Video: Dak interview


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There's nobody on this forum who hates Dak Prescott as a person. People who do attach strong feelings towards professional sports people or so called celebrities need to get a grip. They aren't our friends or family.

People simply have differing views on Dak Prescott as a quarterback. Again, it's not hate.
Well, I don't know if that can be said about Pappy - he couldn't acknowledge it if Dak spent the entire offseason helping old women across the street.


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Dak also cant beat good teams and cant win without zeke. He may be good but he's not good enough to get 40 million he's already showed us that. Why wouldn't he take 25 or 30 mil? It's not like jerry is a cheapskate and keeps that money himself. Imagine winning a Super Bowl with the cowboys after a 25 year drought you would be set for life even if you were only made 5 mil on your rookie contract.

I think you should hold on to that opinion for 1 more year. This year will tell us if it’s Dak or if it was Garrett’s offense that was the issue. The Cowboy fan in me is hoping Dak proves it was the simplistic and predictable scheme holding him and the team back. I’ve been down on Dak as well but with Garrett gone, I’m giving him a one year reset to prove he can take that next step. That’s where we all should be. Dak being average doesn’t do any of us any good so why would any of us want that to be the best he is?


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From the trailer park to QB of the Dallas Cowboys. Gotta love the kid! He is one Positive **’er...


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What are you even talking about he said "no price"? Why are you getting hung up on that?You looking for something to cling on to?
If we're going to disregard deal speculations then why disregard known facts?


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This youtube channel just uploaded about 15 different videos of interviewing Dak about different topics from his brothers suicide to his contract. Figured I'd pass it on. If this has been posted just delete mods. thx.

Dak be the standard not the chaser of the standard, the money will come :)

his words lol


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I had to stop at the halfway mark when the interviewer asked Dak what annoys you the most about you contract situation. Daks response:
And I'm paraphrasing, "It's those who don't know me. It's those who think their opinion matters.To not only to me but to those making decisions. It's hard for me to respect those who have never been there whether its football or not to make a judgement." There are several CZ Dak hating trolls here that fit the bill. And we all know who they are.

Well that's kind of silly when it is ultimately the fans that pay his salary. Of course we have something to say about it. He is not in private industry! His pay effects the success of our team and it is our team!

Collectively, as a whole, without fans of the Dallas Cowboys Jerry does not make a cent and neither do the players!

Pro sports is on the verge of forgetting who pays their salaries!


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Well that's kind of silly when it is ultimately the fans that pay his salary. Of course we have something to say about it. He is not in private industry! His pay effects the success of our team and it is our team!

Collectively, as a whole, without fans of the Dallas Cowboys Jerry does not make a cent and neither do the players!

Pro sports is on the verge of forgetting who pays their salaries!
If I was him, or any NFL player, I wouldn't give a damn what the fans think either.


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If I was him, or any NFL player, I wouldn't give a damn what the fans think either.

When you forget who your customers are your business usually fails!

They all had the opportunity to learn this in college free of charge!


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I feel Dak is a top 10 qb. If he ever masters that back shoulder fade like Romo did with everything else he does. There would be no question that he is a top tier qb. I saw Romo drive the length of the field with only back shoulder fades. Dez was huge with that but romo mastered that throw and no corner really could jump the gun and take it because Romo manipulated the play along with the receiver so well. I feel Dak needs to do this to complete his tool belt so to speak. Andy should try as well