Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

"The Shots" were premeditated. . . He should have left the group . . . when it became clear they were gonna hunt those men down

Boss man should have scadadled


He looks guilty. Should have gone to the nearest police station and reported it.

instead, the cops are looking.
Lets pray he wasn’t in that car.
why he doesn't have control or premeditated knowledge of what someone else actions are..just being in the car doesn't make him guilty of squat other than having bad friends and trying to not be a rat. He will come around im sure..

Lewis was arrested for the double-murder and spent time in jail before the trial despite never killing anyone

https://fanbuzz.com/nfl/ray-lewis-murder/#:~:text=Lewis was arrested for the,obstruction of justice, a misdemeanor
Add CB now to potential first round selection.
Actually I bet Joseph talked to the Cowboys about this incident way before the video came out. The Cowboys draft probably won’t change.
It doesn’t look good. It just flat out doesn’t look good at all.

On a side note. This is why YOU DONT FORCE PICKS

The cowboys FORCED a pick at cornerback despite there being a ton of other talented players available who didn’t have character concerns.

The cowboys constantly put themselves in positions where they have to FORCE picks and this kind of stuff happens.

when Joseph was drafted I said I would give him a clean slate and benefit of the doubt going forward. But man that slate went from clean to pretty damn dirty in less than a year.

If he’s charged, Dallas has to cut ties with him.

last thing we need.
law says you are not an accessory until you do not cooperate.. it wasnt a premeditated crime was spur of the moment action of someone else you have zero control over that you mistake was not wanting to dimed out a friend, its called MIs-placed loyalty OR that person threatened to kill him if he talked??????..

dumbest thing you ever heard of or does this come to mind

https://fanbuzz.com/nfl/ray-lewis-m...for the,obstruction of justice, a misdemeanor
Add CB now to potential first round selection.
Unfortunately this is how I also look at it. Don’t think it’s a first round need but if Brown isn’t extended then definitely becomes one next year. It’s a sad situation that someone lost their life and Joseph was stupid enough to but himself in that situation.
It's hard for these young men to break away from the gang culture. Of course due diligence at the Star means you spoke to a University Booster who is interested in buying a suite at the stadium.
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It doesn’t look good. It just flat out doesn’t look good at all.

On a side note. This is why YOU DONT FORCE PICKS

The cowboys FORCED a pick at cornerback despite there being a ton of other talented players available who didn’t have character concerns.

The cowboys constantly put themselves in positions where they have to FORCE picks and this kind of stuff happens.

when Joseph was drafted I said I would give him a clean slate and benefit of the doubt going forward. But man that slate went from clean to pretty damn dirty in less than a year.
thats just dumb...give the holier than though response and overreaction as if they knew this would happen..remember the chart that came out the DC are like 17th on tan NFL list of teams with players who get in trouble with the law..mean this happens more regularly then you think and until more facts come out, these emotional over the top responses need to stop and the powers that be allowing this to happen, is more proof the negative drama feeds this place..
If he was in the car, then he can be charged with not reporting it. That's a Class A misdemeanor with a fine and up to a year in prison.
Or cooperates and he get immunity, and nothing happens. he may have had good reason to be scared to dime out someone that just killed someone. Witnesses do this all the time..they don't come forward until forced too. if they than ccoprate tell the truth nothing happens at all.

https://fanbuzz.com/nfl/ray-lewis-m...for the,obstruction of justice, a misdemeanor

https://fanbuzz.com/nfl/ray-lewis-m...bstruction of justice, a misdemeanor.:popcorn
why do these "gangsters" have to shoot at each other? why don't they slug it out with their pocketbooks? sheesh.
If he was in the car, then he can be charged with not reporting it. That's a Class A misdemeanor with a fine and up to a year in prison.

Also if they can’t charge him as an accessory, they can try to charge him with conspiracy to commit murder. if they can prove the crime was premeditated, and Kelvin knew they were returning to the nightclub. (In this hypothetical where he’s in the SUV)

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