Video: Dak fires a rocket to Wilson


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Because I want the record set straight. You got mad because I clarified your cherry picking.

Yes... I 'defend zeke"....for the love of GOD you are giving me ship for it? WT F.

And I also criticize him.

Why are you mad about me saying so? Because you hate truth and facts when it doesn't serve your agenda?

First I am not one on here could ever make me I have a real life that handles my stress count, it will never be here......

your second statment is why I said what I did, you are diving in on others for defending Dak..Just wanted to make sure you saw the irony...

I am not mad, again at all...Show me the truth and facts and my agenda and we can discuss it...A Cowboys fan posted a thread of a complete pass from the Cowboys QB and some felt the need to come here and bash it...I commented on another poster saying "why, thats wierd "you and I have been having a wird convo since then and now I have an Agenda with false facts....please once again show me the truth, facts I hate as the align with my "agenda".....


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I wonder why my comment was deleted when it didn't break a site rule.

I guess there's all the proof needed that Rockport has free reign to terrorize the board with no accountability. His bullying and name calling gets to remain while other posts that don't violate rules get deleted.

Sweet..... this must be what it's like to live in North Korea.

I mean this is how you want to follow up a deleted post?


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I wonder why my comment was deleted when it didn't break a site rule.

I guess there's all the proof needed that Rockport has free reign to terrorize the board with no accountability. His bullying and name calling gets to remain while other posts that don't violate rules get deleted.

Sweet..... this must be what it's like to live in North Korea.
Maybe you should give more consideration into why your post was deleted.


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over analysis of a practice session....:facepalm:

ya'll are so desperate for anything negative...why??

"The key is not the will to win... everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important." Robert M. Knight. Simply put, you do in games what you do in practice. You just can't "turn it on" in a game. Practice really does matter, it matters a lot!!!


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"The key is not the will to win... everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important." Robert M. Knight. Simply put, you do in games what you do in practice. You just can't "turn it on" in a game. Practice really does matter, it matters a lot!!!
I never said practice doesn't matter. You will never find a post that I have said anything as such.

But over analysis and 11 page thread over a single practice throw. And it's practice, the purpose of which as you said is to improve, learn, make mistakes that don't count, try new things and get better

So why is everyone over the top sensitive, emotional and dramatic over a single practice throw....which was a was a completion anyway....


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"The key is not the will to win... everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important." Robert M. Knight. Simply put, you do in games what you do in practice. You just can't "turn it on" in a game. Practice really does matter, it matters a lot!!!
Btw not everyone has the will to win. There are a few that just don't care...


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"The key is not the will to win... everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important." Robert M. Knight. Simply put, you do in games what you do in practice. You just can't "turn it on" in a game. Practice really does matter, it matters a lot!!!
Not everyone has the will to win like Troy, Brady, Roger, Jordan, Kobe and yes Dak.


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Not everyone has the will to win like Troy, Brady, Roger, Jordan, Kobe and yes Dak.

Rock ...I think Dak has the will to win and he is one hell of a I know what you meant and the list is long and includes others that Have not won a Championship....but you know this thread is about to go bat S crazy over "Dak is not as good as......