Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

Everyone has to start somewhere. Snoop wasn't always Snoop. He had to work towards that just like these NFL players do.

Snoop was a person of interest in the homicide of a Sudanese man at a park in Cali.
Yes, no one remembers and he's now welcomed in respectable circles.
Same with Queen Latifah. She was charged with felony weapons charges during which time she was rapping hate lyrics against whites inthe '90s.
Yep, she is now welcomed in respectable circles.
I didn’t ask about conspiracy.

I asked you to differentiate the legal concepts of accessory to felony and Texas’ version of it (“Law of Parties”)?

Facilitating a felony is about non active participation in a crime. While the law of parties is about the active participation in a crime.

The law of parties says... if your crime partner does something unexpected during a crime you will be charged with that crime also. If you break into someone's house and your partner rapes the wife then you will be charged with rape also. Because you actually and actively took part in the initial crime, you're guilty of the second crime. But the law of parties mainly deal with conspiracies and major crimes. When a major crime occurs Texas wants to go after anyone who had anything to do with it.

Facilitating a felony is when you made a crime occur, but you did not actually or actively take part in the crime itself. And the crime you initiated is not a major crime.
Everyone has to start somewhere. Snoop wasn't always Snoop. He had to work towards that just like these NFL players do.
KJ would have to work on his diction and not use auto tunes. But to compare him to Snoop really isn't fair cuz Snoop started at 17 and was just natural phenomenon. Eminem, Snoop, Logic, etc are all in a different stratosphere as far as talent goes. I feel a fair comparison would be to Beasely or some up and coming rappers. Not saying he doesn't have a future in rap but he'll have to improve. His meal ticket was football and he screwed that up. It's not impossible for him to make a living off rap but it would have been easier for him to make a living off football.
Not a big loss. It's unfortunate that another 2nd round pick was wasted and embarrassing headlines for the team but it's not like he was a proven CB already. He was still raw and could have just been a regular bust. Easily replaceable right now
The big loss is that young man's life.
If this is it, that was it for him.

His life has been ended.

The football crud is just crud. It's crud.
A man's life ended. And he was there.
From vid it looks like he laid hands on the young man. And then they came back to end him?

Damn. Not cool and not good and shouldn't end well for all parties, given that this old boy didn't even report anything til he basically got caught.
I'm pretty confident he'll get a lot of time to work on his rap career cuz barring a miracle his playing days are over. A 20 year old was murdered and KJ is on video fighting with him and then in the car while he was shot. He's done with the NFL. On the field he wasn't impressive enough for a team to take on that baggage. I think the question now is will he work career in prison or in probation.

From what I saw at the end of the year I was extremely impressed. I thought we had two shut down corners going into next year.
Not a big loss. It's unfortunate that another 2nd round pick was wasted and embarrassing headlines for the team but it's not like he was a proven CB already. He was still raw and could have just been a regular bust. Easily replaceable right now

Based on last years performance it's not, except I think most of us were projecting him to take a step forward and put his God given talents to use. We just lost a blue chip prospect. Although I agree he may have been a bust regardless.
I remember when he had to take a few days off during training camp we were all questioning his work ethic. Some were vehemently defending him, as they are now. No surprise.
The big loss is that young man's life.
If this is it, that was it for him.

His life has been ended.

The football crud is just crud. It's crud.
A man's life ended. And he was there.
From vid it looks like he laid hands on the young man. And then they came back to end him?

Damn. Not cool and not good and shouldn't end well for all parties, given that this old boy didn't even report anything til he basically got caught.

The dead man's name is Cameron Ray, 20.
From what I saw at the end of the year I was extremely impressed. I thought we had two shut down corners going into next year.
He hasn't put up the body of work that Ray Lewis put up. Ray getting grace from the football gods during his double murder charge while being the best LBer in the league is more likely than KJ being involved in a murder after 2 good games. Best LBer in the league vs a 2nd string CB who had a good game or 2. I don't think other NFL teams will risk this baggage on account of a body of work consisting of 2 games. But who knows, the NFL is unpredictable.
He hasn't put up the body of work that Ray Lewis put up. Ray getting grace from the football gods during his double murder charge while being the best LBer in the league is more likely than KJ being involved in a murder after 2 good games. Best LBer in the league vs a 2nd string CB who had a good game or 2. I don't think other NFL teams will risk this baggage on account of a body of work consisting of 2 games. But who knows, the NFL is unpredictable.

This is a pass happy league. Someone definitely will. Had someone else drafted him, it would have been us taking a chance. Guaranteed.
May he rest in peace and all sorrow to his family.
I'm staggered. This player... I can't be cool with him.
Yeah, now that I've heard he was in the SUV I don't want him on the team unless there's undeniable proof he tried to stop the shooter.
because the dudes innocent until proven guilty and this place has him cut, suspended and in jail already.LMAO a bunch of mouth breathers.

theres not even the slightest amount of info available for him to be judged YET.

His lawyer stated he was in the car when the shooting happened. So he witnessed the murder.... game over. He only came to talk to the cops after he was a person of interest. He deleted photos (evidence) on his Twitter page. That's enough to get him cut by any team and the Cowboys should cut him. I hope he turns his life around, but not as a Cowboy. I don't know his level of guilt or whether he deserves prison or not. I do know he doesn't deserve to wear the star.

Already enough has been revealed that he's a detriment to the team. Sorry, your entire impassioned defense of this guy just flew out the window with his lawyer's admission.
The big loss is that young man's life.
If this is it, that was it for him.

His life has been ended.

The football crud is just crud. It's crud.
A man's life ended. And he was there.
From vid it looks like he laid hands on the young man. And then they came back to end him?

Damn. Not cool and not good and shouldn't end well for all parties, given that this old boy didn't even report anything til he basically got caught.
Then there’s that
His lawyer stated he was in the car when the shooting happened. So he witnessed the murder.... game over. He only came to talk to the cops after he was a person of interest. He deleted photos (evidence) on his Twitter page. That's enough to get him cut by any team and the Cowboys should cut him. I hope he turns his life around, but not as a Cowboy. I don't know his level of guilt or whether he deserves prison or not. I do know he doesn't deserve to wear the star.

Already enough has been revealed that he's a detriment to the team. Sorry, your entire impassioned defense of this guy just flew out the window with his lawyer's admission.

We invested a second round pick on this guy. I'm tired of throwing those away. Give him one more chance.
TRUE STORY: I once visited a fellow on death Row at Huntstville for a story. I received me share of whistles from the death row inmates.
The city is truly a horror. Trashy, from what I remember. Luckily those poor people have the forest fire towers to climb, chew on mushrooms and contemplate how backwards Texas is.
And yet Texas is about the only place in the world with a thriving economy, an incredibly high standard of living, kids that went to school in person the past two years, and virtually zero unemployment.

People are coming here in droves. Houses are selling sight unseen at 50% over market value in less than a day.

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