Dak Is Now Going To Know What It Is Like Being Romo

Great numbers and all yada yada.
I know but same results one and done. Nothing has changed my friend still stuck in purgatory.

Show me a ******* Super Bowl , hell anything more than divisional round for once.

Romo went one and done in his 5th season. He lost his first playoff game matched against Matt Hasselbeck, who was no Aaron Rodgers. I'm not worried about Dak, he was a rookie who accomplished more than most rookie QBs could ever dream of accomplishing and if you want to see a SB we need to build a solid defense. There's no doubt in my mind we have the QB and the offense to get it done but we need some defense.
I, for one, am very happy that the Packer DB didn't intercept that very catchable deep pass Prescott threw in double (or was that triple) coverage. In my opinion, Prescott did a very good job yesterday but even the best quarterbacks make mistakes. Plus, it doesn't hurt to be lucky ever so often playing the position. That easy interception that didn't become a turnover is one less thing on Prescott's tiny mistake list that won't be held against him.
Never heard of it but it's something you're aware of, so what does that say about you? You're the one looking into it. :thumbup:

The fact that I'm looking into it and you're not proves the very point it makes. Good job.
Romo went one and done in his 5th season. He lost his first playoff game matched against Matt Hasselbeck, who was no Aaron Rodgers. I'm not worried about Dak, he was a rookie who accomplished more than most rookie QBs could ever dream of accomplishing and if you want to see a SB we need to build a solid defense. There's no doubt in my mind we have the QB and the offense to get it done but we need some defense.

Wow, I actually agree with you on this. Unbelievable.
Who are these Dak haters? I have heard of them, but never seen them. And who has put this loss on Dak? Still haven't seen a single instance of that either.
Wow, you must be new around here.

Welcome to Cowboyszone.com newcomer!

I, for one, am very happy that the Packer DB didn't intercept that very catchable deep pass Prescott threw in double (or was that triple) coverage. In my opinion, Prescott did a very good job yesterday but even the best quarterbacks make mistakes. Plus, it doesn't hurt to be lucky ever so often playing the position. That easy interception that didn't become a turnover is one less thing on Prescott's tiny mistake list that won't be held against him.

I still hold no quarterback could've played better than Dak yesterday.

But, then, maybe that's the Dunning Kruger effect as well. :p
,,,that Scipio is more knowledgeable than you in this instance..?

That's your opinion. When have you ever taken my side in anything? lol He wants Dak to be Romo and we haven't won anything with Romo. Dak is better than Romo and had Romo been the QB yesterday it would have ended up worse than the Carolina game last season. See how many times Romo has been able to maintain his poise and overcome an 18 point deficit to make a game of it against HOF QB. Good luck! :thumbup:
Sure sounded like a slam to me...
It wasn't.
I was describing what these Cowboy/Romo haters say about him. Like the Stephen A Smith's of the world, who can't wait to tweet something when we lose.

I know some of yall are super sensitive about Romo though so you would see it like that.
It wasn't.
I was describing what these Cowboy/Romo haters say about him. Like the Stephen A Smith's of the world, who can't wait to tweet something when we lose.

I know some of yall are super sensitive about Romo though so you would see it like that.
In your post that I replied to, you didn't state that you were referring to what the "haters" or SA Smith would say about him. You simply stated the following:
If Dak would have thrown a pick 6 or fumbled at the end of the game when we were trying to tie or take the lead, then people would have compared him to Romo.
Hence, my reply. I can only comment on what you wrote, not what you intended to write.
The fact that I'm looking into it and you're not proves the very point it makes. Good job.

No need to try and make this personal. You obviously have a long standing issue with me and that's your problem. I give honest opinions and if it rubs someone like you the wrong way then you shouldn't be contributing your thoughts on a public forum. You want Dak to be Romo and I doubt most Cowboy fans do based on Romo's elimination/playoff record. You want all the turnovers and the lack of poise Romo has shown in do or die games like yesterday instilled in Dak?

Romo could have never handled the situation yesterday being down 18 points like Dak did. Romo would have likely imploded forcing balls down the field in a desperate attempt to bring us back. He's lost his poise in those situations causing his game to come apart. Dak stayed calm, cool and collected never panicking. He's going to be a top 5 QB in this league in the near future. He's got all the intangibles to be a great QB and yesterdays game will benefit him down the road.
I want to know why Dak wasn't within a yard from Cook on a broken down pass 35 yards away.
In your post that I replied to, you didn't state that you were referring to what the "haters" or SA Smith would say about him. You simply stated the following:
If Dak would have thrown a pick 6 or fumbled at the end of the game when we were trying to tie or take the lead, then people would have compared him to Romo.
Hence, my reply. I can only comment on what you wrote, not what you intended to write.

If Dak would have thrown a pick 6 or fumbled at the end of the game when we were trying to tie or take the lead, then people would have compared him to Romo.
That's not to slam Romo because he's been great here. But believe me, if Dak would have choked at the end, the Dak is Romo in disguise memes would have broke the internet.
Trolls had them ready to go the minute it would have happened.

Did you not read the whole thing?
That's your opinion.
Incorrect. Scipio posted something he was aware of which you stated you were not aware of. He knew. You didn't. It's clear cut.
When have you ever taken my side in anything? lol
What the heck? Dude. Sides???
He wants Dak to be Romo and we haven't won anything with Romo.
Faulty logic. If the premise is that "winning anything" equates as "winning an NFL championship", Romo-led teams have accomplished exactly the same as the Prescott-led team. Now if you wish to speculate what Prescott-led teams shall accomplish in the future, be my guess. No one knows until a future prediction becomes true.
Dak is better than Romo and had Romo been the QB yesterday it would have ended up worse than the Carolina game last season.
I think you owe Scipio an apology for posting that link. Just a suggestion. Nothing more.
See how many times Romo has been able to maintain his poise and overcome an 18 point deficit to make a game of it against HOF QB. Good luck! :thumbup:
Good point. Don't know off-hand how often Romo has helped Dallas overcome an 18-point deficit against a Hall of Fame quarterback. Off the top of my head (because it's mentioned SO often), I do know of a particular game, incorrectly used against him time and again, where Romo's performance matched that of a certain future Colts/Broncos Hall of Famer. It was a performance where the defense didn't do enough to secure the win, like yesterday's defense didn't perform well enough to help Prescott's efforts. Who could it be? Eli? No. That's not right. His forehead is much bigger. His name escapes me..

If Dak would have thrown a pick 6 or fumbled at the end of the game when we were trying to tie or take the lead, then people would have compared him to Romo.
That's not to slam Romo because he's been great here. But believe me, if Dak would have choked at the end, the Dak is Romo in disguise memes would have broke the internet.
Trolls had them ready to go the minute it would have happened.

yep I got a text from a hater saying the INT was Romoesque. Granted he said the same about the Rodgers one to Heath.

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