Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

That's the thing, the videos didn't have audio that I heard, nor did it pick up any possible verbal exchange before hand. Should he have started the fight? No, no matter what the other guy might have said, there's no excuse. Should he have come forward after the shooting? Yes. But we can't prove that he knew what they would do. It could have been a spur of the moment decision. He might have egged them on, he might have said "Nah guys, let's not do that." We don't know. All we know for sure is that he fought, then was in the vehicle then didn't report it.

It looks bad in any case. And he did break the law (by not reporting it). But that's all we know as fact. So I don't condone calling him a murderer or even stating that he was in on it. He might have been. But I don't know. I will condone calling him an idiot and someone who is detrimental to the team.
It was reported that Aries Jones started the fight.
Has nothing to do with murder. You biased, self-righteous individuals, always seem to find fault in others, but have your own hidden secrets.
I would hope that none of us was involved in a murder. I think all of us has the moral grounds to find fault with an accessory to murder. If their is a couple fans that have murdered somebody, maybe they should keep quite. I can overlook most mistakes that people makes. It happens, none of us are perfect. Murder is a different deal. Murders have no place in my life. They have to go. My daughter was murdered, so I know how the victim’s surviving family members feel. Nobody should have to live with knowing that a loved one was murdered. I have no sympathy for murderers . I don’t care how good of a football player they are or what team they play for. I hope this young man is innocent, but innocent people comes to law enforcement to clear their names instead of avoiding them for a couple of months. He had more than enough time to step forward and straighten this mess out.
How many of us were affected with a rush to judgement because he's a rapper and had some problems in college? I was and can't shake what's programmed in because of the violence that surrounds the world of rappers but his problem at LSU wasn't violence.

In my world. it is wrong to have remained silent when a man was murdered by the two people he was with but I have no idea what his world is like. Am I assuming he was OK with a man being shot and killed because he didn't come forth? I know none of the details, absolutely none but that did not prevent me from rushing to judgement. And I do not think I was alone.

I am going to let this play out and I retract my vote of dump him and will wait and see. And there may be few details forthcoming if the perps cop a plea and this becomes old news.

What I will say is that we are Cowboys fans and we should be used to this by now. There is a pattern established with players like this so we should not be surprised with anything.
The fact that he avoided law enforcement for so long influenced my opinion more than him being a rapper or having problems with authority when he was in college. To be honest, I did not even think about these two things when forming my opinion.
I would hope that none of us was involved in a murder. I think all of us has the moral grounds to find fault with an accessory to murder. If their is a couple fans that have murdered somebody, maybe they should keep quite. I can overlook most mistakes that people makes. It happens, none of us are perfect. Murder is a different deal. Murders have no place in my life. They have to go. My daughter was murdered, so I know how the victim’s surviving family members feel. Nobody should have to live with knowing that a loved one was murdered. I have no sympathy for murderers . I don’t care how good of a football player they are or what team they play for. I hope this young man is innocent, but innocent people comes to law enforcement to clear their names instead of avoiding them for a couple of months. He had more than enough time to step forward and straighten this mess out.
Had a nephew kill his boss no way I could have ever seen that coming he was a well mannered kid at least around his family and friends Boss fired him he went home and got his .357 and shot him. He still says he does not remember doing it. I found out about it while watching the news
Agreed, but, remember KJ was one of two who initially attacked the unsuspecting but innocent victim on the street's curbside. That showed me KJ's mind is all about violence and was there to create such violence on any bystander he felt like it. He had no respect or remorse for attacking an innocent victim who was minding his own business, so I find the claim that KJ did not know his murderous partners did not have guns or were going to shoot the victim after the physical altercation. KJ knew, yet he went along and drove with them in the vehicle during the drive-by, instead of trying to stop them or not get into the same vehicle. Then like a guilty coward, he stays quiet and hides for a month (and would have continued to stay quiet to this day had the police investigators not ID'd him). KJ is a guilty backstabbing rat.
I didn't see Joseph in the fight. He had a logo on his hoodie, with writings on the sleeve, and light colored pants. Another guy was dressed similar to Joseph but didn't have the logo or writings on his hoodie. So which guy was Joseph so I can look at it again?
Had a nephew kill his boss no way I could have ever seen that coming he was a well mannered kid at least around his family and friends Boss fired him he went home and got his .357 and shot him. He still says he does not remember doing it. I found out about it while watching the news
That is horrible.
I would hope that none of us was involved in a murder. I think all of us has the moral grounds to find fault with an accessory to murder. If their is a couple fans that have murdered somebody, maybe they should keep quite. I can overlook most mistakes that people makes. It happens, none of us are perfect. Murder is a different deal. Murders have no place in my life. They have to go. My daughter was murdered, so I know how the victim’s surviving family members feel. Nobody should have to live with knowing that a loved one was murdered. I have no sympathy for murderers . I don’t care how good of a football player they are or what team they play for. I hope this young man is innocent, but innocent people comes to law enforcement to clear their names instead of avoiding them for a couple of months. He had more than enough time to step forward and straighten this mess out.
My deepest condolences for the loss of your daughter, @jnday . We might disagree sometimes about certain Cowboys players or the team itself, but I totally agree with you about what you just said. It truly breaks my heart.
Ok I see Joseph fighting in this video. My first time watching this footage. You can clearly see the logo on his hoodie.
I don't know if you can call it fighting if you don't connect on any punches. But he threw some punches, and missed, but yeah he was involved. I really wish we could have audio in that video.
That's rough man. I feel for you and your family. I couldn't imagine the trauma that would cause. Hang in there.
It has been about 20 years he can make parole in about 6-9 more years or what ever Texas minimum on life is
Sorry about your Daughter and murder causes problems for families on both sides of the family it is harder on the victims family
Thank you. I have mentioned it in some of the threads here to make a point or give a different point of view. When a loved one is murdered, it forever changes the way you look at certain crimes. It is hard to have any sympathy for a criminal that takes a life or permanently disfigures their victims. After watching so many of these true crime TV shows, it is easy to find yourself more tolerant of criminals. I guess that comes from watching too many of these shows based on murders.
My deepest condolences for the loss of your daughter, @jnday . We might disagree sometimes about certain Cowboys players or the team itself, but I totally agree with you about what you just said. It truly breaks my heart.
I have always said that one of the best traits of this forum is the ability to totally disagree with somebody in one thread, but totally agree with the same poster in the next thread. That is the reason for never taking any post personally. I have never blocked a poster either for the same reasons. Thank you for your kind words. The few seconds that you spent typing those words of comfort means a lot to me on a personal level.
I would hope that none of us was involved in a murder. I think all of us has the moral grounds to find fault with an accessory to murder. If their is a couple fans that have murdered somebody, maybe they should keep quite. I can overlook most mistakes that people makes. It happens, none of us are perfect. Murder is a different deal. Murders have no place in my life. They have to go. My daughter was murdered, so I know how the victim’s surviving family members feel. Nobody should have to live with knowing that a loved one was murdered. I have no sympathy for murderers . I don’t care how good of a football player they are or what team they play for. I hope this young man is innocent, but innocent people comes to law enforcement to clear their names instead of avoiding them for a couple of months. He had more than enough time to step forward and straighten this mess out.

I don't think anyone here is tolerant of accessory to murder. It actually means something though. If you can demonstrate how KJ aided and abetted in Ray's murder I'll be calling for justice myself.

Innocent people witness murders and say nothing to police pretty regularly. Snitches get stitches is a cliché for a reason.

I'm no LEO but I am betting that the police interviewed all 5 people in KJ's group, all the people in Ray's group, and everything else expected in a murder investigation. They have arrested two men from KJ's party. I also bet that if he was not fully cooperating in the police's eyes they could and would have charged him with felony obstruction. They had that over all 5 of them.

Now believe me I understand that police and prosecutors make mistakes but I don't believe the Dallas DAs office would give a pass to someone they felt was complicit in murder. I also do not believe that those of us here at this board can do a better job at determining who is guilty or not.

I believe in righteous anger but you need to make sure you're right before unleashing yourself IMO. Not saying you have btw.

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