Dak most under appreciated QB in the NFL


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You obviously lack common sense if you don’t think Dak is worth market value.

I think Dak is a very good QB. I'll be honest, I won't be devastated if they pay the guy. I'm just not sure he's worth what he's asking compared to the alternatives. If it was up to me, he would not be a Cowboy right now. So be glad it's Jerry.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I think Dak is a very good QB. I'll be honest, I won't be devastated if they pay the guy. I'm just not sure he's worth what he's asking compared to the alternatives. If it was up to me, he would not be a Cowboy right now. So be glad it's Jerry.
Who is worth that kind of money? Let’s be real. Jeez. It’s the NFL. It’s the market for NFL QB’s.


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I find the concept of market value troubling. It could be said the military pays market value. But are all sergeants equal. Or privates, corporals, etc. Dak will be paid based on his performance and perception of his value. He's top 6 at least.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Whatever bro. Attack me.

But if truth be told, then the narrative shall be that Dak is a fraud, that has benefitted greatly by being the QB of the Cowboys.

He was born out of the decision by Garrett and Jerry. 2 idiots.

Because of thier decision to go with a flawed & limited rookie QB over top 3 QB in the league.

He was thrust upon the team and not everyone in Cowboy Nation was in agreement.

From that moment this team has been divided.

The reason being is many believed we found Gold with Dak, if this was the beginning then the sky was the limit. . . Meanwhile others said he was just another rock painted yellow

In 2016, the reason for the Cowboys success was because the Cowboys were able to run at will on a passing league. It was already a full gone conclusion that the future of the league was passing. Nickel was becoming the base defense.

Because of this dynamic any QB worth his salt would have been successful. Dak benefited greatly and his style of play allowed him to perform at a high level. (But an all pro QB would have been better)

So 4 years later, and countless excuses & scapegoats, Dak's flaws are glaring. 4 years of abuse on our number 4 overall draft pick's body may be taking its toll. And as our once Trump Card, the O-Line, breaks down, The Cowboys chances are closing

Last year is supposedly the Shining Example of Proof that Dak has improved. But if thats the case I'ld rather have the bus driver of 2016. But we all know that is an impossibility, because the league has figured him out.

They know how to defend Zeke while at the same time containg Dak. (Its a JOKE that Dak doesnt audiable with Zeke as your RB)

So Moore was tasked with the job of creating an offense that could showcase Dak as a QB. What was the outcome? A QB that cant figure out how to beat teams with adequate talent. Even with the unfair advantage of having Zeke as your RB.

Over the Last 4 years i have read on this message board that.

Romo was one hit away from being a cripple. In fact he was really overrated any way.

Dez was slow and couldnt catch. But he made a carear out of back shoulder contested throws.

Beasley was a gimick and not a team player. Many were "Glad" when he left. Many believed the Bills overpayed, but I say go ask Josh Allen what he thinks.

At one time Terrence Williams was an upcoming WR. The perfect compliment to Dez, who teams feared, and combined with a strong Running Game. Terrence was quickly becoming the 2nd coming of Alvin Harper.
Instead he was relagated to just another WR who couldn't Catch.

The O-Line was ripped to shreads during Dak's struggles in 2018. Even now its trendy to totally dismiss the O-Line as over rated with all these new "Analytic" stats. What the Cowboys should take the most pride in, our O-Line, is easily diminished by those who wish to lighten the criticisim on Dak.

The D is over rated and never helped Dak. But how many times are they left out to dry, when Dak can only muster a Field goal. 9-7 is a different score from 21-7. I bet Lawrence would love to pin his ears back and rush the QB knowing he has to pass.

Maybe even our DB's might have played a little more aggressive and took chances

Special teams were atrocious, but how many 55 yds or longer field goals are you gonna kick?

Is it possible the last Offensive Coordinator had a bland gameplan because Dak's Football IQ is mot up to par? Its a possibility.

So this is not your fault or my fault that we argue over Dak.

It's Cowboys management's fault.

4 years ago they dumped a Pro Bowl QB for an amazing rookie with Flaws. It wAS not a sensiable move based on the best chance to win . . . But it made perfect sense for the Future if Dak was who Jerry thought he was.

Well 4 years later it is glaringly obvious he is not.

All you Dak supporters said it was alright to abandon Romo and a chance at glory in 2016, you all promised that we would be cashing in on Dak's greetness. Because he was only going to improve.

You all supporters are dug in on the subject. You require Dak to be great to prove you were right in 2016. Your attacks have been relentless on any and all criticism of Dak.
You couldn’t be more wrong about everything you said.


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...according to Trey Wingo. He also said that if you don't think Dak is an above average QB then you need to take up another hobby because you don't know football.

critics and fans love TD passes (right or wrong) and playoff wins. He finally got 30 (barely) in his 4th year and he has the one playoff win in 4 years. Fans, critics are just not going to heap a lot of praise on someone with his record, not yet anyway


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
critics and fans love TD passes (right or wrong) and playoff wins. He finally got 30 (barely) in his 4th year and he has the one playoff win in 4 years. Fans, critics are just not going to heap a lot of praise on someone with his record, not yet anyway
You’re right, stupid fans won’t.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Dak most under-appreciated?


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maybe he can open up a Chinese restaurant in south park. He can name it City Dak.

I'd appreciate that.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Does it really get your panties all up in a wad that I don't like Zeke? Does that offend you? Cant handle it?

I'm sure you'd wish that were so...that's what trolls do. They really try and hope they can get at someone.

It doesn't offend me at all. I just think its the most foolish idiotic thing I see on here. To let a player on allegedly YOUR team get under your skin THAT much...panties in a wad even. So much that you have to go on a never ending crusade about it.

You (and a few other people) ridicule a couple people that hate Dak...and yet you do the very same thing. You rationalize it in your head, but it's the same.


Captain Catfish
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A Dak hater is anyone that says stupid things about the QB that simply bend the facts or cant be backed up with facts.

Like idiots saying he is average when he clearly isn't. Or the morons that said he was backup material and look really dumb about now. Or the clowns that dismiss the facts and cherry pick to try and prove a point that is laughable.
Average then, average now, and average going forward.
Average Dak.
He may not be a Cowboy forever, but he will have a very long career in this league, I can guarantee you that.


Captain Catfish
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If you agree with 31 mill per year, then what’s the big difference between 35 mill per year?
Why not 40, heck lets just blow both barrels so there is no hard feelings, and make it 50 per.
After all, there is no cap, no other players to pay, just give Dak and his agent whatever number they right down on the napkin and slide across the table to Jerry.
What Im trying to say here is that,, as a franchise, you can not over pay a player/contract, because once you go down that road, its very difficult to backtrack, and that's exactly where this franchise is right now.
Lawrence, Zeke, and now Dak… that's how you overpay and blow your cap for 8-8.
It creates a culture for mediocrity, the word gets out, the Cowboys are the team to play for if your just looking to collect a pay check.
Isnt America great!
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