cowboy Loyalty or that you are a better fan. . you are not. . you a Dak Fan Boy there is a difference.

I dont Hope for Dak to finally become what He is Not. . . a Game changing winning QB. . I expect Him to continue to be what He is a Bus Driving Mobile QB. . . but if He does exceed my expectations I would be pleasantly surprised


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If Aikman played for Houston, San Fran or the Dolphins He would have lit it up. . . Because Aikman never had to air it out doesn't mean He would have been incapable. . why do you try to desecrate him. . Aikman was a prototypical QB He would have flourished in any system
Would he? You Ms.Cleo now?


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He has every right. Dak would be daft to not cash in.
Because NFL means Not For Long.
As all players must, hardy seadog lads! Hope all this motley crew cash in! Jerry can make them rich(er)!


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Not hoping . . . call it an educated guess. . . and dont imply this plays against my Cowboy Loyalty or that you are a better fan. . you are not. . you a Dak Fan Boy there is a difference.

I dont Hope for Dak to finally become what He is Not. . . a Game changing winning QB. . I expect Him to continue to be what He is a Bus Driving Mobile QB. . . but if He does exceed my expectations I would be pleasantly surprised

The name calling is divisive and does nothing to encourage an actual discourse. You write well enough that I know you're more intelligent than that. You obviously haven't read enough of what I've written about Dak to even make an educated guess about me being a "fan boy." I am not a fan of name calling at all and try not to do that myself. You couldn't possibly have read the things I've written about Dak. I grew to like him, but I've been very clear that HE was making a mistake with the contract demands. I didn't warm up to him overnight. Romo was one of the most football intelligent players we've ever had under center and I'm not convinced we don't win the Superbowl that year if he took over when healthy. I'm a Cowboys' fan and Dak's the I'm hopeful. Super hopeful...every year. If you have to call me names instead of having a decent discussion, try "Cowboys homer." I am...truly. There's no question I wear rose-collored glasses. I look for bright spots. I focus on the positive. Not just as a Cowboys' fan, but in life. At least "Homer" would apply.

I didn't intend to imply that you weren't a good fan. I went back and read my comment to see what lead to the name-calling. It does read as if I was saying that I'm a better fan, and I genuinely apologize. That wasn't my intention. I understand why it sounded that way. I couldn't pretend to rate other people's fandom...and wouldn't if I could. I only meant that I am hopeful that he will make this contract look great in the end. From what you've written, you aren't hopeful of that. I should have found a better way to word that fact.


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The name calling is divisive and does nothing to encourage an actual discourse. You write well enough that I know you're more intelligent than that. You obviously haven't read enough of what I've written about Dak to even make an educated guess about me being a "fan boy." I am not a fan of name calling at all and try not to do that myself. You couldn't possibly have read the things I've written about Dak. I grew to like him, but I've been very clear that HE was making a mistake with the contract demands. I didn't warm up to him overnight. Romo was one of the most football intelligent players we've ever had under center and I'm not convinced we don't win the Superbowl that year if he took over when healthy. I'm a Cowboys' fan and Dak's the I'm hopeful. Super hopeful...every year. If you have to call me names instead of having a decent discussion, try "Cowboys homer." I am...truly. There's no question I wear rose-collored glasses. I look for bright spots. I focus on the positive. Not just as a Cowboys' fan, but in life. At least "Homer" would apply.

I didn't intend to imply that you weren't a good fan. I went back and read my comment to see what lead to the name-calling. It does read as if I was saying that I'm a better fan, and I genuinely apologize. That wasn't my intention. I understand why it sounded that way. I couldn't pretend to rate other people's fandom...and wouldn't if I could. I only meant that I am hopeful that he will make this contract look great in the end. From what you've written, you aren't hopeful of that. I should have found a better way to word that fact.
I respect that. . . I apologize for name calling. Fact of the matter is this team is divided over Dak. . . right down the middle.

But you are saying that over time Dak has grown on you I respect that. But for me I continue to see the same man and I dont see how He is gonna change now.

Would I be sour and upset if he proves me wrong? Of course not . . . i would welcome it but I dont see it happening. . .

Not because I am pessimistic but because after having high hopes each year Dark confinues to come out and perform the same. . .

So if I sound harsh I apologize . . . My hopes lie in the youth only 2 or 3 years left of Dak


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I respect that. . . I apologize for name calling. Fact of the matter is this team is divided over Dak. . . right down the middle.

But you are saying that over time Dak has grown on you I respect that. But for me I continue to see the same man and I dont see how He is gonna change now.

Would I be sour and upset if he proves me wrong? Of course not . . . i would welcome it but I dont see it happening. . .

Not because I am pessimistic but because after having high hopes each year Dark confinues to come out and perform the same. . .

So if I sound harsh I apologize . . . My hopes lie in the youth only 2 or 3 years left of Dak

I genuinely hope you're wrong. But truly not because I want YOU to be wrong. I'm just tired of losing. We have been a non-factor in the playoffs for half the fanbases' entire lives.

25 years of futility. Even someone as Pollyanna as I am can grown weary. I'm optimistic about this next season. The QB is signed. We addressed defense in the draft in about as big a way as we can. Picked up a real DC for the first time in a long time...which was our best move this off season in my
6 GB iui

But, I see a 1 year window now. The contract is no big deal this year. Next year it will cause us to make choices. In his shoes, I would have gone an entirely different route.

I think he can be the guy. That said, it all needs to come together...soon. Really soon.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Of course not, because what we are talking about only applies to ONE team. So yes, teams can not say they will make more money by signing a deal with _______________ enter team. There is only 1 team that this rule applies to.
That's not true. Sure Dallas provides more opportunity, but a New York or LA team provides more opportunity than a Jacksonville or Indianapolis team. In any case, endorsements aren't meant as a substitute for salary, and you can't reasonably expect the players or the NFL Players Association to view it that way.