Dak has made the lowest rate of bad throws in the NFL


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I can surmise someones intentions any time I please. Who died and made you the arbiter of all things internet? Its a forum to express views. if its too hot get out da kitchen.
And I can call someone out for acting like an insecure little girl any time I please.

Why does it bother you if someone has a different opinion than you do?

Answer up.


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It's not madness to post a stat that is impressive for the starting QB of your favorite team.

This place has become overran with people with 13 year old mentalities.

Xbox vs PS
Apple vs Android
Chevy vs Ford
Nvidia vs AMD

How can one be a "fan boy" of his own teams starting QB?
More strawman disingenuous post from people smh. It's madness to criticize one group of people for doing one thing but don't say nothing about those you agree with doing the same stuff because you agree with them. No matter how you try to justify it. Either you don't like when people do something or you do just be consistent. If you have to ask how one can be a fan boy of his own team starting QB you must be one of those fan boys of the QB. Its pretty easy to be a fan boy of the starting QB just look at Dak Presgoat post as an example of that. That poster hasn't had a post yet mentioning Dak being bad and that sir is fan boy behavior because we both know he isn't that good.


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Alot of us have been thrilled to see Dakota feast on the bottom feeder defenses but when the 26th ranked Saints defense stuffed the run we expected to see Dakota light up their secondary but that didnt happen. and to be fair the drops did contribute for sure, but just 10 points? c'mon man
2 lost fumbles, killer drops and penalties.

The entire offense failed Sunday night and that includes Dak. It happens.

Considering Dak was lights out in Weeks 1-3, you’d THINK his haters would keep their mouths shut after 1 unimpressive game. NOPE!!! That would’ve required a shred of football knowledge and integrity.

Dak still leads the NFL in QBR and has his team in 1st place. That has his haters MADDDDD.


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Plenty of blame all around, but the thread was started to deflect ANY blame from him
Seriously. Can these vocal minority Super Dak fans even name a game where he was the main reason we lost. I don't think I've saw one game ever we've lost where it hasn't been a war if you suggest Dak didn't play all that good. I just want to know what is the threshold for saying Dak had a bad game so we can have more of a consensus on this topic. I think it will stop the back and forth even though I think most like the back and forth.


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Wasn't even attended to deflect blame. Just to point out that he isn't as awful of a QB as some make him out to be. Does that make bad throws or miss WRs? Yes, he does. But, some make it seem like he does it way more often than the QBs that are projected to be head and shoulders better than him make.

To be honest I havent seen anyone posting that hes the worst QB as the numbers simply dont support that. Last season he finished #17 in QBR so I put him solidly in the middle of the pack and in fact this year his first 3 games showed promise but last week seemed like a regression back to last years form.. In that game he wasnt awful and he wasnt great. Just mediocre


Well-Known Member
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And I can call someone out for acting like an insecure little girl any time I please.

Why does it bother you if someone has a different opinion than you do?

Answer up.

I never asserted that you shouldn't opine. You started on me so I unloaded on you. Plain and simple. How bout some of that Namaste? You seem to have some anger issues......

and now your security shaming little girls? wow, get a grip its 2019


Well-Known Member
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More strawman disingenuous post from people smh. It's madness to criticize one group of people for doing one thing but don't say nothing about those you agree with doing the same stuff because you agree with them. No matter how you try to justify it. Either you don't like when people do something or you do just be consistent. If you have to ask how one can be a fan boy of his own team starting QB you must be one of those fan boys of the QB. Its pretty easy to be a fan boy of the starting QB just look at Dak Presgoat post as an example of that. That poster hasn't had a post yet mentioning Dak being bad and that sir is fan boy behavior because we both know he isn't that good.
I never took any position on either side.

I am just wondering why people who are Cowboys fans will attack a poster who posts a favorable stat of the teams starting QB?
If you see someone at the grocery store with a Dak jersey do you run up to him and bash Dak?

Why am I not bothered if a poster thinks the world of any Cowboys player? We are all Cowboys fans after all. If someone was an Eagles fan then I can see the desire to go back and forth.

No one is saying anyone has to agree with him. I just can't understand some peoples strange need to fight over someone liking a member of the Cowboys too much.


Well-Known Member
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I never took any position on either side.

I am just wondering why people who are Cowboys fans will attack a poster who posts a favorable stat of the teams starting QB?
If you see someone at the grocery store with a Dak jersey do you run up to him and bash Dak?

Why am I not bothered if a poster thinks the world of any Cowboys player? We are all Cowboys fans after all. If someone was an Eagles fan then I can see the desire to go back and forth.

No one is saying anyone has to agree with him. I just can't understand some peoples strange need to fight over someone liking a member of the Cowboys too much.

Nobody's fighting anybody, Shirley, its just debate.....the sensitivity is strong in this one


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Wasn't even attended to deflect blame. Just to point out that he isn't as awful of a QB as some make him out to be. Does that make bad throws or miss WRs? Yes, he does. But, some make it seem like he does it way more often than the QBs that are projected to be head and shoulders better than him make.
It comes off as a way to deflect blame. The reason being is you know you're not you're not changing anybodies mind at all. I can tell you a lot of the poster on both sides of this Dak thing and they aren't changing their mind so the point out he isn't a awful QB stuff is just looked at as trying to deflect good sir. Let's be real what person on either side of this Dak debate has been like you know what you're right I've changed my mind on him? When we all know the answer to that your post looks more like deflection of blame.


Well-Known Member
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I never asserted that you shouldn't opine. You started on me so I unloaded on you. Plain and simple. How bout some of that Namaste? You seem to have some anger issues......

and now your security shaming little girls? wow, get a grip its 2019
How about you answer the question....and btw... I'm not angry at all. This is just entertainment. Its football not real life.
I was messing with you.... But I am interested in the answer.

Why are so many people bothered by someone liking a player more than they do? Especially a Cowboys player. We are on the same team. If I watched a game at a bar with you we would be giving each other high fives.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Occasionally I click on "show ignored content" and invariably I'm quickly reminded why those people are being ignored.



Well-Known Member
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And I can call someone out for acting like an insecure little girl any time I please.

Why does it bother you if someone has a different opinion than you do?

Answer up.

Acting like an insecure little girl? I can’t even see the poster you’re talking to but know who it is.


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It comes off as a way to deflect blame. The reason being is you know you're not you're not changing anybodies mind at all. I can tell you a lot of the poster on both sides of this Dak thing and they aren't changing their mind so the point out he isn't a awful QB stuff is just looked at as trying to deflect good sir. Let's be real what person on either side of this Dak debate has been like you know what you're right I've changed my mind on him? When we all know the answer to that your post looks more like deflection of blame.

Dak could have done better to score more points against the Saints, as well as the whole offense could have. Some are placing most of the blame on Dak. And you had some Cowboys fans, fans of other teams, and NFL pundits use the Saints game to jump on Dak and say that this is proof that he is just an average or below average QB who will never get the job done.

And more focus is on Dak than on the OL failing to do their job against a good Saints defensive line and 2 fumbles by Zeke and Witten. Then 2 OPIs on Cooper. None of this helps out the QB, when points and sustained drives are hard to come by like it was on Sunday.


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Nobody's fighting anybody, Shirley, its just debate.....the sensitivity is strong in this one
You replied to the OP posting something positive about Dak with a snicker and sarcasm. You didn't attempt to form a debate. You attempted to frame him into something you felt comfortable attacking.
Why is this?

I get people post stuff in an effort to influence others to like Dak more....or some in an effort to get others to like Dak less. I can understand why a fan wants others to enjoy what they do. I don't understand why some fans want others to enjoy any aspect of their favorite team less.


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Plenty of blame all around, but the thread was started to deflect ANY blame from him

Your previous post stated Dak had no connection to the 10 points we put up.

Are you suggesting his missed pass to Cobb in the end zone wouldn’t have been a help?


Well-Known Member
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I never took any position on either side.

I am just wondering why people who are Cowboys fans will attack a poster who posts a favorable stat of the teams starting QB?
If you see someone at the grocery store with a Dak jersey do you run up to him and bash Dak?

Why am I not bothered if a poster thinks the world of any Cowboys player? We are all Cowboys fans after all. If someone was an Eagles fan then I can see the desire to go back and forth.

No one is saying anyone has to agree with him. I just can't understand some peoples strange need to fight over someone liking a member of the Cowboys too much.

Yuu’ve become a really emotional poster over the past year or so. You used to be better than this.


Well-Known Member
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I never took any position on either side.

I am just wondering why people who are Cowboys fans will attack a poster who posts a favorable stat of the teams starting QB?
If you see someone at the grocery store with a Dak jersey do you run up to him and bash Dak?

Why am I not bothered if a poster thinks the world of any Cowboys player? We are all Cowboys fans after all. If someone was an Eagles fan then I can see the desire to go back and forth.

No one is saying anyone has to agree with him. I just can't understand some peoples strange need to fight over someone liking a member of the Cowboys too much.
You're saying you don't take sides but are only coming at posters on one side. Yep definitely not taking sides good sir. If you're wondering good sir about your first question you're just being lazy to be honest. People have different opinions on things so they don't see it the same way and that leads to disagreements. That isn't a novel idea whether you like the same team or even on more important things than sports.

As far as your second question this logic doesn't even make sense? What the heck does a going back and forth on a Boys messagebaord have to do both running up on a random outside where they aren't talking sports with you? You have to make sense sir and not just post any ole thing because it sounds good to you when you started typing. Why don't you ask the Dak homers the same thing but I forgot since you agree with them you don't.

As for your third question you aren't every poster so what you do doesn't work for everybody nor do they want to do things your way. I agree we are all Boys fans but it doesn't mean we have to see eye to eye on everything because that's unrealistic. Nobody does no matter what similarities football or otherwise they have in common. Lastly just because you wouldn't do doesn't mean other won't. The same could be said for me too that's just life esp on a messagebaord.


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Yuu’ve become a really emotional poster over the past year or so. You used to be better than this.
Its because I haven't gotten enough likes from you Mattjames2010.

How about throwing me a few. My self confidence hasn't been the same since the last time.