Dak Is Now Going To Know What It Is Like Being Romo

All I know is you voted for Romo getting his job back in every poll that I noticed. Despite how well the team and Dak were playing you voted to have Romo take over. You and some others wanted to go back to where we've already been with Romo. What's your position now on Romo, do you still want him back as the Cowboys starting QB next season?
You knew how I voted in the polls but... you have no clue what I have written on this site many times about Romo since he made The Statement? Curious.
You knew how I voted in the polls but... you have no clue what I have written on this site many times about Romo since he made The Statement? Curious.

I don't read your posts but I've seen the polls and have checked out the names of those who voted for Romo.
Yes, I did. And I responded to what it seemed to me that you were saying. It's all good, though. Truly hope your day is a good one!
Yours too!
No Romo bashing here, just stating the crap that goes on when trashing the Boys and Romo.
We're Boys fans and only want the best for them, that's all that matters.
No need to try and make this personal. You obviously have a long standing issue with me and that's your problem. I give honest opinions and if it rubs someone like you the wrong way then you shouldn't be contributing your thoughts on a public forum. You want Dak to be Romo and I doubt most Cowboy fans do based on Romo's elimination/playoff record. You want all the turnovers and the lack of poise Romo has shown in do or die games like yesterday instilled in Dak?

Romo could have never handled the situation yesterday being down 18 points like Dak did. Romo would have likely imploded forcing balls down the field in a desperate attempt to bring us back. He's lost his poise in those situations causing his game to come apart. Dak stayed calm, cool and collected never panicking. He's going to be a top 5 QB in this league in the near future. He's got all the intangibles to be a great QB and yesterdays game will benefit him down the road.

Why would I have long standing issue with you? I rarely talk to you. Sometimes, I agree with what you say. Sometimes, I disagree. In that way, you're no different from 99.9 percent of the other posters on this board to me.

This isn't about whether or not I agree with you. This is about the perception you create of your cognitive capabilities in your discussions of football. I'm merely passing information along. What you do with it is entirely up to you.
If thats the case Romo never cost us a game
Dak is only a rookie and he only lost 3 games that he fully played in this year. THREE!!!! Please describe how Dak cost us one of those games. As stated before, there were only THREE losses that Dak was a part of so it shouldn't take you long to describe how one of them was his fault.

By the way, Romo has cost us several games over the years. There's no denying that.....and I am a big fan of Romo's and I have no problem admitting it.

Dak will eventually cost us a game, as any QB who plays long enough is eventually responsible for. There just wasn't a game this year that Dak cost us.
Ah. I see the thread has turned into discussion about dak and romo because thats what the op wanted because the op wanted to go thru the back door to throw and underhanded back comment about dak and loves to stir the pot

Good times.

fixed it.
love Romo, but that field goal hold sucked to high hell. comparing us losing this heart breaker where the qb played incredible with that game where Romo did little on offense, and then was the goat at the end is pretty far fetched
lol. wth. Prescott is, as a rookie, is a vastly better technical and fundamentals QB then Tony Romo has ever been. Being a winning professional QB is not a guessing game.
The whole Romo-is-the-savior thing has caused me to reevaluate some posters who I thought I respected.

They're just frustrated and don't know where to put it. Dez is lucky he beasted, or people would be trying to tie him to the stake right beside Dak as well.

I made a post somewhere among these threads about how there's a fundamental flaw in our coaching that we can't rid ourselves of stupid penalties in the red zone.
I remember the Jimmy Johnson teams almost NEVER committed penalties in critical moments and seldomly turned the ball over. This team continues to make these bonehead penalties at the most inopportune time. And this has to do with coaching.
You'll notice that Bill Belichick teams are the most disciplined team in the league, and that's by design.
I don't know what Jason Garrett is doing or how he's running his practices, but something is missing. We continue to do the same things and have the same problems over and over and over again.
And the play calling is the same way. We drive into the opponent's territory and then we start passing even though we're supposed to be a power running team and we drafted a back for our scheme.
I just don't understand it.

Jimmy's teams played before Jerry screwed the league wit his private marketing and country suit.

Back in those days, WE got most of the calls. Yes, it was biased back then too, but usually in our favor.

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