Dak outperformed both Brady and Brees against the Rams


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I was the one that told you that LMAO are you mental!!! Hahaha
Have you figured out that percentages account for sample size yet? :laugh:

I can show you five times through the thread of me saying the exact opposite of what yiu're claiming up top. Show me one example of doing the opposite.

@Kaiser is right. You're just a POS lying basterd. Making up whatever you want, including claiming you're an engineer lmao. You know you stuck when you have to lie about your occupation. And you're so bad at math that your attempted joke doesnt make a lick of sense lmao.

I'd give it up dude. Dont come at your superior.

I’m lying?

Feel free to expose me as the posts and context are contained all in that one thread.

Lol, and WTH?

Now I’ve supposedly claimed I’m an engineer?

You’re literally lying RIGHT NOW. I’ve never even remotely claimed that.


Well-Known Member
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I’m lying?

Feel free to expose me as the posts and context are contained all in that one thread.

Lol, and WTH?

Now I’ve supposedly claimed I’m an engineer?

You’re literally lying RIGHT NOW. I’ve never even remotely claimed that.
That’s enough. Let’s focus on dak’s greatness.


Well-Known Member
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I’m lying?

Feel free to expose me as the posts and context are contained all in that one thread.

Lol, and WTH?

Now I’ve supposedly claimed I’m an engineer?

You’re literally lying RIGHT NOW. I’ve never even remotely claimed that.

A 100% increase of 2 is 4. 100% of 2 is still 2 lolololololololololololoo

No need to run, which I would advise you to do.
It's not 150% more, it's 150% of 37...........

Which is exactly what Xwalker said on page 13 lmao

"150% OF 37"


You're telling me you can't read either?



@CalPolyTechnique Three times on one page alone.
There's no way in hell he's an engineer. I'm sorry that's just a flat out lie.
Numbers are essential to the engineering field and those escape him.

Not understanding that 100% 1 is 1 is about as basic as it gets. Maybe he works AT an engineering firm? Like a clerk or something?

It would make sense because he doesnt understand the difference between 100% OF something and a 100% INCREASE of something which is kinda similar to him being AT an engineering firm not an actual engineer.

Here's the engineer comment. Which you didnt refute the very next comment.
Loool, what’s 100% increase of 2?


Don’t run.

So here you are you wanting to be exposed @CalPolyTechnique and you got what you wanted.

Never come at your superior


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@CalPolyTechnique Three times on one page alone.

Here's the engineer comment. Which you didnt refute the very next comment.

So here you are you wanting to be exposed @CalPolyTechnique and you got what you wanted.

Never come at your superior

Let me help you out since you've proven you can't type anything without being completely intellectually dishonest. These posts are put in sequential order. Do you know what sequential means? It means they are placed in order by number in this case to provide context from the very start, which is something you didn't do (go figure).

POST #250
This is post #250 from xwalker with the bunk claim that "55 is "almost 150% more" than 37. You'll then notice you two goofs "liking" the post in sincere ignorance because you don't have the collective brain power to see that claim on its face is bunk. It's also equal parts hilarious and laughable that you don't understand when you see the word "more" in this context, it means the percentage increase from a given number. I know I'm talking over your head, but try to follow along.

POST #255
Here's my initial post (#255) correcting him that "55 to 37 rushing TDs is not almost 150% more [...]" So your cute little attempt to try and save face by taking my posts out of context is completely undermined by the actual facts


POST #259
This is you heeeehawing (post #259) in delightful ignorance because you didn't (and still don't comprehend) understand the original claim that 55 is "150% more" than 37 is obviously wrong ON ITS FACE, luuulz. LET ME SPELL THAT OUT FOR YOU: xwalker didn't originally claim "55 is 150% of 37" He claimed 55 is "almost 150% more" than 37.

POST #260

Here's my subsequent post (#260) correcting xwalker (who also doesn't understand basic math) and walking him through what he's actually trying to show. Notice, "percentage increase" which is consistent with my entire point carried through the thread.
Last edited:


Beyond tired of Jerry
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The reason Dallas lost to the Rams, the Saints should've beaten the Rams, and the Patriots beat the Rams, is much more about defense than QB.

Rams rushing yards:

vs Dallas - 273
vs New Orleans - 77
vs New England - 62


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I am not sure what your intent was with this response as it had no logical reasoning of any kind behind it. specially DELICIOUS tears? wth? but the only things I can think of is either its that time of the month or you are madly in love.

in regards to your comment about GLOATING that we have our franchise QB and he gets a big deal soon. This is not about the big deal or the size of the deal that he will get. you must think that people are jealous of that....that's pretty childish. and secondly that a franchise QB and being elite has nothing to do with one another. the discussion on this thread and the million other threads on Dak is his ability, skills, eliteness (or not), where he is with respect to his peers in the league. Blake Bortles is a franchise QB. he got his money. Bortles sucks. Cousins is a franchise QB. he got a 3 year 84 million guaranteed contract. Cousins is very average.

so perhaps, you can get over your emotions, what ever they maybe and try a logical reasoning. unless you need a hug and I can give you one if it will make you feel better
Okay, child. How about this?

Dak Prescott’s passer rating since Amari Cooper became a Cowboy was 6th-best in the NFL last season.

He’s 32-16 as a starter.

He has 2 division titles and a playoff win.

His numbers over 3 seasons are VERY good overall.

He has 18 rush TD in 3 years.

He’s one of the most consistently clutch performers in the NFL.

He’s a stud now and will keep getting better because he’s a GREAT leader with a VERY strong work ethic.

Your angst at Dak’s future as QB of America’s Team is my warm blanket on a cold night. Keep it up!

Know-nothing Bozos also used to rip Tony Romo nonstop when he was our QB. No surprise that Dak hasn’t won over 100% of the fanbase yet.


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Okay, child. How about this?

Dak Prescott’s passer rating since Amari Cooper became a Cowboy was 6th-best in the NFL last season.

He’s 32-16 as a starter.

He has 2 division titles and a playoff win.

His numbers over 3 seasons are VERY good overall.

He has 18 rush TD in 3 years.

He’s one of the most consistently clutch performers in the NFL.

He’s a stud now and will keep getting better because he’s a GREAT leader with a VERY strong work ethic.

Your angst at Dak’s future as QB of America’s Team is my warm blanket on a cold night. Keep it up!

Know-nothing Bozos also used to rip Tony Romo nonstop when he was our QB. No surprise that Dak hasn’t won over 100% of the fanbase yet.
Passer rating improved with Amari but 3rd down success was still below average. No one should care about passer rating if it doesn't translate into sustained drives and points.


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And hard to make a case that Dak "out performed" Brady and Brees when we were 1-10 on 3rd down and scored a TD during garbage time.


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His passer rating was nearly 20 points higher than Brady’s and 10+ points higher than higher than Drew Brees.

This is despite a far worse o-line, his entire run game stopped, inept offensive coach, and having not even 1/5th the experience drew Brees or Brady has playing in the NFL.

We should cut him. Outplaying both Brady and Brees against the same playoff team is something any other practice squad quarterback could do. It’s not like their statistically the 2 best quarterbacks of all time:huh:
I would say you're absolutely right the problem is our defense went in the dumpster Mia for that game


Reaction score
Okay, child. How about this?

Dak Prescott’s passer rating since Amari Cooper became a Cowboy was 6th-best in the NFL last season.

He’s 32-16 as a starter.

He has 2 division titles and a playoff win.

His numbers over 3 seasons are VERY good overall.

He has 18 rush TD in 3 years.

He’s one of the most consistently clutch performers in the NFL.

He’s a stud now and will keep getting better because he’s a GREAT leader with a VERY strong work ethic.

Your angst at Dak’s future as QB of America’s Team is my warm blanket on a cold night. Keep it up!

Know-nothing Bozos also used to rip Tony Romo nonstop when he was our QB. No surprise that Dak hasn’t won over 100% of the fanbase yet.

you are just too funny with your femisnish emotional outbursts. its somewhat terrible twos tantrum like as I remember my grand kids do. I see its very difficult for you to follow a line of debate or logic and perhaps when/if you decide to go to college (what's your SAT's out of curiosity?), you should consider philosophy/debate class so that you can learn logical reasoning and argumenting. would go a long way to help you in your life.

now, there is no issue with you citing, what in terms of stats you copied from everybody else on the DaK Looovvverrrs Threads. Although you have no idea how all of these come together and what they mean. given how you attempted to lay out a logic argument, but its more like just a blurb of stats "because I heard of them and they sound good" so I am going to throw it out there.

and I see you are now stealing words, I am proud to see you try new vocabulary, the word "angst" is a big word for you. you should be proud. No one has angst over Dak getting any type of contract. this is all nothing but entertainment kid and it seems in your mind, the lines of entertainment and life are blurred. try and separate the two....but this is not surprising for younger generations such as yourself, where in todays society, entertain is often life for some. its ok, eventually you will learn the easy way or the hard way.

I find it funny again, that in your simple mind, you are taking pleasure thinking somebody else is worried about Dak getting something, which once again has nothing to do with the argument at hand. Many in life get things they don't deserve, no one questions that. that's a matter between Dak, his agent and Jone's family and nothing to do with success or failure of cowboys as an organization. I hope the young man gets what he deserves, as he is a good young man and has worked hard to get to this point in his life, so not sure why but seemingly this is a very hard concept for you to grasp.

and, the simple minded always, without fail, repeatedly, resort to name calling and demeaning as means of trying to win any argument, which they have no idea about how to argue or reason their way out of. I have never seen that fail. its inevitable that it happens.

again, kiddo, it doesn't matter if Dak gets a contract or not. no skin off anyones back. at some point you will start to understand the difference. you have shown trouble in following the lines of argument on this thread and thus in a vague attempt to participate you have thrown your hat in, yet getting lost in the midst of the attempts.

one more thing to keep in mind and perhaps to keep you busy searching through the stats....this past year alone, Cowboys were 1-6 when Zeke struggled getting to 100 total yards and 10-1 otherwise. Dak without Zeke was 3-3. the stats were similar to what you outlined above regardless of the outcome, win or loss..... so does it really matter if Dak performs or not?


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Passer rating improved with Amari but 3rd down success was still below average. No one should care about passer rating if it doesn't translate into sustained drives and points.

based on this stat, does it mean Dak is a stat collector?


Well-Known Member
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you are just too funny with your femisnish emotional outbursts. its somewhat terrible twos tantrum like as I remember my grand kids do. I see its very difficult for you to follow a line of debate or logic and perhaps when/if you decide to go to college (what's your SAT's out of curiosity?), you should consider philosophy/debate class so that you can learn logical reasoning and argumenting. would go a long way to help you in your life.

now, there is no issue with you citing, what in terms of stats you copied from everybody else on the DaK Looovvverrrs Threads. Although you have no idea how all of these come together and what they mean. given how you attempted to lay out a logic argument, but its more like just a blurb of stats "because I heard of them and they sound good" so I am going to throw it out there.

and I see you are now stealing words, I am proud to see you try new vocabulary, the word "angst" is a big word for you. you should be proud. No one has angst over Dak getting any type of contract. this is all nothing but entertainment kid and it seems in your mind, the lines of entertainment and life are blurred. try and separate the two....but this is not surprising for younger generations such as yourself, where in todays society, entertain is often life for some. its ok, eventually you will learn the easy way or the hard way.

I find it funny again, that in your simple mind, you are taking pleasure thinking somebody else is worried about Dak getting something, which once again has nothing to do with the argument at hand. Many in life get things they don't deserve, no one questions that. that's a matter between Dak, his agent and Jone's family and nothing to do with success or failure of cowboys as an organization. I hope the young man gets what he deserves, as he is a good young man and has worked hard to get to this point in his life, so not sure why but seemingly this is a very hard concept for you to grasp.

and, the simple minded always, without fail, repeatedly, resort to name calling and demeaning as means of trying to win any argument, which they have no idea about how to argue or reason their way out of. I have never seen that fail. its inevitable that it happens.

again, kiddo, it doesn't matter if Dak gets a contract or not. no skin off anyones back. at some point you will start to understand the difference. you have shown trouble in following the lines of argument on this thread and thus in a vague attempt to participate you have thrown your hat in, yet getting lost in the midst of the attempts.

one more thing to keep in mind and perhaps to keep you busy searching through the stats....this past year alone, Cowboys were 1-6 when Zeke struggled getting to 100 total yards and 10-1 otherwise. Dak without Zeke was 3-3. the stats were similar to what you outlined above regardless of the outcome, win or loss..... so does it really matter if Dak performs or not?
Thanks for the long, lengthy response!

I didn’t read it, of course. Your English is a travesty and you come off like an old man with no life.

“Femisnish” LOLLLLLLLLLLL what language is that exactly???

“Argumenting”: also not a word. I smell a double-digit IQ!

It’s just good to know that I live in your head now. I own you.

Dak Prescott will be our QB for years and years to come. Your bottom lip will quiver every time you see him under center. Every now and then it’s okay to let out a good, long cry about it.


Well-Known Member
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His passer rating was nearly 20 points higher than Brady’s and 10+ points higher than higher than Drew Brees.

This is despite a far worse o-line, his entire run game stopped, inept offensive coach, and having not even 1/5th the experience drew Brees or Brady has playing in the NFL.

We should cut him. Outplaying both Brady and Brees against the same playoff team is something any other practice squad quarterback could do. It’s not like their statistically the 2 best quarterbacks of all time:huh:

Did he outplay Nick Foles against the Rams?


Well-Known Member
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The reason Dallas lost to the Rams, the Saints should've beaten the Rams, and the Patriots beat the Rams, is much more about defense than QB.

Rams rushing yards:

vs Dallas - 273
vs New Orleans - 77
vs New England - 62

One of these numbers don't belong, can you guess which?


Reaction score
Thanks for the long, lengthy response!

I didn’t read it, of course. Your English is a travesty and you come off like an old man with no life.

“Femisnish” LOLLLLLLLLLLL what language is that exactly???

“Argumenting”: also not a word. I smell a double-digit IQ!

It’s just good to know that I live in your head now. I own you.

Dak Prescott will be our QB for years and years to come. Your bottom lip will quiver every time you see him under center. Every now and then it’s okay to let out a good, long cry about it.
Your own percieved intelligence of yourself is the joke

You are so easily fooled.

And it's funny your backwoods mentality of the world. Given English is the 4th language I have learned , I have nothing to apologize for. You should expand your narrow horizon

I wont speak about your IQ as there doesnt seem to be one. So we shall leave that one alone. For your own good.

And Dak maybe QB of the future, but that still doesnt make him any better than he is, which up to this point has been average....It only makes you feel better so that you have something to hang on to to feel good about yourself.