Differentiate what two? Conspiracy is conspiracy. People get charged with conspiracy when the crime was not actually committed. Conspiracy to committ murder. But if you conspired to kill someone and it actually happened then you'll be charged with murder.Yeah, kinda like accessory to a felony…
I asked you to differentiate the two and you haven’t.
The unique circumstance here though is he’s a celebrity with a multimillion dollar golden ticket at risk. Pay one of your dudes off, squeal like a pig, do anything you can to get out of this
Felicitating is applauding, I think.Facilitating bro. *thumb's up!
yeah, that is bad. The waiting. I agree. Makes him appear a bit guilty.It would've been a great start, had it not been a month after the incident. Waiting until you've been implicated to say how much you regret what happened doesn't seem particularly genuine to me.
Someone got rubbed the wrong way.Deshaun Watson and those 20 women suing him.
No worries my man. I don't normally correct people, but just that one was a bit amusing and figured you dyslexia'd a little bit there.Felicitating is applauding, I think.
Good catch.
We are talking about him or his associates?
all I get from it is, that the school system didn't work out for him.
He gives me the chills just watching and listening to him.
all I get from it is, that the school system didn't work out for him.
Lol I’m not even going to get into the American judicial system with you. Im not saying he’s guilty. Im saying him even being a person of interest is something this team doesn’t need right now.I wanted the Florida St. corner. I just believe your innocent before proven guilty. I guess I like being an American. You have person of interest guilty of murder with no evidence. That tells me all I need to know about you.
I believe he has to prove he had no knowledge or he has to prove he tried to stop it. How can you prove you had no knowledge of something? How can you prove you made an honest effort to stop it? It's not what you know it's what you can prove. Right now the proof is he was in a fight with the victim and he was in the car that shot and killed the victim. That's been proven. That's a hard sell to make in court that you no idea a person you just punched was about to be shot by someone in the same car as you. As much as I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, I think he's done unless they got some recording from inside the car with KJ trying to stop the shooter.100%^. The issue KJ will have will be convincing the DA he had 0 knowledge. Its nearly unfathomable that he didn't know.
No he doesn’t. The police want a shooter if he cooperates he will get off and be the key witness. They have no evidence that he shot anyone. They need his testimony. I bet the lawyer negotiated a deal with the police with the backing of the Joneses. I don’t like it one bit but that is how the police get their perk.
Differentiate what two? Conspiracy is conspiracy. People get charged with conspiracy when the crime was not actually committed. Conspiracy to committ murder. But if you conspired to kill someone and it actually happened then you'll be charged with murder.
Conspiracy is talking about or planning a crime before it happens. If you have a gun and I tell you to shoot him before you pull the trigger. Then I conspired with you before the crime. I will be charged with murder.
With six guys in the SUV, if five are saying let's shoot them, and one isn't saying shiite. Then five guys will be charged with murder. The one who said nothing would walk free.
When you conspire to commit a crime it's not accessory. You are just as guilty as the guy who pulled the trigger.
Brain farts. They happen to everyone sooner or later. Wasn't my first, won't be my last. I don't mind my brain farts but I hate it when my phone does it. Auto correct sucks.No worries my man. I don't normally correct people, but just that one was a bit amusing and figured you dyslexia'd a little bit there.
Maybe this explains the unused salary cap money. I wonder if the Jones mafia was waiting to see if this would come to light and preparing to spend on a CB.bingo. Its just semantics. When the time is right, what u said will be done.
I would never question your education level.He's from Baton Rouge. I here his accent loud and clear. He talks like allot kids talk out there. I have told that I have a bit of a southern accent myself, I hope no one questions my education level based on my accent.
sorry, a bad post on my part, and has been deletedHe's from Baton Rouge. I here his accent loud and clear. He talks like allot kids talk out there. I have told that I have a bit of a southern accent myself, I hope no one questions my education level based on my accent.