Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

What if the reason he didn't go to the police is he was the shooter? Wasn't he the one in the fight earlier? Did Ray tag him and it pissed him off to the point of getting revenge? Was he drunk or high?

Think this can't be the case? His lawyer is admitting he was in the vehicle but wasn't the shooter. Ever known a lawyer not to say their client didn't do it?

It’s completely normal to be part of the crew, not pull the trigger, and not come forward and talk about it. As a matter of fact, it’s probably more common than coming forward without feeling obligated to do so.
It’s completely normal to be part of the crew, not pull the trigger, and not come forward and talk about it. As a matter of fact, it’s probably more common than coming forward without feeling obligated to do so.

The unique circumstance here though is he’s a celebrity with a multimillion dollar golden ticket at risk. Pay one of your dudes off, squeal like a pig, do anything you can to get out of this
The law of parties is about conspirators. If you conspired to commit a crime then you are guilty of that crime. It's the difference between knowing and not knowing. If you had prior knowledge that a crime was about to take place, and you proceed to encourage or aid in the commission of that crime, then you will receive the same charges as the perpetrator of that crime. Whether you were just standing guard or you were the get away driver.

So if KJ told someone in that vehicle... Shoot at those guys when we pass by. Then he'll be charged with murder. And the same goes for the driver. The other guys in that SUV will be allowed to walk, because they didn't take part in the crime. So the law of parties may not apply to everyone in that SUV.

Yeah, kinda like accessory to a felony…

I asked you to differentiate the two and you haven’t.
He’s the one with money. It’s almost certain to be his car, chances are he paid for the gun and if a card was used he could be screwed. My guess is it’s career over.
So what happens if no one in the car will name the shooter? They all are going to say that they had no idea someone was going to get killed. Lets assume that they stick to their story. Do they all walk free or do they all go to jail?

That's where Joseph is a lose/lose scenario. If the state can't establish which was the shooter all 4 would be charged with Accessory and failure to report a felony. They will all go down and Joseph loses his career. I wonder how much the others in the car will lose in comparison to the budding NFL 'star'.
He's done. He'll be dropped any day now. Is there any veteran CB out there that we can sign?
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Yea, he is in trouble with the law if the facts/evidence reveal that Joseph promoted, encouraged, or aided the shooter.
Many questions will be raised -- did Joseph encourage the shooter to shoot, did Joseph direct the shooter to discharge the shooter's weapon, did Joseph commit other acts that aided the shooter in firing the shooter's weapon, etc.,

Also, Joseph maybe charged with accessory after the fact, in that he assisted someone who committed a crime after the person committed the crime with knowledge that that person committed the crime, and intended to help that person avoid arrest or punishment.

Under Texas law, Penal Code, Title 2 - General Principles of Criminal Responsibility, Chapter 7.01-02 - Criminal Responsibility of the Conduct of Another, a person is “criminally responsible for a crime committed by the conduct of another” if he or she acts “with intent to promote or assist the commission of the offense, he solicits, encourages, directs, aids or attempts to aid the other person to commit the offense.”
Someone in that group is going to find out real quick that friendship only goes so far when a prison sentence is on the line.
Oh, that's nothing compared to this, No one got killed and this has been going on for some time.
I think its worse if he's just around someone who committed the crime. IF he actually committed the murder? Then yeah that would take the cake.
Possible, not likely. I also don’t think KJ was the one in the fight. But I’m not positive.
Hard for me to say because the video I saw most definitely looked like him swinging in his hoodie but pure speculation at this point. Regardless of what happened I stand by if they had the proper evidence he did this he would be in prison or on bail right now.

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