Dak on fan tours - I'm not going to let a couple people touring the building distract me

Unless they are touring on gameday there isn't really a problem. It's a small moment of distraction but if these clowns built a better team it wouldn't matter at all.
Because, unlike you, I knew this was a bad team with a bad QB.

Dak sucks when he doesn't have greatness all around him to bail him out.

Jerry and Dak fooled you badly.
This is a bad team that all that has going for them is a viable QB and kicker. I was hoping you were done for good here, but I have a feeling it won’t be long before you are.
We did what we had to do at QB. But you’re oblivious to that because you’re not an astute football fan or you just want to look forward to top 10 picks every April so we can throw them away on QBs instead of trying to fill some of the many holes we have.
Jerry Jones, a complete buffoon for every other football player he signed or didn't....but miraculously got it right with your guy. Got it.
fan tours ain’t got nothing to do with not producing on the field

You could let the fans poop and smear it on the windows of the workout room it makes no difference

This is only a big thing because it’s Dallas….its utter buffoonery the media even brings it up
Dak's being paid handsomely to be a company man and stay in the Jones house.

Dude loses focus as soon as adversity happens on the field but he wants to brag about not minding the zoo atmosphere

All I know is that I want Jeanty on this team in the draft. Maybe we can get back to running play action.

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