Video: Dak in his own words on Dez


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You all just watched your franchise quarterback lie to your face. Absolutely Dak had some say in Bryant’s don’t just get rid of a player like him without talking to Dak. Was it only Dak’s decision? Hell no, but if Dak isn’t going to throw the ball to Bryant the way Romo did than he’s not worth the money he was getting to be here.

This season is going to be interesting with the offense tailored to Dak. Ultimately we are going to see if Dak is a franchise quarterback or not.

I think he was just being PC. I also think 90% of this was Stephen. Besides, if you actually COULD get real feelings out of the players, I'd bet the farm more than half of them we're eyerolling Dez's antics as they relate to production and paycheck envy.


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Yea I don't believe him at all. He had to have some input. If he didn't then the FO is even more screwed up than I thought.

Maybe his input was dismissed.

The part where he sort of indicated he doesn’t really know what they’re going to do at receiver is very telling. He said something about not thinking it would happen, and indicates surprise.

The Cowboys have had issues before with people not speaking about important topics between owners, coaches, and players. I’m not even surprised that Dak seems a bit thrown off by this decision.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Maybe his input was dismissed.

The part where he sort of indicated he doesn’t really know what they’re going to do at receiver is very telling. He said something about not thinking it would happen, and indicates surprise.

The Cowboys have had issues before with people not speaking about important topics between owners, coaches, and players. I’m not even surprised that Dak seems a bit thrown off by this decision.
If the FO is going to make the offense Dak friendly and don't even have his input then this organization is just incompetent. He's the most important voice to be heard.


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Did you want him to tell the truth? "I'm glad I don't have to have him chirping in my ear every play." "My stress level just dropped 400%."

Leaders hold their tongue when necessary. Children avoid their own responsibility and run to Twitter to throw everyone else under the bus.
You mean leaders that go in front of the cameras and say "I think I have to throw him a better ball. Just put it right there on his facemask and don't give him a chance to drop it."
Thats real leadership, throw people under the bus to hide his shortcomings.


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Didn’t Dez mention in his interview with Fish that he was going to text the guys he knew worked against him?


Messenger to the football Gods
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Weird answer there. I'd have gone with something like, "Dez is a great player and I'll miss him, but I'm a player. I don't cut other players -- that isn't my job. My job is to play QB to the best of my ability for this team. Other people in this organization make those decisions."

This almost makes me think he was lobbying against Dez. Which I would understand. But I don't think he gave a very good answer here.
Yah......the whole interview seemed tentative. Almost with every answer he was afraid that his nose was growing.......


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Weird answer there. I'd have gone with something like, "Dez is a great player and I'll miss him, but I'm a player. I don't cut other players -- that isn't my job. My job is to play QB to the best of my ability for this team. Other people in this organization make those decisions."

This almost makes me think he was lobbying against Dez. Which I would understand. But I don't think he gave a very good answer here.

He straight up lied to our faces. That’s the response and body language of Dak when he lies straight through his teeth.

Might want to remember that for the future.


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All I could focus on were his shoulder shrugs lol. Was he lifting while giving an interview? Lol


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He straight up lied to our faces. That’s the response and body language of Dak when he lies straight through his teeth.

Might want to remember that for the future.

He is absolutely lying. He is squirming. He knew what was likely to happen and he feels he is a little responsible directly or indirectly.


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Said it hurts losing Dez who was like a brother to him. Called him a great player and said he wasn’t aware of anything that was going on. Said he needs to stay focused on the team moving forward and prepare for next season. Wouldn’t say he was happy Dez was gone and wouldn’t say he supported the move. Said he’s a 2nd year QB and it’s not really his place to be angry that he wasn’t made aware prior

Honestly how much of a better answer than that could he give? Some of you would not be happy with anything he said....


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My grand daughters do a good job of figuring out what somebody really means, despite of what they said. They're real good at letting us know about all of the back alleys leading up to the event, too. Maybe I'll send them a link & see what they think it all means.


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He simply stated a fact…"If I can lodge the ball in Dez's facemark, he can't drop it."


Relax…just having fun at this point.
I actually thought it was funny, I love dez, always have but its not like dez wasnt dropping key third downs, having interceptions bounce off his hands and/or fumbling away the game turning drive ALL DAM YEAR, Good grief cant win w that crap period! Butterfingers kill


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Don't have to listen. Dak is a good dude and way too smart to let some reporter get some crapp out of him that can be misconstrued.

Only fools say much of anything to the media.