Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

He's the millionaire in the group. "The bossman". Do you guys really think he was just an unwilling passenger in the vehicle? He was in the fight, he's the "bossman" and he was the leader unless he's just a good little kid who was overruled by the posse. I don't think so. My hopes are that the two little punks wake up and realize at the best they are spending the rest of their lives in jail and they don't want the ring leader to get out of it. I care nothing that he plays for the Cowboys, a person has lost their life.
The innocent young man's death was reported throughout the news and several networks for weeks! Probably even on radio. That's not including the TEXT ALERTS everyone suddenly gets on their phones when an emergency or crime happens and police are looking for suspect(s). You know this, yet you keep acting like a clown. Embarrassing.
How the hell do you get text alerts about crimes. I want to get those.
I don’t think it even needs to get that far. Just being charged with a crime that carries up to a year in jail would be too much to justify Dallas keeping him on the roster. In previous circumstances where players left in cuffs and faced jail time if convicted, teams cut those guys right then and there.
Agree with you. BUT, as of right now, he hasnt been charged. There is no harm in waiting to see how this plays out. If he is arrested and charged, then fine, cut ties with him. But as of this moment, that hasnt happened.
He's the millionaire in the group. "The bossman". Do you guys really think he was just an unwilling passenger in the vehicle? He was in the fight, he's the "bossman" and he was the leader unless he's just a good little kid who was overruled by the posse. I don't think so. My hopes are that the two little punks wake up and realize at the best they are spending the rest of their lives in jail and they don't want the ring leader to get out of it. I care nothing that he plays for the Cowboys, a person has lost their life.
I don’t think it even needs to get that far. Just being charged with a crime that carries up to a year in jail would be too much to justify Dallas keeping him on the roster. In previous circumstances where players left in cuffs and faced jail time if convicted, teams cut those guys right then and there.

Who says he's being charged with the 'not reporting a felony charge'. Just because social media have become: enforcement, judge, jury and executioners, on a case it doesnt mean charges are going to be made. Looking at the previous 'not reporting charges', it appears that has been used in matters where the perpetrator is an accessory (usually driver), in a case where a planned crime was committed (robbery)....if that is the criteria used by the DA then this case will depend upon KJ's involvement and what happened and was said between the fight and the shooting.

If I was defending KJ, I would plead that I was shocked and frightened of the severity of the incident.....then again if @America's Cowboy has the evidence that he was laughing and joking about the incident in the days following then he's in trouble....then again find the evidence.
He's the millionaire in the group. "The bossman". Do you guys really think he was just an unwilling passenger in the vehicle? He was in the fight, he's the "bossman" and he was the leader unless he's just a good little kid who was overruled by the posse. I don't think so. My hopes are that the two little punks wake up and realize at the best they are spending the rest of their lives in jail and they don't want the ring leader to get out of it. I care nothing that he plays for the Cowboys, a person has lost their life.

Hey Marion ever heard of circumstantial? Now if you find evidence i'm with you, problem is a lot of these posts appear to think this investigation was started and concluded on Friday.
Hey Marion ever heard of circumstantial? Now if you find evidence i'm with you, problem is a lot of these posts appear to think this investigation was started and concluded on Friday.
guess common sense is something that doesn't run in your family?
Im sure even if he's not charged he'll need to satisfy the FO as to his version of events and what's going to happen moving forward. I actually think once the legal ramifications have ended he should be judged by his fellow players, if he's on a team it's them that he'll need to prove his worth.

I doubt that zero tolerance and making an example is going to have any effect (see Zeke, Dez, Gregory).

Some of these comments about whether he tried to stop someone (be it physically or verbally) are easy to accuse from behind a keyboard....if he instigated or even encouraged (proof needed) the shooting then yes he's guilty......but as yet there's no evidence to support this and all of these 'guilty verdicts' are based on pure speculation (at the moment) based on what's in front of us.
I don't think I've taken such a i as iintolerant view as I have on this. I have prejudice in this case. I didn't want him
Anyone wanna bet me?


My money is on the guy in the fight video throwing punches like a drunk woman is not KJ. The logo on the sweatshirt and the chain match the elevator video though.

I think the guy that threw the first punches in that video is more likely to be KJ than "drunk punches" guy. Why? Those punches looked more NFL than the drunkards punches.......and if there is any truth to rumors that KJ was the guy that got into it with Ray or Rays group first....why not throw punches first?

I dont have an answer for the change in clothing unless KJ took off his chain and sweater and gave it to a homie because he knew he was getting into a brawl soon. But that doesnt account for the dark colored pants/shorts the guy that threw the first punches is wearing either. The elevator video makes it look like KJ is wearing light colored everything.

Do we even know if KJ ever even threw a punch?

Can anyone tell me where or how "being gangsta" helps KJ? Like...is it just for street cred or does some Ferry/Angel come contact you and offer you good paying gigs for being so gangsta? Like...do you get to push more weight because you gangsta? Do you scare people into giving you money? I dont get how killing people for nothing helps you. Does offing Ray make you more money somehow?
not the point
I work in federal law enforcement and carry for work, from the reports it sounds like it was bad decisions being made all around from a fight to the shooting.

The report also indicates that someone was carrying a weapon as a felon with KJ, continuing the bad decisions for that night.
That's a good point. There's a very good chance he'll take a plea bargain if he's charged. If so, he'll probably be ejected from the league, or get a very long suspension.
agree. I see him testifying for the state and serving no time. He wont be charged because of him testifying. I have no idea what the league will do. Could the Ray Rice case be used to determine what happens with KJ? I guess a long suspension as well.
Who says he's being charged with the 'not reporting a felony charge'. Just because social media have become: enforcement, judge, jury and executioners, on a case it doesnt mean charges are going to be made. Looking at the previous 'not reporting charges', it appears that has been used in matters where the perpetrator is an accessory (usually driver), in a case where a planned crime was committed (robbery)....if that is the criteria used by the DA then this case will depend upon KJ's involvement and what happened and was said between the fight and the shooting.

If I was defending KJ, I would plead that I was shocked and frightened of the severity of the incident.....then again if @America's Cowboy has the evidence that he was laughing and joking about the incident in the days following then he's in trouble....then again find the evidence.
if they have video of him laughing and joking about the guy dying.. hes in big trouble. The state will charge him with as much as they can. BUT, where is this video????
Thank you to who decided to keep this open. It was briefly shut down, and I didnt understand that. Obviously this involves a Cowboys player and there is a lot of discussion happening here. We are in the off season and this is a topic that obviously has a lot of interest. Let us have our fun:)
Haven’t gone through the whole thread but is everyone really that naive about snitching?

i even saw a poster on here say he would never have someone on his team who didn’t report a felony. Do we understand the way many players in the league grew up? Many people from working class upbringings are taught from an early age to never go to the police and that is a cultural pillar of the community.

I am willing to bet every single NFL team has multiple players who have witnessed felonies. The question is not about right or wrong right now, it’s about expecting a kid to buck all he’s learned growing up and alienate himself from his social circle. Obviously the morally right choice is to say something, but life isn’t that easy.

My main point is the naivety of many posters here when it comes to reporting crimes. You think he gets to tell and go home to never hear about this again? Friends turn to fatal enemies quick when snitching is involved. Telling could result in him being hunted down, family/friends looking for revenge, and various witness intimidation tactics.

Now that he’s had to tell in order to salvage his future, I’m sure he’s going to have to watch his back for the rest of his life. The anger and pain families feel (justified or not) when one of their own is sent to prison is strong. Go look up “witness tampering” and you’ll read plenty of stories where completely innocent bystanders who step up get killed, beaten, or have their families targeted.

Again, in no way am I saying it’s right to not report a felony. My only point is that snitching on people who commit murder isn’t an easy thing to do in reality. Maybe the idea sounds simple, but actually dealing with all that comes with that can be life-threatening.

And to the “he shouldn’t have been there” folks, I get that too. But it’s a tale as old as time. Young kid from rough neighborhood makes it to the big leagues and is being advised to leave all his friends behind and has a tough time doing it because they grew up together and you don’t want to just abandoned your friends.

He could’ve very well just been enjoying a night out with friends as 22 year olds do and someone decided to react to a fight much more aggressively than anyone thought. People get drunk with guns and don’t exactly tell everyone their detailed plans, sometimes people make split second decisions that can decide the fate of others.

Anyway, these type of circumstances are a lot more common than many here think. You get stuck between a rock and a hard place between cutting off all your former relationships and still being friends with unsavory characters.

We are not the “Morality Police”, just try to understand people do not all see things the same and your analysis may be far from the truth. I find it’s always best to let these things play out before jumping in. This is actually my first post on the subject.
Nothing happened and we went on with life, but that night has stuck with me forever. What is one of those thugs shot off a gun as we were leaving a party. They could have killed someone and Id have never known. Woudnt have had a reason to be looking in the papers to see if someone was shot, I would have just continued on.

Then a month later the cops show up at my door asking me about that night at the party and they inform me someone died from a gun shot.

I guess what we do know right now shows that your scenario isn't plausible, and there is much more smoke in the KJ corner.

1. He did know guns, not gun, was discharged.
2. He knew enough to talk to police, and two people turned themselves in.
3. Accounts from victim's family of likes being made on social media posts that have a suspicious connection to KJ.
4. The cancelled Instagram account.

None of the stuff that has come out to date represents a person with some maturity. I want to give KJ a chance. I really do, but this young man is not doing the right things in life that is managing risk as an elitely talented professional sports athlete should.

We should not hang him, but he isn't as innocent as your scenario is purporting.
agree. I see him testifying for the state and serving no time. He wont be charged because of him testifying. I have no idea what the league will do. Could the Ray Rice case be used to determine what happens with KJ? I guess a long suspension as well.
I would cut him for being a snitch. He is in a no win situation.
I'm going to tell you guys like this. According to what has already happened, Joseph will walk away from this incident with no criminal charges what so ever. And he will remain with the Cowboys, but he will receive a suspension.
if they have video of him laughing and joking about the guy dying.. hes in big trouble. The state will charge him with as much as they can. BUT, where is this video????

That's exactly what i'm saying....where is this evidence. Its @America's Cowboy with his wild conjecture that's making the strawman argument that KJ 's laughing and joking, which as we will all agree will probably give a jury an indelible reason to convict.
I guess what we do know right now shows that your scenario isn't plausible, and there is much more smoke in the KJ corner.

1. He did know guns, not gun, was discharged.
2. He knew enough to talk to police, and two people turned themselves in.
3. Accounts from victim's family of likes being made on social media posts that have a suspicious connection to KJ.
4. The cancelled Instagram account.

None of the stuff that has come out to date represents a person with some maturity. I want to give KJ a chance. I really do, but this young man is not doing the right things in life that is managing risk as an elitely talented professional sports athlete should.

We should not hang him, but he isn't as innocent as your scenario is purporting.

So there were two guns, not one? When did he talk to the police and how long after did the two give themselves up? When was the Instagram account cancelled?

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