Dak is finally playing like an elite QB


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These last four games have been the best Dak has ever played in my opinion. Something changed in this man and after the Giants game I knew this was a different man. For years, something didn’t feel right about how he played. He wasn’t horrible, but it felt like there was a barrier that he couldn’t overcome to lead us to greatness. If Dak can sustain this level of play through the playoffs, sign this man to a contract extension immediately!! The man is finally doing what I wanted a Cowboys qb to do!

Signed, a “Dak hater”


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Boy I gotta say, I went from a giants hater to a giants lover in the course of a few short years. After losing to philly I felt despondent and emotionally drained. The thought that we lost to the only 2 teams we played with winning records was eating away at me. I needed something big to get me back on track and the giants delivered. Over 600 yards of offense!! That is unheard of. Ok, the the giants are not a top 5 team, but we didn't just beat them we destroyed them. I don't want to hear all the negativity about all their injuries, blah, blah, blah. Every team has injuries. We won because of execution and focus. All I can say is, I LOVE the giants!!


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Dak has 19 total TDs and only 6 turnovers
+13 after 9 games is really good. Really, many QBs would love to have +13 for a whole season.
It's good for 3rd best so far this year.

I think Romo owns the Cowboy record for an entire season and playoffs with a +27
Dak could top this if he stays on this pace and plays well in the postseason.

Fwiw, MVP Mahomes led the league last year with a +33 and MVP Rodgers the year before with an insane plus 36


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These last four games have been the best Dak has ever played in my opinion. Something changed in this man and after the Giants game I knew this was a different man. For years, something didn’t feel right about how he played. He wasn’t horrible, but it felt like there was a barrier that he couldn’t overcome to lead us to greatness. If Dak can sustain this level of play through the playoffs, sign this man to a contract extension immediately!! The man is finally doing what I wanted a Cowboys qb to do!

Signed, a “Dak hater”
You put "Dak is finally playing like an elite QB" as the subject. I wouldn't go that far however I will agree that his play (in the last 4 games) has taken a complete 180 for the better. Dak's "elite" play is "average" play for elite QB's. Sorry to say but it's the truth. if he was elite, he would be able to handle the 49ers defense and shove it straight up their (you know whats)... Someone is going to come back at me and say "you are contradicting yourself." https://cowboyszone.com/threads/hon...rs-doing-to-confuse-dak.516914/#post-13116575

No I'm not. I stand by what I said. I said "The 49 play 50/50 (+/-) zone/man coverage and because they disguise it so well, It's almost impossible for Dak to identify the difference on the field because of how fast the game is played"

An elite QB is going to pick up what the 49ers defense is doing every time...


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Dak has had an excellent stretch. He'll still be judged by what he does in the post season, but hopefully he can carry this forward. Earlier in the year it didn't seem like he was making as many calls at the line, but it seems he's gotten more comfortable and being decisive when he wants to run or getting the ball out more quickly.


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You put "Dak is finally playing like an elite QB" as the subject. I wouldn't go that far however I will agree that his play (in the last 4 games) has taken a complete 180 for the better. Dak's "elite" play is "average" play for elite QB's. Sorry to say but it's the truth. if he was elite, he would be able to handle the 49ers defense and shove it straight up their (you know whats)... Someone is going to come back at me and say "you are contradicting yourself." https://cowboyszone.com/threads/hon...rs-doing-to-confuse-dak.516914/#post-13116575

No I'm not. I stand by what I said. I said "The 49 play 50/50 (+/-) zone/man coverage and because they disguise it so well, It's almost impossible for Dak to identify the difference on the field because of how fast the game is played"

An elite QB is going to pick up what the 49ers defense is doing every time...
How many elite QB's have destroyed the Cowboys defense?


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I wouldn't really say beating up on this Giants team makes you elite.

He is playing better the past few weeks obviously, now that McCarthy is letting him sling it like a man instead of this "protect the ball at all costs" "Texas coast" offense they were running.


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After niners game he has started using his legs again. It’s what he needed to be dangerous like he was when he started playing here. He had the injury and then hurt it again in the OT game against the pats when he came back the next year. After that the staff and I think Dak himself didn’t want to run with it. He needed confidence in his leg again. He is getting it back again. He is not a running QB and never was but he would have a few designed runs and rollouts and options during a game. Next will be a few option plays where he keeps it. I saw several of them yesterday where nobody was around. Teams know he isn’t going to keep it himself. We are baiting teams. He may wait till it’s a big game or maybe even a playoff game when he does it.


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Dak is playing great, and I have not been much of a fan of him. I just want him to win another big one this year, came close against Philly, just need him to beat some of the best teams out there and earn his spot.


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These last four games have been the best Dak has ever played in my opinion. Something changed in this man and after the Giants game I knew this was a different man. For years, something didn’t feel right about how he played. He wasn’t horrible, but it felt like there was a barrier that he couldn’t overcome to lead us to greatness. If Dak can sustain this level of play through the playoffs, sign this man to a contract extension immediately!! The man is finally doing what I wanted a Cowboys qb to do!

Signed, a “Dak hater”
It’s the best “the offense” has played. So many here believe that it’s all 1 player and totally ignore the other 52 players, coaches and staff. There’s many factors why a QB succeeds or struggles. The QB himself, but the vast majority of factors are with the other players and coaches around him. Other elite QB’s struggle as well. How about Burrows and how he looked early on? What about Allen and his struggles. Burrows gets the “bad oline” excuse. Allen gets all kinds of excuses. I get it, the majority of fans are idiots and suck up what the talking heads say. But you don’t have to be like that.