Twitter: Dak rank 32nd (worst) first down passing percentage on 3rd down


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This whole thread has people questioning you and what the hell you are talking about. You bring up points without using simple logic. In your head if a TEAM sucks on 3rd down...its because of the QB. Not because the offensive line gets penalties or the play calling sucks lol.....its mind boggling.

You are not getting it still. That is mind boggling. I did not say if a team fails on 3rd down, it is on the QB and QB alone. That is in your head. You made that up in your head. I didn't do that. You did.

You don't seem to understand the stats being presented or what rates are. You don't seem to get that other teams have penalties too. In fact, one of the stats is ONLY about those situations. Do you think Dallas has a harder time dealing with penalties than other teams do...because of penalties? Is that the "logic" you are using?

And you don't seem to get that the QB is a big part of the failures, even if there are issues with the OL and/or playcalling.

It's denial at this point.


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What other people? Because stats are posted everyday that disprove your theories that its only Dak's fault.

Again, making things up in your head. I have never said or implied it was ONLY Dak's fault.

Other people = lots of people here, lots ofedia, lots of "experts."


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With all the OL excuses for Dak being trotted out per usual.. I just find it odd that they seem to suggest that 31 other teams seem to have perfect OL's for their QB.. how unlucky for Dak.

OL hasn't been dominate.. and in some patches downright bad.. but ffs the QB isn't helping. Holding the ball waaaaaaaaay too long, turning back into pressure, not progressing through reads, not making the right calls presnap, not adjusting coverage.. basically the QB is making a "still above average statistically" OLine look crappy.

We can go round and round and round.. Dak is a bum, some of us saw through his limited abilities even during his dream rookie season. The guy was gifted a winning record being handed the keys to a ferrari.. then he smashed it and now we are stuck with an expensive piece of crap that no one wants to part with because they still remember it in prime condition.


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With all the OL excuses for Dak being trotted out per usual.. I just find it odd that they seem to suggest that 31 other teams seem to have perfect OL's for their QB.. how unlucky for Dak.

OL hasn't been dominate.. and in some patches downright bad.. but ffs the QB isn't helping. Holding the ball waaaaaaaaay too long, turning back into pressure, not progressing through reads, not making the right calls presnap, not adjusting coverage.. basically the QB is making a "still above average statistically" OLine look crappy.

We can go round and round and round.. Dak is a bum, some of us saw through his limited abilities even during his dream rookie season. The guy was gifted a winning record being handed the keys to a ferrari.. then he smashed it and now we are stuck with an expensive piece of crap that no one wants to part with because they still remember it in prime condition.
No one said it is only the OL that is the issue. It’s a combination of things including a below average WR corps, and unimaginative offensive game plan early on, penalties and Dak unsurprisingly not being able to overcome all the above.


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well the good news is he can't get any further down unless the NFL adds more teams.

Lol... "if you don't like the offensive line, then you need to follow a new team" wow... wow

Denim Chicken

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That happens to all the other teams too...and they overcome it more often.

It is important yo umderstamd the term "rate."

I understand "rate" just fine. What you are missing is that the length of the third down matter in chances of conversion. The conversion rate does not take this into account. 40% of third downs this year have been 3rd and 10+ (40%!). The penalties have contributed greatly to the instances of 3rd and long.


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I understand "rate" just fine. What you are missing is that the length of the third down matter in chances of conversion. The conversion rate does not take this into account. 40% of third downs this year have been 3rd and 10+ (40%!). The penalties have contributed greatly to the instances of 3rd and long.

First, your stat is wrong. 31.9% (29/91) have been from 10 yards or more. The league overall is 28.4%, (881/3106) so it's not some huge difference.

Penalties for every team will lower their overall 3rd down rate.

Second, Dallas is near the middle of the league with holding penalties (16 teams have 10 or more - Dallas at 11). Dallas is near the bottom of the league with only 4 False Starts (Only one team has less).

Overall, Dallas (20) is top 10 in FEWEST penalties (15th in per game).

Kansas City has over 50% more offensive penalties (31) than Dallas.

So, can we stop pretending like Dallas is getting more penalties and that Dak and the Cowboys are at a greater disadvantage than all of these other QBs and teams?

Finally, you do realize there are 2 rates here correct?

The overall 3rd down rate, and then the rate of WHEN THERE IS A PENALTY, the drive ends in no points.


Wide Right
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Dak has his issues, there is no denying that, but he also has the deck stacked against him.
Horrible offensive play calling
Horrible OL play
Horrible QB coach
Horrible catch radius of his WRs