Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

can you show me the exact law that requires you to file a police report?

If you are in a murder vehicle, see the crime, and don't report it. You are subject to the Law of Parties as an accessory after the fact. That is a felony in Texas. He may get off by turning States Evidence and testifying against
his buddies. Still, is he someone you want on your NFL football team???
ill ask again, show me the texas state law in regards to failing to report a felony. Id like to read it.

The current Texas law is as follows:1

(a) A person commits an offense if the person:

(1) observes the commission of a felony under circumstances in which a reasonable person would believe that an offense had been committed in which serious bodily injury or death may have resulted; and

(2) fails to immediately report the commission of the offense to a peace officer or law enforcement agency under circumstances in which:

(A) a reasonable person would believe that the commission of the offense had not been reported; and

(B) the person could immediately report the commission of the offense without placing himself or herself in danger of suffering serious bodily injury or death.

An important requirement of this law is that the unreported felony was serious enough that someone could possibly be seriously injured or killed. In addition, you must have personally observed what happened. Hearing about something is not enough to warrant your obligation to report the offense.

[paste:font size="4"]section above have been met.

[paste:font size="4"]2with a maximum possible fine under Texas state law of up to $4,000 and jail time of up to one year. Learn about the differences between grades of felonies and misdemeanors
:huh:....he's actually looking at it from a legal perspective, rather than a social media junky who feels they have to outcry and shout their opinions on every matter.

He's actually saying, wait for the investigation rather than shouting out wild opinions based on personal belief. The primacy of evidence is lost in today's world.

amazing how much is lost on people , isnt it. Thanks for understanding what I was saying.
when talking laws, its tricky because we dont have an actual law in front of us. But what your example is incorrect as you presented it. If you and the friend were in the act of committing certain felonies, yes, you both would be charged... but not in your example as described.... well, lets say not likely. There are few absolutes when talking about the legal system.

One of my students, just 3 weeks ago was in a car with t3 friends. Two of them had guns and they robbed a gas station. Hes gonna get charged with armed robbery even though he didnt have a gun. No smart.

I'm not just making it up. I actually used a true story. I'll try to be a little bit more specific.

Two guys left a bar. One of them pulled a gun and killed someone. I think it was money related. Both took off. Through eyewitness accounts and interviews it was established that both were together. The police had to hunt them down. Then I think they got the guy to admit he was there, but he didn't know the guy was going to kill someone.

They then had the detective talking at the end about the laws of Colorado. They charge you both. As if you were both there to kill him. Had he went to the police, or not run away with the shooter, different story.
Some of you are fools. I dont endorse anything. I, for about the millionth time, look at things through a legal lense that will happen in a case like this. You just like to say see , see.. this is what happened with ZERO facts to back up your claim. Ignore me..... hopefully I will be able to sleep at night.
Legal sense? Are you an attorney or something? If so, you're a real ignorant one, especially one who asks the dumbest questions or makes the biggest deflections.
If you are in a murder vehicle, see the crime, and don't report it. You are subject to the Law of Parties as an accessory after the fact. That is a felony in Texas. He may get off by turning States Evidence and testifying against
his buddies. Still, is he someone you want on your NFL football team???
well, im sure you are paraphrasing the law since you dont show it to me... so ill focus in on a couple of your words.

IF YOU SEE THE CRIME. Everyone in this thread had concluded he saw the bullet enter the guy, saw the blood fly in the air, saw the grimace on the guys face, saw the body trembling, saw the guy drop to the ground, and watched him take his last breath.

TRUST ME, those are conclusions people are leaping to with no evidence to base their conclusion. I watched the video.... it certainly isnt as simple as so many in here are making it out to be.
If you are in a murder vehicle, see the crime, and don't report it. You are subject to the Law of Parties as an accessory after the fact. That is a felony in Texas. He may get off by turning States Evidence and testifying against
his buddies. Still, is he someone you want on your NFL football team???


Sadly, some here are willing to look the other way, even at a cold blooded murder, as long as it benefits the player and the Cowboys.
So the excuses thus far

-Lots of people have necklaces like that...how do we know it's him? Ah, he admitted it's him.
-How do we know he was in the car? See the answer above
-How do we know that he knows the people he was in the car with? Because they are his homies from LA
-How do we know he knew someone shot a gun outside the car? Uh, because he would have heard it
-How do we know he wasn't so traumatized by it that he just had a breakdown? So traumatized he wiped his instagram
-How do we know he knows who shot the gun? It wasn't like he was riding in the back of a bus and it happened up front
-How do we know he knew that someone got shot? Maybe, the only one that has a possibility of being true, no matter how unlikely. But how was he gonna earn his teardrop tattoo if he didn't know a dude died?
well, im sure you are paraphrasing the law since you dont show it to me... so ill focus in on a couple of your words.

IF YOU SEE THE CRIME. Everyone in this thread had concluded he saw the bullet enter the guy, saw the blood fly in the air, saw the grimace on the guys face, saw the body trembling, saw the guy drop to the ground, and watched him take his last breath.

TRUST ME, those are conclusions people are leaping to with no evidence to base their conclusion. I watched the video.... it certainly isnt as simple as so many in here are making it out to be.

Based on the wording of the law I replied to you with, he knows multiple people in his vehicle fired weapons out the window and he didn’t report it. That’s enough to be charged with failure to report a felony.

An important requirement of this law is that the unreported felony was serious enough that someone could possibly be seriously injured or killed”

They saw someone and started shooting ay them. That definitely qualifies as possibility of serious injury, even if you didn’t see who was shot at or the aftermath
The current Texas law is as follows:1

(a) A person commits an offense if the person:

(1) observes the commission of a felony under circumstances in which a reasonable person would believe that an offense had been committed in which serious bodily injury or death may have resulted; and

(2) fails to immediately report the commission of the offense to a peace officer or law enforcement agency under circumstances in which:

(A) a reasonable person would believe that the commission of the offense had not been reported; and

(B) the person could immediately report the commission of the offense without placing himself or herself in danger of suffering serious bodily injury or death.

An important requirement of this law is that the unreported felony was serious enough that someone could possibly be seriously injured or killed. In addition, you must have personally observed what happened. Hearing about something is not enough to warrant your obligation to report the offense.

[paste:font size="4"]section above have been met.

[paste:font size="4"]2with a maximum possible fine under Texas state law of up to $4,000 and jail time of up to one year. Learn about the differences between grades of felonies and misdemeanors

thank you for looking that up and posting. So Ill say again, the legal argument his lawyer will make is that he did not observe anyone getting shot. Now the fact shots were fired in the direction of people is where the state will lie their hat... again though, not black and white and the reason we have jury trials.
Did you watch the video? A boatload of SPECULATION in your post. Legal system deals with facts. Looking at the video, it certainly is easy to conclude a person inside the suv had no clue someone was shot the way it was driving away.
You have an equal amount of speculation in your posts. Unless the SUV was going faster than light, if the bullet had a clear path to the victim, his eyes did as well. It's possible he didn't see anything, all I'm saying is it's likely he did. Either way, it's extremely unlikely he didn't know in the days that followed. Hell, it's probably that the shooter was bragging that he "got that m***********!" while they were driving away.

I haven't stated at any point that I think he's guilty of anything but withholding information.
Being outside a club, it was probably lit well enough to see the man's body react to the bullet hitting him. I'm sure he wasn't looking in the other direction, but rather looking directly at him, and possibly talking smack to him. While I myself don't hunt, I've seen animals shot, and it's rare that you can't tell if they've hit them. The bullet usually causes an immediate reaction.
Most snipers and hunters have to look back into the scope to see if they hit their target. Because it's hard to fire a gun and keep it directly on target afterwords. The recoil will always shift the gun, even with a bipod in use.
well, im sure you are paraphrasing the law since you dont show it to me... so ill focus in on a couple of your words.

IF YOU SEE THE CRIME. Everyone in this thread had concluded he saw the bullet enter the guy, saw the blood fly in the air, saw the grimace on the guys face, saw the body trembling, saw the guy drop to the ground, and watched him take his last breath.

TRUST ME, those are conclusions people are leaping to with no evidence to base their conclusion. I watched the video.... it certainly isnt as simple as so many in here are making it out to be.
The innocent young man's death was reported throughout the news and several networks for weeks! Probably even on radio. That's not including the TEXT ALERTS everyone suddenly gets on their phones when an emergency or crime happens and police are looking for suspect(s). You know this, yet you keep acting like a clown. Embarrassing.
Legal sense? Are you an attorney or something? If so, you're a real ignorant one, especially one who asks the dumbest questions or makes the biggest deflections.
the dumbest questions. I=Your comments shows how little you know. Quote me one of my questions that you feel are so dumb, and ill show you exactly why it isnt. I know , i know, you dont need to do that, my comments are worth you wasting your time.
Based on the wording of the law I replied to you with, he knows multiple people in his vehicle fired weapons out the window and he didn’t report it. That’s enough to be charged with failure to report a felony.

An important requirement of this law is that the unreported felony was serious enough that someone could possibly be seriously injured or killed”

They saw someone and started shooting ay them. That definitely qualifies as possibility of serious injury, even if you didn’t see who was shot at or the aftermath
Dont disagree with you... thats going to be a tough one for him. BUT, I remember being given cases that you 100% disagree with and having to research, plan and then argue the case. It sucks to have facts that dont look good... but thats what lawyers do. They take facts and try to convince a jury. The facts of the case dont matter near as much as who the jury is. Most cases like this dont go to trial, a plea is made.
The innocent young man's death was reported throughout the news and several networks for weeks! Probably even on radio. That's not including the TEXT ALERTS everyone suddenly gets on their phones when an emergency or crime happens and police are looking for suspect(s). You know this, yet you keep acting like a clown. Embarrassing.

again, you make so many assumptions, proving you are a clown and you dont even know it. My wife works crazy hours. She does not watch the news and is rarely on social media. HUGE stories happen all the time that she has no clue about. She wouldnt be able to tell you about ANYTHING that has happened in the Ukraine. Now if you questioned my wife about certain news events and she answers she has no clue about any of it... youd call her a liar because you in fact watch the news and are on social media all the time. It is unfathomable to you that someone could actually not be aware of a major news story. It is not nearly as far fetched as you think it is.
Dont disagree with you... thats going to be a tough one for him. BUT, I remember being given cases that you 100% disagree with and having to research, plan and then argue the case. It sucks to have facts that dont look good... but thats what lawyers do. They take facts and try to convince a jury. The facts of the case dont matter near as much as who the jury is. Most cases like this dont go to trial, a plea is made.
That's a good point. There's a very good chance he'll take a plea bargain if he's charged. If so, he'll probably be ejected from the league, or get a very long suspension.
Dont disagree with you... thats going to be a tough one for him. BUT, I remember being given cases that you 100% disagree with and having to research, plan and then argue the case. It sucks to have facts that dont look good... but thats what lawyers do. They take facts and try to convince a jury. The facts of the case dont matter near as much as who the jury is. Most cases like this dont go to trial, a plea is made.

I don’t think it even needs to get that far. Just being charged with a crime that carries up to a year in jail would be too much to justify Dallas keeping him on the roster. In previous circumstances where players left in cuffs and faced jail time if convicted, teams cut those guys right then and there.
I lived in the streets. Experienced many things, especially cross border. No excuses. You know as well as I that no one is forced. If you hang out with the wrong crowd, especially when you assault others, you know the intentions of the party you keep company with. You're a part of that. Suddenly, oooh, I didn't know? Nah, that doesn't fly.
agree with this... but attaching a law to that behavior that results in jail time is another issue.

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