You can make...produce...good listenable music these days for pretty comparison to say 20-30 years ago. It can be very good music... of value and adeptness..regardless.
You can make very adept music without the high priced studio. The production may, or may not lack....but as I said....pretty cheap these days. You could probably by studio hardware and software for around a grand....and then mass produce your songs for pennies on those dollars.
PC/Interface/Mic/recording suite. PAy for pro mastering. You could even start a record company of your own. If it's good music you'll get a deal by the big shots (with some caveats of course like show attendance/multimedia presence).
Steve Vai made his first recording Flexable on 4track cassette tape recorder. It's not for everyone (obviously), but it is of very high musical adeptness and surprising audio quality. . It, along with his Frank Zappa gig shot him out the canon. Of course...REAL musical talent too.
The problem here is you never said "how much does it cost to produce". You claimed "sell numbers don't lie". In regards to the QUALITY of the music. It's just incorrect.
And now you reveal you think McDonalds is "a good burger". The..."numbers don;t lie"?