I've always had large dog breeds.
I've had a German Shepard, an American Pit Bull Terrier, and a Boxer.
All 3 were great dogs.
The thing about "Pit bull attacks" are that people largely ASSUME a dog is a pit bull and that is what the attack becomes labeled as. On the find the pitbull website that was posted, about 20 of those dogs would be labeled as a Pit Bull attack by the police officers and media. They aren't going to do a DNA testing on the dog to find out what breed exactly it was, they would just say "The owner says it was a pit bull". The fact is that most Pit Bulls you will come in contact with or see in your life are actually mixed breeds. Most "bullies' which refers to the small, extremely large Pits are actually inbred and usually have several other breeds mixed in. One of the largest Blue Pit Bull breeders was known as Razor's Edge Pits, and was caught interbreeding other dogs such as Bull Mastiffs and English Bulldogs to give their "pits" that extremely large head and body but small legs, through several generations of breeding.
The point I'm trying to make are, most pit bulls you will see aren't actually pit bulls. I see people with Staffordshire terriers almost weekly who think they have a pit bull. When I walk my Boxer(pure bred, beautiful dog. Typical Boxer sweet but bouncing all around full of energy) and neighbors ask me about my "pit bull". People are just really ignorant when it comes to dog breeds.
When you click that website you can see how similar dogs like Staffs/Pits/Cane Corsos/Domo Argentino's can all look. To the common person, those are all going to be identified as a Pit Bull. So if ANY of those breeds attack someone, it's a Pit Bull Attack. That really skews the data.
My last thing, of course any dog that is large can do damage, and it's terrible when things like this happen. The thing to remember: Don't punish the breed, punish the owner.
No matter what dog breed you have, it is extremely irresponsible to leave a NEWBORN, unattended with it around. This goes for German Shepards, Chihuahuas, Golden Retrievers or Poodles. It is a terrible idea to leave any newborn or toddler alone with any type of pet. There was a story in the news last year about a parent who came home to find his pet Ferrett had eaten all of the fingers off of his toddler while he was gone. What would possess a parent to think that it is okay to leave him there unattended with it?