Twitter: Dak has taken a step back in his return


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We get what we get after paying him like the #1 QB in the NFL, even before we knew if he could return to .500 form after his last injury. Fortunately, this team has a long history of making sure we have competent backup QBs...oh wait....
Are you calling Garrett Gilbert incompetent? Just come out and say it.


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Anyone remember when and where Tony Romo got hurt?

:laugh:I have more comments than likes for that very reason. I love, and still have the utmost respect for Tony. I've learned to bow out in most posts when it comes to QB's. Too many casuals in this forum.

I'd take Tony with a sore arm sitting out over Dak. Still love Dak though. Just depends on how he moves forward. I'm not that "blame the QB" guy. Too many have won SB's that look like HS QB's in comparison to some of the greats I've watched over the years.

Teams win. QB's are very important, but I've seen plenty of greats win 1 or none because they just couldn't beat the odds. :facepalm:

I hope I see us beat the odds at least once in the cap era before Jerry fades. Regardless of perception I know he wants it more than his next breath.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan

Cowboys QB Dak Prescott has “taken a step back”
Cowboys QB Dak Prescott has “taken a step back”
Cowboys QB Dak Prescott has “taken a step back”
Cowboys QB Dak Prescott has “taken a step back”
Cowboys QB Dak Prescott has “taken a step back”

Since his rookie season same old same old........:(


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They caught it early alright - the very instant he threw that long pass that missed and he TORE HIS ROTATOR CUFF!!! . Gilbert you're up for the season buddy!!!!!


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This is why you don’t pay a QB who just had a major leg injury 160 mil or 22% of your salary cap . Too much risk , too much for one player who has not won a super bowl or has actually proven he is a top 3 QB in the league . I hope for the sake of the cowboys that Dak recovers and played lights out this season and next , But the risk with paying Dak such money was always enormous .


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Why do I feel this video is what the season has in store for the Cowboys
whatever idiot put the fence there needs to sacked. The bloody tree behind it didn't help/ Imagine running into that!!! Surround the ttree with 3 foot padding and forget the fence!!!! This is a dangerous practice facility. Good job Jerry. All about PR. Should've stay at the star you drunken idiot.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
This is why you don’t pay a QB who just had a major leg injury 160 mil or 22% of your salary cap . Too much risk , too much for one player who has not won a super bowl or has actually proven he is a top 3 QB in the league . I hope for the sake of the cowboys that Dak recovers and played lights out this season and next , But the risk with paying Dak such money was always enormous .
I don't know if I should laugh or cry????:huh:


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Dallas is never forthcoming regarding injuries. Dak has been doing drills without passing. If it’s anything, it’s not his leg. My bet is on his arm “soreness”.


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The real "fact" is that TR had a horrible defense and a patchwork O-line for most of his years under center here. He only had a workable running game a few years and once the front office finally got their stuff together and built a team that he could take to the Super Bowl his body let him down and and in walks #4 doing what he has done his whole career in HS, College and here. Stumble into a starting spot due to injury.

The other "fact" is people like yourself could not stand it that a player from a DIV III College was the QB of YOUR Dallas Cowboys. How could a guy who was not a Heisman Hopeful follow in the footsteps of Dandy Don, Roger Staubach and Troy Aikman? No freakin way!!!! So every time he tossed an int, every dropped pass, heck every fumbled punt, or missed tackle was his fault.....still is!!!!
Kind of like how everyone who’s mad at dak for retiring Romo calls him out for every missed pass, fumble, or interception? It goes both ways. I love how your brought up what Dak did in college. Didn’t he bring miss st to their highest ranking in their schools history?


Loud pipes saves lives.
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Orthopedic based clinician here.

Sounds like he developed tendonitis from overuse with throwing, reduced pitch count to allow heal to make sure it doesn't become a tendinosis. Which is essentially chronic tendon inflammation.

Nothing really to see here as rest is pretty standard with all tendonitis cases no matter how severe. It is really a very minor issue.

Active rest and he is good to go without any missed time.
Thank you it's always nice to get an opinion from someone in their professed field.

Dak said he thinks he got it from throwing a long ball before he warmed up properly. If rest is what he needs in your opinion, how long is the standard rest period?

Fastpitch Dad

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This thread is so disingenuous smh. And most people will not scroll to this point or see the tweet in the practice thread showing this. They’ll go on thinking something else and swearing by it.

Gotta post threads responsibly.
Thank you for the real information that you have posted, a lot of us really appreciate the work you and a few others put into giving us news on the team.

This thread encapsulates everything that is wrong with this board these days. Just post your opinion, pro or con, and move on. These posts are just begging for attention and folks from both sides happily oblige them. I will never understand it. We all have a tiff with someone every now and then, but it doesn't turn into pages and pages of back and forth.

The enjoyment of this board has diminished so much to myself that someday's it's hard to read for more than 5 minutes.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
This tweet is not accurate. Mike said the Cowboys have taken a step back with their approach on Dak (i.e. being more conservative), NOT that Dak has taken a step back.

exactly. Just listened to it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
For the record....I am not a Dak hater.
He is a tier 3 QB and my expectations for him (due to lack of natural talents) are very low!
I consider him problem # 1 for our on-the-field woes.....
I apologize. I didn't mean to imply any specific person defined as "hater". I detest the loose usage of the word by some simply in disagreement about perceptions and opinions.


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They caught it early alright - the very instant he threw that long pass that missed and he TORE HIS ROTATOR CUFF!!! . Gilbert you're up for the season buddy!!!!!
Dude stop putting that in the universe. Whats wrong with you?