Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

This is a bit tangential to the KJ situation, but for those of you that own a handgun or, are thinking of purchasing a handgun, strongly consider taking a concealed carry course or course that covers the legal ramifications of using deadly force.

Montana is an open carry state and allows for concealed carry without a permit. As a result, there are a lot of folks carrying handguns with absolutely no idea what the legal implications of using a handgun to defend yourself.

I took the CCW course recently (with no real intention of routinely carrying a handgun)... talk about a eye-opening experience.

And, BTW, brandishing a handgun and shooting wildly in the air or firing a warning shoot to "deter" an aggressive individual is (depending on the state) against the law.
Agree with all you said. Why is everyone in a hurry to say what should happen before the facts come out. Let the process take its' course. There is no rush here. If it warrants cutting him, fine. If not, I hope he makes the pro bowl this year.
makes total sense

common sense is lost on most nowadays, the wan to hang the accused on site like let's go back to the 1800s get blamed, you guilty, hangem high..lol
He witnessed a murder? IN the video it showed an suv leaving the scene and a couple shots fired and the vehicle was gone. Did KJ hang out to see the guy on the ground bleeding out? I wasnt aware he stayed back to see where the rounds ended up.
The more you comment, the dumber one gets reading them. You've got to be the worst excuser so far.
He witnessed a murder? IN the video it showed an suv leaving the scene and a couple shots fired and the vehicle was gone. Did KJ hang out to see the guy on the ground bleeding out? I wasnt aware he stayed back to see where the rounds ended up.
Good to know you openly endorse and justify hood behavior. I’m sure all those poor boys were at church that night and played no part in any of it — it’s all just a conspiracy to keep them down.

Thanks for showing me I can put you on ignore.
I carry every day. I’m a retired federal agent. But I don’t go out looking to shoot at people. Those that do deserve their fate. It’s easy to not be a damned thug criminal. But some just don’t get the memo.
Half the people in Texas carry a gun lol
That’s perfectly legal
Shooting someone who is not a threat to you isn’t
I don’t know if the player will be charged but he sure needs to find better friends
Some people say, guns don't kill people. Stupid people with guns kill people.

I always ask them, but if the gun wasn't there that night/day how many people would have died? They get mad, say that's not the point, then go on this long rant. I just simply ask them that question again to piss them off even further.
People with carry permits have passed background checks. I'd be willing to bet none of the gangsters in that car had carry permits. That's the problem, you can't keep illegal guns out of the hands of the bad guys without tougher sentencing
Like I mentioned earlier in the thread, multiple people can be charged by law, depending on the state. For example, you and a friend leave a bar. Your friend pulls a gun and kills someone. You both take off.

The police find out it was both of you at the scene. They seek you out. That's all they have to prove. They don't need to prove your intent. You both get charged with murder. At least that's the law in Colorado. I think it's the same in Texas, just not 100%.
when talking laws, its tricky because we dont have an actual law in front of us. But what your example is incorrect as you presented it. If you and the friend were in the act of committing certain felonies, yes, you both would be charged... but not in your example as described.... well, lets say not likely. There are few absolutes when talking about the legal system.

One of my students, just 3 weeks ago was in a car with t3 friends. Two of them had guns and they robbed a gas station. Hes gonna get charged with armed robbery even though he didnt have a gun. No smart.
The more you comment, the dumber one gets reading them. You've got to be the worst excuser so far.
nah, it just shows how ignorant you are of our legal system. You watch too much matlock.

There was a trail of blood in the OJ case and the jury dismissed it all. A bloody glove found at the crime scene that matched gloves proven to be purchased by OJ, and yet a jury dismissed it all. And you think it is a slam dunk that they could PROVE Kj was aware someone died? smh
not at night in a car that is driving away with bullets flying. You seem to make it like he got to see it on video with instant replay.
It was reported all over the news later that night and for days/weeks thereafter. Quit acting like a tool.
when talking laws, its tricky because we dont have an actual law in front of us. But what your example is incorrect as you presented it. If you and the friend were in the act of committing certain felonies, yes, you both would be charged... but not in your example as described.... well, lets say not likely. There are few absolutes when talking about the legal system.

One of my students, just 3 weeks ago was in a car with t3 friends. Two of them had guns and they robbed a gas station. Hes gonna get charged with armed robbery even though he didnt have a gun. No smart.

Yep, that idiot should have been packing too.
Good to know you openly endorse and justify hood behavior. I’m sure all those poor boys were at church that night and played no part in any of it — it’s all just a conspiracy to keep them down.

Thanks for showing me I can put you on ignore.

:huh:....he's actually looking at it from a legal perspective, rather than a social media junky who feels they have to outcry and shout their opinions on every matter.

He's actually saying, wait for the investigation rather than shouting out wild opinions based on personal belief. The primacy of evidence is lost in today's world.
not at night in a car that is driving away with bullets flying. You seem to make it like he got to see it on video with instant replay.
Being outside a club, it was probably lit well enough to see the man's body react to the bullet hitting him. I'm sure he wasn't looking in the other direction, but rather looking directly at him, and possibly talking smack to him. While I myself don't hunt, I've seen animals shot, and it's rare that you can't tell if they've hit them. The bullet usually causes an immediate reaction.
Good to know you openly endorse and justify hood behavior. I’m sure all those poor boys were at church that night and played no part in any of it — it’s all just a conspiracy to keep them down.

Thanks for showing me I can put you on ignore.

Some of you are fools. I dont endorse anything. I, for about the millionth time, look at things through a legal lense that will happen in a case like this. You just like to say see , see.. this is what happened with ZERO facts to back up your claim. Ignore me..... hopefully I will be able to sleep at night.
Being outside a club, it was probably lit well enough to see the man's body react to the bullet hitting him. I'm sure he wasn't looking in the other direction, but rather looking directly at him, and possibly talking smack to him. While I myself don't hunt, I've seen animals shot, and it's rare that you can't tell if they've hit them. The bullet usually causes an immediate reaction.
Did you watch the video? A boatload of SPECULATION in your post. Legal system deals with facts. Looking at the video, it certainly is easy to conclude a person inside the suv had no clue someone was shot the way it was driving away.

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