Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

The NFL exists to entertain US. THAT is its purpose. Nothing else. If it entertains us we keep watching and the league makes money. It exists for US,....we do not exist for them. I am not entertained anymore. Not just me either,....millions of fans arent. The NFL has changed the rules slowly over time to make the game idiots to promote scoring and passing in the hopes it makes the game more interesting. It doesnt,....all it does is make the game FAKE. just like every thing else. Those early 90's Cowboys would have walked over these moron chumps like they werent even there. End of rant, And yeah,...I know I didnt even address Joseph. Thats because I dont care,,,AT ALL. He is just one more wart on the leper that needs to be burned off! He is the least of the leagues problems. Nuke the whole thing and startover. Its TRASH.[/QUOTE
You know, I have to say,you’re not far off the path. The insane penalties for touching a Q
But does a fist fight warrant gun play?:huh:
Especially when the fight is over and everyone is going his way?

Chill with the name-calling. I'm a former newspaper reporter who has covered criminal and civil cases. You don't HAVE TO BE the main instigator in a civil suit. You just have to be responsible in some way. And if you have money, you have an automatic target on your back. KJ should have learned this at the NFL rookie symposium, if he wasn't sleeping or didn't have earplugs in listening to his latest rap single.
Criminal and civil suits are not the same. The burden of proof is different.
And exactly how are you protecting your boys when both parties go their separate ways and one party speeds by in an SUV and its occupants fire shots that kill members of the other party?

Again, you aren't getting it. If you're in a fight and you fear for your life, yes, you may have some justification for pulling a gun and shooting someone.
If you're in a fight and you both discontinue the fight and you walk to your cars and your combatant walks to his and you decide to drive by your combatant's car and fire shots, how is that "protecting your boys"?

You're trying to give KJ the benefit of the doubt using ridiculous arguments, which pretty much means he really has no excuses.

What he needs to worry about now is his friends flipping on him. He's "cooperating" with authorities. He'd better be worried about his friends offering him up as a sacrificial lamb. And based on what I know about prosecutors, they prefer the "big fish" over minnows ANY DAY!

I agree with almost everything you typed. However I don’t think Kelvin Joseph is necessarily a “Big Fish” simply because he is a Member of the Dallas Cowboys.
In this situation, a “Big Fish” would be someone who is rooted in law breaking activity (trafficking, violence, etc). He is a big name but not a big fish (unless of course he is active in law breaking activities).
IN any event, if Zeke grabbing some booty got him six games, hanging with murderers is really gonna be some conduct detrimental to the league.... 16 game suspension is looming regardless of any criminal proceedings . We know how it works for Cowboy's players and Roger.
I am not sure about the Cowboys player being the reason but this is a team known to take chances on these kinds of players and this one has really stepped in it this time.

This isn't just Goodell, you can bet every owner has been on the horn to the league office about this because this isn't Cowboys business, it is company business. They are very concerned with how this looks. And no one can spin this is his favor to make it look any better.

Just what the lawyer has already publicly admitted to puts him in the crosshairs. The NFL shouldn't even wait, they should act now and make it a lifetime ban.

This goes well beyond conduct detrimental to the league. This is being discussed among the players as well. Think most of these players want this guy in their league?
I work in an alt-ed high school with kids that are involved in gangs. There was a double homicide of one of my student's uncles back around Christmas. 2 days later a house was burned down in retaliation from the shooting. This stuff has now carried into our school.... trust me when I tell you these guys have ZERO compassion for others. Which means they have zero guilt over beating the hell out of or even killing another person.

You are thinking like most of society would respond.
I wonder what the league is going to do. Wait until the trial? Suspend him for the fight? Interesting next year with the legal system.
The NFL will wait until after the draft to do anything. I personally would like us to cut him or the NFL suspends him prior to the draft and then draft accordingly. I'm glad KJ came clean and cooperated with the police. That's the first display of good judgment he's had since this whole thing started. So regardless of legal issues I still want him cut. I don't want to be in a playoff run or trying to make the playoffs and then he gets suspended and we're down a man. I'd assume have this settled before the season and ideally before the draft.
Let bygones be bygones??? Seriously?

He's already admitted to being in the car, which means he's admitted to spending roughly the past month actively helping someone get away with murder.

Are you saying that if he was the actual killer, it's okay to let him play, as long as he gets away with it?

Yes. Because he could not be proven guilty. Which means he is not guilty, or guilty enough to just give away. He is an asset to the team either by playing for the team, or getting lots of publicity (win/win).
I wonder what the league is going to do. Wait until the trial? Suspend him for the fight? Interesting next year with the legal system.
What they know already is enough to act. His lawyer has already put him in that vehicle and he did not come forward on his own. Are the facts about this guy going to get any more favorable for him?

Conduct detrimental has to do with image and public perception which is why Goodell gets that wide net with which to act. We pay you a lot of money and we expect you not to embarrass us. Well, this is over the top when a murder has taken place and a player is party to it and he was party to it. His lack of action makes him a party to it.

What do you think the other owners and the public in general feels about just what they already know? Think anyone, including the NFLPA, has a problem with this guy being banned for life?
Yea, if he's lucky to continue his NFL career, he needs to drop the street act, can't continue that after snitching lol
He was living the gangsta paradise and playing nfl. Hard to do. Those that do usually end up dead
"The streets and professionalism don't bind together---Unfortunately." What's unfortunate about it?
Yeah, that statement caught my attention too. Street life mentality is not accepted by the NFL.
That’s why Kelvin Joseph will miss a large portion of the 2022 season regardless of what
He did or did not do in the SUV that night
It was just reported 2 men have been arrested. No charges filed against joseph as of right now. He still gettin suspended tho. Cant believe he might skate on zero charges
That's what I'm trying to ask.

Is there another case like this? How long should it be?

No one died with Elliott but I think even Roger knows that was harsh. Trying to make up for Ray Rice.
Yes. Because he could not be proven guilty. Which means he is not guilty, or guilty enough to just give away. He is an asset to the team either by playing for the team, or getting lots of publicity (win/win).

A suspected murder and a secret love chid. That's publicity gold right there!! Jerry could get a super bowel trophy from TMZ. Gonna need another trophy case!
But does a fist fight warrant gun play?:huh:
Especially when the fight is over and everyone is going his way?

Chill with the name-calling. I'm a former newspaper reporter who has covered criminal and civil cases. You don't HAVE TO BE the main instigator in a civil suit. You just have to be responsible in some way. And if you have money, you have an automatic target on your back. KJ should have learned this at the NFL rookie symposium, if he wasn't sleeping or didn't have earplugs in listening to his latest rap single.
Criminal and civil suits are not the same. The burden of proof is different.
And exactly how are you protecting your boys when both parties go their separate ways and one party speeds by in an SUV and its occupants fire shots that kill members of the other party?

Again, you aren't getting it. If you're in a fight and you fear for your life, yes, you may have some justification for pulling a gun and shooting someone.
If you're in a fight and you both discontinue the fight and you walk to your cars and your combatant walks to his and you decide to drive by your combatant's car and fire shots, how is that "protecting your boys"?

You're trying to give KJ the benefit of the doubt using ridiculous arguments, which pretty much means he really has no excuses.

What he needs to worry about now is his friends flipping on him. He's "cooperating" with authorities. He'd better be worried about his friends offering him up as a sacrificial lamb. And based on what I know about prosecutors, they prefer the "big fish" over minnows ANY DAY!

Everything in this post refers to things I never suggested. Reread what I posted.
I am not sure about the Cowboys player being the reason but this is a team known to take chances on these kinds of players and this one has really stepped in it this time.

This isn't just Goodell, you can bet every owner has been on the horn to the league office about this because this isn't Cowboys business, it is company business. They are very concerned with how this looks. And no one can spin this is his favor to make it look any better.

Just what the lawyer has already publicly admitted to puts him in the crosshairs. The NFL shouldn't even wait, they should act now and make it a lifetime ban.

This goes well beyond conduct detrimental to the league. This is being discussed among the players as well. Think most of these players want this guy in their league?

Lifetime ban? here we go with dramatics.

Vick was way worse. This guy was in the car when his thug friends pulled out guns. Now if he told them to do it, or was involved in the SHOOTING, Id agree. But if he was at the club and got into a brawl and his friends pulled out guns? nah
I agree that Bossman is a moron for hanging with guys like this..or even if he is like this.

But if the facts are he didnt instigate the fight but maybe backed his boys up in the fight(not super criminal) and he just happened to be in the vehicle when they saw dude and decided to fire shots...I cant say that he is guilty. He is unlucky...and stupid for hanging with that crowd. But I dont think you can call him guilty in that scenario.

Assume the above...it was the people in the vehicle he was riding in(assume he wasnt the shooter or the driver) that decided to escalate this to a shooting and it all happened pretty quick. Is he liable by law for what happened...or does he get punished because he was hanging with guys with guns?

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