Dak Prescott named NFL Man of the Year

I'm not even sure why there's arguing here and bashing of Dak. It's about what he does off the field. Clearly he's a thoughtful, generous, and good man off the field that does a lot to help people.

Yeah, that totally deserves bashing him on the field in a thread talking about an off-the-field award. :huh::rolleyes:
I said it on first page. didn't read any of the other posts, that it will turn into a Bash Dak thread. its always that way with Bash Dak over Dallas crowd. they just can't help themselves
Good for him. Whats the big deal. Oh because he isn’t what you want or expect him to be on the field he can’t have an award for doing good things for other people. Used some of his money and time to help out others. He played for nothing for years and according to the FO he deserved to get his contract. He is out from underneath a OC that was a player he beat out for his his job. Let’s see if another OC that’s not a Linehan or Linehan guy can help.
I am aware of that, but still very sour on Dak. Like I said I highly respect the guy for what he does, just wish he was capable of winning an award on field....
Yes - it was some time ago...however -
2016 NFL Rookie of the Year
I am aware of that, but still very sour on Dak. Like I said I highly respect the guy for what he does, just wish he was capable of winning an award on field....
I think what most are trying to say is there are plenty of threads about his Play (Failure to deliver) here to go in on, this one thread is about what he did for the community. Its ok to say congrats in this thread and dive into his play on the others.
I think what most are trying to say is there are plenty of threads about his Play (Failure to deliver) here to go in on, this one thread is about what he did for the community. Its ok to say congrats in this thread and dive into his play on the others.
no doubt and nobody, not one person has ever questioned Dak about his character...unfortunately the NFL isn't just about character, and it's sometimes the bad ones that make the most impact on the field
Unfortunately, he's a lousy leader of men with his insanely lousy play when leading the team into battle against the good teams in the league. Wilts like a flower under pressure......................LOL!
so, does he needs to give back his degree in workforce leadership?
It's just Eagles.....they booed Santa

They booed Michael Irvin when he laid motionless after Eagles defenders drove his body into concrete "turf"...

They probably would have booed Hamlin
You mean the guy who supported violence against the refs?
While that was low and I bashed him for that at the time, haven't we all said things when we were upset in the heat of the moment we later regretted?

If this were something he did consistently, it would be a problem.
In 2018 I lost my brother. And this past Tuesday I lost my mother after a battle with cancer as well.

I admit I was crying while watching Dak tell his story the other night because it truly hit home. Opinions about him as a player aside, nobody can fully grasp what he's overcome until you've been through it yourself. He gives me hope that life will go on.

No matter where his playing career takes him, Dak is a member of the human being Hall of Fame. And someday everybody will realize that is really all that matters.
I'm sorry for your loss.
I think what most are trying to say is there are plenty of threads about his Play (Failure to deliver) here to go in on, this one thread is about what he did for the community. Its ok to say congrats in this thread and dive into his play on the others.
finally some sensibility. these Bash Dak over Dallas cult people are always highly emotional about Dak and its not their fault. they just can't control their emotions
no doubt and nobody, not one person has ever questioned Dak about his character...unfortunately the NFL isn't just about character, and it's sometimes the bad ones that make the most impact on the field
yeah, but read his comment again. there is 18,492 other threads about Dak's play. this one had nothing to do with it. we can celebrate a human being doing some good without getting emotional about on the field play.

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