What's he learning now in these 2 games that he didn't learn in 2020 when he was out the whole season? or when he missed a game last year?
He's just blowing smoke telling people what he thinks they want to hear. He's a phoney.
I guess there isn't much we can do as fans about who is on the squad , but from my perspective as a fan on an opinion board I will continue to support any person trying to learn to get better, and hope that Dak is focused on this.
There are others who are actually directly involved in the team who primary jobs is to determine whether he is the right guy and decide where to go with that decision.
In answering your question about the difference in 2020 versus 2022. Dalton was a seasoned QB who ended up winning four games. Clearly we all could see that the team wasn't behind Dalton. I don't think we need to rehash the hit incident.
Dalton lost against the better teams, and was so so with the average to good teams. Between him, Dinucci and Gilbert there was nothing for the team to rally around. The teams really hardly knew their back up QBs.
Now this year here comes Rush. He been with the team. He got an improbably win last year at Minny. Everyone on the team knows he is the backup.
And it is much easier for the team to rally around Rush. The familiarity and the relationship that makes Cooper one of their own in the locker room has for some reason influenced their play and approach.
This is the learning opportunity that Dak has before him that was not there in 2020. That Dalton, Dinucci and Gilbert mess was not a rallying situation for the team. They were resigned to the year is over, and
Dak was probably stuck in the trauma of a terrible injury. And I hope you can acknowledge that he deserved some time and space to figure out what life was going to be like when he looked down at his shattered ankle.
2022 is different because Rush is bigger part of the team than the 2020 QBs. The injury to Dak is not a severe. The team is focused still on the opportunity to go to the playoffs. This is not a write off year so everyone is still in the game for the season, and focused on improving.
This time off is a great learning opportunity for Dak that hasn't presented itself in any other time of his career, and the on-field results with Dak relatively sound of mind on the sidelines to witness it is something he shouldn't pass over.