Twitter: Dak Prescott seen at ATT Stadium to watch Cotton Bowl


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Perfect smile and hat on correctly backwards. GOAT
I notice you left out his fat butt. First time I've ever been in a discussion about the size of a QB's butt but then this team has an owner that checks them out in the shower, so we're allowed.


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Wonder if he had another procedure? In the video where Zeke mocks him he looks like actually walk on it. In this video it dosent look like he could put weight on it. A reporter during the season also said he was squatting on it already. Regardless cant wait to see him back and I hope he fully recovers, if anyone can't get better from this and spin this into a positive its Dak!
If Dak had another surgery the internet would have broken.....


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You don't rehab 24 hours a day. How do you know he didn't do his rehab before going to the game since this was a night game?
It was sarcasm and if you have been on this board for a long time you would get it.


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My guess would be that the doctors told him to use the crutches if he is going to be doing any long walks.. which pretty much anything at the stadium would qualify. No need to risk aggravating anything unnecessarily. Plus if you're going to be in a crowd there's an off chance that some drunken patron steps on his foot.. Having him get hurt by a drunk college kid would not be a good look.
Bro 100% they told him to wear the boot because he was going into a public place where someone else's actions could negatively impact him. i.e. drunken patron stepping on his foot. Also - why the hell would he walk without crutches you posters know how damn long it would have taken him in that boot to get over there? He's likely using the crutches to hop over to where he is going as fast as possible, you guys are looking for any damn excuse.


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The funny thing is half of this board isn't sarcastic, so it's hard to tell.
I know but people who have been on this board for a long time know what I was talking about. Any time a player was injured someone would always say something like that, or he is fat, or he shouldn’t be out but in his playbook.


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It was sarcasm and if you have been on this board for a long time you would get it.

I've said this many times. When sarcasm is in the written form there is no voice inflection, no facial expressions, there is no hand movements, there is just the written word so if someone is not familiar with a user's writing style all we have is what is written. I've been a member here for years and with 1,000s of users to remember individual styles is sometimes asking a lot. Now some realizing the sometimes it's difficult seeing sarcasm in the written form and put a {sarcasm} after it.


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I've said this many times. When sarcasm is in the written form there is no voice inflection, no facial expressions, there is no hand movements, there is just the written word so if someone is not familiar with a user's writing style all we have is what is written. I've been a member here for years and with 1,000s of users to remember individual styles is sometimes asking a lot. Now some realizing the sometimes it's difficult seeing sarcasm in the written form and put a {sarcasm} after it.
What was said has been a running joke on this board for years.


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What was said has been a running joke on this board for years.

Well I've been on this board for years and don't remember seeing that before so it caqn't have been that widely used that often. If it makes you feel better I'm sorry that your nondescript sarcasm wasn't picked up by me. But please remember that the written sarcasm is many times harder to pick up on and not taken as a meant statement.